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· 24 weeks ago
Yes, but also no. Stupid is stupid, there's no denying that. As far as owners manuals though? The sheer amount of computerization and special equipment needed to make adjustments on many cars prohibits the average consumer from doing many things. That doesn't make the current generation stupid just a generation more willing to look out for the idiots, on paper at least, than previous ones.
· 24 weeks ago
“Tolerance” is the word you’re looking for homie
· 24 weeks ago
Nope. We don't really tolerate anymore than previous generations. We're just more altruistic about it. We hope that by informing the idiots they won't be idiots. That doesn't make us more tolerant.
· 24 weeks ago
This generation is not looking out for the idiots, out of any sense of altruism, lol. Rather, corporate lawyers, under pressure from insurance companies, are reacting to the swell of litigious idiots, who are winning lawsuits, because a manufacturer didn't CLEARLY state that hairdryers shouldn't be used in showers or that one shouldn't stand on the very top rung of a stepladder...or that people shouldn't parch their thirst with battery acid, lol. That's why modern documentation has all these ridiculous caveats, why modern products have all these ridiculous warning stickers plastered on them-they want to pre-emptively avoid giving idiots a pretext to sue for their idiotic actions.
· 24 weeks ago
Newer cars no longer have dipsticks. Not because people are dumber, but because maintenance costs a ton of money.
· 24 weeks ago
The previous generation is why the lawyers made them put that info in there (b/c they would take water out of the battery since a little knowledge is dangerous). And car's are electronic, so maintenance is better done by people with the proper equipment.
· 22 weeks ago
I meant, that the maintenance is the main way to get money out of a customer once a car with (combustion engine) is bought. Also I don't think it's just stupidity, but rather malicious intent. (since people just love suing companies for weird things, that aren't mentioned in the manual) Regarding electric cars, I actually enjoy that regular mechanics can work on them, and not just the manufacturer. I will miss working on my car though.