Smallpox sure as hell isn't coming back,it was eradicated. Plus they don't even vaccinate for it anymore. But besides that, I really like this post. Very informative
There are still a few strains of small pox in existence. One is in America, another is in Russia, then I think there is a third one somewhere. So there is a chance it could come back.
Actually, hasn't it been completely eradicated as a 'wild' species? It only exists in tightly controlled labs in like 3 places, which you named. The scientists are messing with them to try and find cures for related viruses, right?
Funny, how the 'scientist' who 'proved' a link between vaccines and autism used fradulent data and lost his medical lisence as a result. Hmm. Suck on that.
Autism is becoming more common because we have better ways of diagnosing it and include more in the autism spectrum then we did before. The Amish don't go running to the doctor everytime one of thier kids is a little off or has a lisp. They just learn to deal with it.
The problem with autism and vaccines is that vaccines are applied at a very young age. Autism is very difficult to diagnose until a child is older. Therefore a child could already have autism and not show it. A few years later and the child is diagnosed with autism.
Some people blame vaccines but there's no real proof that its linked with vaccines.
This comes from someone with a relative with autism whose family believes it was caused by the vaccines.
Even IF vaccines 'caused' autism, how many more people were saved from /deadly/ diseases and didn't get autism? I know one autistic kid, but everyone I know has been vaccinated. Why would you assume that vaccines cause autism when plenty of people don't have trouble? Clearly many diseases were taken care of and aren't a problem anymore, so vaccines work the way they're supposed to, and most people don't get autism or anything else because of the vaccines. So even IF autism is caused by vaccines, what's the alternative?
Exactly. I completely agree. Even if its connected there's a very very small chance of getting autism and the alternative is your child getting a serious disease and spreading it to others who are too young to have vaccines because you didnt want them vaccinated.
1) Beautiful combination of brilliance and belligerence. 2) Cold water is ineffective against a burn that bad. 3) If we want to use the 'mommy logic' technique used in the anti-vaccination movement, then consider this argument: I've gotten every standard vaccine and a bunch of flu vaccines since my birth, and I am 2 years away from my Ph.D. Thus, vaccines prevent autism and even encourage success. 4) A man saw tons of Bullfrogs in around the pond by his house. One day he found out how to tell the difference between the Green frog and the Bullfrog, and to his suprise the population of Green frogs exploded and the Bullfrog population declined almost over night.
I am saying this as an autistic person. even if there was a connection between vaccines and autism then so be it. autism is not a deadly disease. crippling in some cases but not deadly. this is a far better fate than to die by some disease like polio, small pox, influenza, and the other dozen or so diseases that have terrorized us in the past. in addition, there are other diseases like Ebola, whooping cough, and H1N1 which can be prevented by vaccination from becoming a major threat.
in addition, if there was a connection, we would see the increase of autism occurrences spike about 7 to 9 years after the vaccines are applied. that is when those children would mature enough to be diagnosed with autism.
in addition, autism is genetic
Don't be so naive. I have a family member that got the Dpt vaccine as a baby and hasnt gone a day in his life without having AT LEAST 15 seizures a day. He has the body of a grown man, but the mind of an 18 month old. All because of a vaccine his entire life was taken away. You may me okay with risking your child's life, but from my own personal experience, I won't.
Well your family member DEFINITELY 100% positive wasnt messed up BEFORE he got that vaccine, I mean as a baby it was easy to see he'd turn out to be a genius. It definitely must have been that 1 vaccine that messed him up, he couldnt possibly have been messed up before that or by anything else. Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for your family member, but concluding that it was all because of 1 vaccine and couldnt have been from anything else when he was a baby or just been genetic is retarded.
This girl wants me to give you to her.
Some people blame vaccines but there's no real proof that its linked with vaccines.
This comes from someone with a relative with autism whose family believes it was caused by the vaccines.
in addition, if there was a connection, we would see the increase of autism occurrences spike about 7 to 9 years after the vaccines are applied. that is when those children would mature enough to be diagnosed with autism.
in addition, autism is genetic