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· 2 years ago
I bet it's just 'cause they weren't working hard enough.
· 2 years ago
1000%. Sweatshop workers, usually those countries don’t have “hustle culture” you know? They hit their shift at the sweatshop, put in their 20 or 22 hours or whatever, and as soon as work ends they call the day done. If we introduced hustle culture you know, Taught them every sweatshop employee is their own small business owner and THEY are the CEO of themselves, maybe invest in some limited edition kicks to flip or set up a ride share to and from the sweatshop, or maybe work in see real sweatshops at once, see if any sweatshops have remote work opportunities. Cut back their spending and save up until they can buy their own sweatshop. If you aren’t grinding and you just punch the clock- you aren’t going to move anywhere.
· 2 years ago
Exactly this. How many 'suppressed' people had IQs well above average and their lives were squandered for their place in society. Let's go back a few millennium for all those lives that were wasted.