Indeed. A Fluke multimeter can costs over a thousand dollars and Amazon has a multimeter with a built in flashlight and Bluetooth speaker for $77, surely it’s superior specs and features mean that it is a better tool. I’m sure electrical engineers and such around the world will realize their foolishness.
A single Snap-on or Matco wrench can be $100, but the dollar store near my house has a combination wrench/pliers/screw driver for $2. I wonder why so many professional technicians and mechanics are so dumb to buy a product with less features for more money…?
And why did my friend pay $5k for a 1080p television when he could have gotten a 1080p of the same size from Costco for $800 that came with a free dvd player…? I guess some people are just fools and they don’t have the wisdom to know flashy brochure specs and lots of features are all that matters when choosing products.
Hold on there Chuck Berry.. Quality and craftsmanship.. especially with tools.. harbor freight will never live up to a lifetime tool. Something I can use comfortably and consistently for years. I'll make that investment. Now if it's a cheap 6 in 1 screwdriver, sure I'll get one at the 7-11 down the road.
Lol. Not my point at all. Things have their purposes. I have lots of harbor freight tools and dollar store tools. There are some really neat and useful tools I’ve picked up from random places that aren’t “professional grade” but work great for projects and special applications etc.
my point was more that features or brochure specs aren’t all there are to most things. That doesn’t mean that cheap things are worse than expensive ones and it doesn’t mean that cheap things are better. It means there are use cases and problems for most tools, just because one person doesn’t understand the value of a tool doesn’t mean it is useless or inferior.
A single Snap-on or Matco wrench can be $100, but the dollar store near my house has a combination wrench/pliers/screw driver for $2. I wonder why so many professional technicians and mechanics are so dumb to buy a product with less features for more money…?
And why did my friend pay $5k for a 1080p television when he could have gotten a 1080p of the same size from Costco for $800 that came with a free dvd player…? I guess some people are just fools and they don’t have the wisdom to know flashy brochure specs and lots of features are all that matters when choosing products.
my point was more that features or brochure specs aren’t all there are to most things. That doesn’t mean that cheap things are worse than expensive ones and it doesn’t mean that cheap things are better. It means there are use cases and problems for most tools, just because one person doesn’t understand the value of a tool doesn’t mean it is useless or inferior.