What fun logic these folks have no? Saying important or meaningful things sometimes requires speech to be offensive, controversial, unpopular, perhaps even slightly cruel. Very true. So then they logic, ANY speech which is offensive or cruel or controversial is thereby meaningful or important. And that is where it gets sad. Constitutional freedoms do not exist without limitations. Every single amendment and provision of the constitution not only contains clauses to modify it as tikes change, but restrictions and responsibilities. The people and their elected officials have the right and duty to create and be bound to laws defining the boundaries of their rights. You cannot shout “fire” in a crowded building when there isn’t one, make a false police report, or call someone with death threats under “free speech.” A “free press” does not protect against leaking top secret military information to foreign governments or making up blatant lies.
Each freedom exists with REASON- and where
REASON dictates, they can be curtailed. You cannot build a nuclear bomb stash at home even though you have the “right to bear arms.” That right exists to protect yourself against threats, to hunt, fish, enjoy target sports and train should you need to defend your country or should your government become tyrannical.
So I mean…. Sorry Alex Jones.
Free speech with consequences. What Alex Jones did was vile. The fine should have been set at a level guaranteed to bankrupt him. I fear it was too low.
Each freedom exists with REASON- and where
So I mean…. Sorry Alex Jones.