I like how “progressive” became “democrat” as though there aren’t progressive republicans or conservative democrats.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Republican who called for universal healthcare, increased government spending for schools and other programs, he signed into law a bill requiring health insurance providers to extend spousal benefits to same sex partners, signed into law extended hate crimes protections for transsexuals, he tightened environmental controls, approved clean needle programs for drug users, and oversaw the California ban on .50 caliber weapons among other things. He was and is VERY anti Trump in his public and political stances at least as well.
Joe Manchin is a Democrat, one who has opposed abortion access, stands for second amendment rights,
He is pro big business and has sided with traditional industries like coal and other industries over environment and his peers many times.
So when did a “D” automatically signal progressive views or an “R” signal
conservative views? Some of the most successful progressive politicians in American history have been republicans, this includes creation of many social services and public works projects and systems created under Republican leaders.
Yeah. In light of that I’m going to take anything someone who reduces “conservative” and “progressive” to a party affiliation says with a big grain of salt.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Republican who called for universal healthcare, increased government spending for schools and other programs, he signed into law a bill requiring health insurance providers to extend spousal benefits to same sex partners, signed into law extended hate crimes protections for transsexuals, he tightened environmental controls, approved clean needle programs for drug users, and oversaw the California ban on .50 caliber weapons among other things. He was and is VERY anti Trump in his public and political stances at least as well.
Joe Manchin is a Democrat, one who has opposed abortion access, stands for second amendment rights,
He is pro big business and has sided with traditional industries like coal and other industries over environment and his peers many times.
So when did a “D” automatically signal progressive views or an “R” signal
Yeah. In light of that I’m going to take anything someone who reduces “conservative” and “progressive” to a party affiliation says with a big grain of salt.