Not to take away from this issue, but recently I've gone down a bit of a rabbit hole and guys, there are *so* many women out there who are married with kids and don't even get a brownie on their birthday, or Mother's day, or ever. And on top of that they're expected to handle the bulk of chores even on those days, with no free time left to go to a bar and order a brownie. Or they're treated to a "party" they have to prepare for and clean up after all the while watching the kids. There are so many stories like that out there, so many husbands treating *themselves* to a kid-free day by going out with buddies on Mother's day or their wife's birthday, it kinda makes me lose hope in humanity. Seems like the trend is that men are more lonely when single (and that must be addressed too! The whole "man must invite first" BS makes my blood boil!), women are more lonely when taken.
But I agree that since chivalry is consided outdated these days, we should be kind to each other, going both ways.
Men who are considerate, empathetic, and outgoing are not lonely. So, which aren't you if you are. There are a lot of men who want a wife like their Mom (who got married to a jerk when women didn't have economic freedom) and they're mad they can't get one. Also, we do not raise boys to see girls as people. We've raised boys to see girls as objects to be acquired which means that they don't look at the person when they get involved, they only look at the body. That means that a lot of men who are unprepared get into relationships with girls with the personality of a shark. And those men feel that holding onto the relationship (which will cost you other relationships) is a priority because of loyalty, loneliness, a feeling that fixing things is their job, or just horniness. Those men have only themselves to blame for their selection process but instead blame "all women" because in their experience it's been all (because a shark is the only type of girl that's hot but will date them).
But I agree that since chivalry is consided outdated these days, we should be kind to each other, going both ways.