Dear lord. The gravitas. I just pictured you standing on the bridge of some futuristic starship in a crisp captains uniform solemnly addressing your bridge crew with the lesson of the episode after a harrowing experience where your away team was trapped on the planets surface and your diplomatic team tried in vein to negotiate with the inhabitants leaders to stop the behaviors that would inevitably destroy their society. With a pained look on your brow you ruminate: “That is the fate of every closed group…” and we are all left to contemplate our own closed minded short sightedness in the face of enlightened 26th century thinking and ask if as a species we will even make it to the 26th century and if we do, will we be the people on that ship with you, or the ones on the planet below…?
That's . . Pretty accurate actually. Except I'm less a starship captain and more of a madman in the street with a sign that says "THE END IS NIGH" and raving about how the attacks on minorities is a false flag op to get people to ignore the oncoming environmental apocalypse. It's a conspiracy I tells ya'. WE'RE DOOMED! REPENT SINNERS!
Well… somehow you still manage to convey a sense of gravitas and dignity as you minister to the streets and the unspecified voices that may or may not be only heard by you. So that’s something.