No, that person IS homophobic, but it's disguised in the whole "I hope you get better and you're beautiful" act. Just because they're not outright calling them "disgusting" or a "fag" (I hate that word) doesn't mean they're not homophobic.
I forget where, but I saw an article or a quote somewhere that addressed this type of homophobia and how the people make it seem as though they're tolerant and accepting but the underlining message is still "homosexuality is wrong."
Well then what would you call it? I mean, I could say being black is wrong, but I don't necessarily have a fear of black people, does that make me not racist?
Hanbananb is right. Homophobia is distinct from simply disapproving of gay people. Simply disapproving of homosexuality is usually a learned construct based on a particular set of beliefs; in this case Christianity. The message they are trying to put across is that they want them to get help and be well, that doesn't seem very hateful to me, even if it is based on flawed beliefs. Homophobia is a deep-seated fear and disgust and hatred for gay people; the fear that your child might turn out gay, the disgust that they use the same drinking fountain as you, the hatred that they even exist. You cannot teach homophobia, but you can teach someone to disapprove of homosexuality. Your comment "whocares" is lacking any kind of coherent structure and makes very little sense, as well as being completely unnecessary. You are trying to mix emotion with logic and it doesn't turn out well for you.
You obviously don't understand my point. This person, like countless others, is making it sound as though they're sweet and concerned about the said homosexual. They're saying "I pray to God you'll be cured" as though homosexuality is some sort of disease. They make it sound sugary-sweet but the real underlining message is that it's wrong to be homophobic and that's prejudice against who that person is. THAT is homophobia.
Here's the piece I was talking about: It's a piece by Tyler Oakley, the Youtuber, and his coming out experience and he basically discusses how a lot of forms of homophobia are disguised with concern.
Also, saying that I based my opinion on emotion is ridiculous. Emotions are idiotic and they get in the way and I'd never be foolish enough to base an entire opinion on emotion.
Well thanks, random guest. I suppose I got down-votes because most of these points are controversial and they don't have any definite fact to them (but, honestly, most forms of homophobia and racism and the like don't have any facts either) and, looking over, I said some pretty idiotic things. :P But I still stand by what I said.
Plz do avoid me.. I will eff up ppl that make silly points...
You jus admitted... a lot of ppl hate them... they are scrutinized by their families and ppl around them... and yet they still do it...
That is what the world is coming to.... everyone doing what they want when they want.. everyone can choose whatever they want to.. human rights ... lolol well if you defending them soo much.. let's see gay ppl caery on the life cycle...the fact that they can't alone shows you that homosexuality is a choice... unnatural
Ppl choose to be gay...
And if they want to be straight.. then be straight... it is a choice too... the natural normal choice.. no one telling them to be gay.. that is not how it is meant to be...
You kno what.. I makes no sense arguing with ppl like this... cuz well they bring you down to their level and beat you with their stupidity... or in this case... homosexuality..
I'm done... homosexuality is a choice... when good sense prevails in your head.. I'll come back
They don't "do" anything. They're being themselves as opposed to limiting themselves to these cages so as to please every one else. And, yes, because straight people are ALWAYS such great parents. It's not like straight people are abusive or unresponsible or anything. It's not like straight people give up their children for whatever reasons. But homosexuals, if they truly want to have kids, they have to plan it out and decide and they WANT the kid as opposed to just being stuck with them. Also, there are plenty of species of animals in nature that are homosexual. So don't start the "it's not natural" speech, because that's bull. You can't just be straight. You can't just be attracted to the opposite sex. It doesn't work like that. Gay men can't just kiss a woman and be suddenly attracted to her. They can't turn it on and off or anything, they can't choose. If they could, there would be a lot less gay people in the world because they would be sick of the ignorance and hate they receive.
Gay men can't jus do normal things.. cuz they already make the choice... you not understanding the logic and common sense behind what I am saying..
I will never see the right or good in homosexuality... cuz there is none...
· 11 years ago
alright 69. you listen up. I don't give a flying fuck what religion you are, but you are delusional if you think you're saying anything reasonable. Could you be gay for a year? no. i'm sure your response will be no, my sexuality is part of who I am, I can't change that. The same is true for gay people. It's not that they should be able to face scrutiny, the scrutiny should not be there, they should be treated equally. And for future reference, being homosexual isn't unnatural. there are many species of animal which have reports of homosexuals in them. Only one species has had reports of homophobia in them. And it's humans. As well as this, you should know that gay men can do 'normal' things, and there is no reason whatsoever that homosexuality should be eradicated by natural selection in a few years. it's been here since the start. Now I'm not going to tell you what do to or anything, but this is the main fact. IT IS NOT A CHOICE. If it were a choice, explain why people are
Natural selection should eradicate homosexuality in a couple of years..
· 11 years ago
beaten up for it, yet still they cry themselves to sleep because they know they can't change it. Whether you think it's a choice or not is irrelevant.their love is the same as straight love and they don't choose who they fall in love with or what sex they fall in love with either.. I don't ever want to see your vile comments here again. Goodbye.
Honey, they don't "magically turn gay." They've always been gay but might have not realized it or they just finally came out of the closet. There's nothing magical about it.
I can understand when you say... that ppl don't get up in the morning and say"hey I am gay"
There can be outside influences... but gay ppl act as if they are the only ones going through shit in their life.. and they cannot cope and hence be gay.. but then why don't all ppl who see hardships jus turn gay?? They are looking for attention and I hate ppl who do that... Which is also why I say it is a choice... you can help... choose to do something else... choose to be normal
I'm sorry... I don't mean to offend anyone... but I am totally against homosexuality... because I say... It is a choice...
What outside influences?
Anyways, people of every sexuality, race, age, religion, etc. do that. There's always those people who act as though their problems are the only problems. You can't label that to a specific group. Also, what do you mean " . . . and they cannot hope hence be gay"? People don't just turn gay when they can't cope with something. They've always been gay.
How are gay people looking for attention? I mean, stereotypical gay men DO tend to be very flamboyant and loud and such, but that's a stereotype. They have little to do with reality.
You can't just be normal. Trust me, plenty of people WISH they were normal, but they can't just turn on the normal switch in their brain to make them ordinary. I mean, they can hide their extraordinary-ness, but that doesn't make them normal. They're still extraordinary under it all.
Also, don't be sorry. It's your opinion, even if I don't agree. The only problem I would have with you is if you started calling homosexuals "fags."
Extraordinary... lolololol ofc women would be happy if a guy is gay.. they would have a guy to talk to about fashion and gossip with..and they wouldn't have to worry about the normal ppl making a pass at them... but all these things are part of the normal human life cycle... that is how great relationships start... so I day we jus leave it.. at a difference of opinion... I think gayness is a choice.. you believe it isn't...
I say that not becuz I give in... but becuz the debate has begun to circle...
And maybe if I say I am a muslim you may understand why I do not like gay ppl....
I don't understand how teens & adults... lived their lives... had bf/gf and jus come out of the closet... to me.. that meand they thoufht about it.. and decided hey look... "I am gay"... that to me.. no matter how you look at it is a choice... I will always think gayness is a choice...
And you sound like a person who believes that there are no coincidences... everything is connected ...
Okay, gay guys being into fashion and gossip and just overall feminine is a stereotype, so no. Guys making passes at women isn't part of the human life cycle. Sure, men being AROUSED by girls or finding them attracted is natural, but they don't have to make a big spectacle of it. Anyways, I probably wouldn't start a relationship with a guy who makes a pass at me. I'd be more disgusted and then turn away. And just because you're a Muslim doesn't really explain why you dislike gay people, unless you're saying it's because of your religion and it's written in the Quran or something. I know plenty or Muslims who really don't have a problem with gay people. Well, they thought about coming out of the closet, which is completely different. They're thinking of revealing who they are, not thinking about "hey, I want to be gay!" I doubt they'd be in the closet in the first place if they really wanted to be homosexual. And, like I said, you don't really decide you're gay. Certain events cause the
cause them to realize they're gay. Anyways, I do believe in coincidences, but I do also believe that everything IS connected in someway or another. Is that bad?
Well, first of all. If I came up to a gay person and asked me why they "decided" to be gay, I'm sure they would get pissed off and yell at me because it's not a choice. Anyways, being gay is how your brain functions. Being gay means you're attracted to the same sex. For example, you see an attractive person on the street who's the same gender as you. But instead of it being "oh, they're handsome" or "oh, they're cute" in an objective kind of way, you're attracted to them. A little trigger in your brain causes your pupils to dilate (an action which you can't control and which signifies heightened arousal) and for your breath to become slightly quicker. You may not ever see that person again or you may not actually do anything to show your attraction, but you ARE attracted to them. It's the same thing with same-sex couples who are in love. "Love" is a chemical reaction process in the brain. One which you CAN'T control. If we delve enough into it, it can all be brought back to science.
Where was I contradicting myself.
It's how they develop, I believe. Some people's minds develop to be be straight, some develop to be homosexual. Again, homosexuality isn't a choice.
And if you are gay... you aren't considered a muslim
And you missing a vital point... THEY WEREN'T ALWAYS GAY.... don't tell me bullshit like they revealing who they are... they think about it and tell themselves they are gay.. soo much that they believe it... they fall into their little lie... they chose to be gay...
And like I said before... it isn't natural. .. they can't reproduce.. by the laws of physics... opposites attract... like repels ... the signs are all around you. Man and woman.. adam an eve... man and wife.. if it was meant to be gay... then what is the point of having two sexes in the first place....
They don't tell themselves lies so much that they believe they're gay. I've already explained (albeit somewhat horribly) the science of it. You're just ignoring it.
Anyways, animals in nature are homosexual. Anyways, saying opposites attracts and likes repel doesn't apply to everything, especially when you're talking about humans. And straight people can reproduce but they can also be horrible parents. At least if homosexuals become parents, they actually want to be.
Anyways, I'm not Christian so I don't believe in Adam and Eve and I hate the saying "man and wife." I think it should be husband and wife, not man and wife. That sounds sexist. Anyways, I don't think everyone was meant to be gay, and not everyone was meant to be straight. I think straights are here to reproduce and that homosexuals are here so that we don't overpopulate. It's a good system, I think.
Good point. Well, I suppose I don't believe in coincidences then. It's true that I usually see the meaning behind things, but I guess coincidences are usually so small that I can't see any purpose behind them. It would have to be further explained.
And ask a gay person... ask them... and when they give you an answer when you ask them why they decided to be gay... don't come back here you kno... lolol
Okay do you kno how the deadly disease of aids began??.. animals... then gay ppl having sex... spreading it... then one of those gay ppl had sex with a bi... and they had sex with a girl/guy..hence the other sex would have contracted it too...
You do kno that right... gay ppl are part of the epidemic AIDS ... and you want to tell me ... that it natural??
Okay, that's bullshit. True, scientists believe that AIDs and HIV started with chimpanzees and then humans ate infected meat and it spread. Anyways, not exclusively gay people spread the disease. After all, straight people have sex too.
Chk it out.. ppl have weird fetishes you kno.. lolol...
And gay ppl here so that the earth would not become overpopulated... ...... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.. that's the best joke you said so far...
C'mon ... be realistic...
Btw I'm still waiting for an answer to the question you are supposed to ask a gay person... :)
I still cracking up over that overpopulate thing... I need a few moments.... my sides hurt XD .... hahahhahahhahahha
The things that make sense to some ppl in this world... amazes me every single day...
OVERPOPULATE... hahahahahahahaha.... lololol I guess we don't need condoms anymore then... cool
Not all parents are bad... and I really doubt.. horrible parents.. would cause gayness... might cause... a fear of relationships on the whole.. trust me on that one... I kno ppl... straight ppl... lolol some of them straighter than most... lolol
The deciding factor in this debate .. is when you ask your gay friends the question.. and don't lie... c'mon..
Another thing that bothering me... is that... for guys... all those victoria secret models... emma watson.. swimsuits.. ... you seeing all these things... and you gay??...
Gay ppl would say.. " OMG that bra looks soo comfortable"..
Staright guys be like "daaaayyyyyuuummmmmmm"
Too much beautiful women to be gay guys... cmon ppl... get real
Don't get me started on bi sexual. .. they more confused than anything... as ppl can clearly see by your comments... and you call me inbred... when infact you are the one swearing and jus lowering the level of the debate... personal attacks do nothing to me btw... and don't try that whole scenario where you think you kno me.. cuz both of you don't.. I can spell too.. I'm on my phone.. it sticks a lot.. forgive any errors
Btw.. I'm still waiting for an answer to my question @whocares
Bisexual people aren't confused, they're attracted to both sexes. So I suppose you could say they're half straight and half gay (but that seems incredibly offensive for some reason).
Anyways, while swearing does tend to seemingly lower the intelligence of an argument (it doesn't, but it seems like it does), she's right. Your spelling is horrendous, but you gave us the phone explanation, so that's understandable.
Also, in no way did I ever make any assumption as to "knowing you" because I don't and I really don't care about you, but I do care about defending my opinions against yours. That's different.
By the way, I'm not going to ask anyone why they chose to be gay. I gave you a simple explanation as to why being homosexual is not a choice and you completely ignored it, so I'm not going to ask such an offensive question when I've already provided an answer.
No. To me, you're annoying because you're rude, close-minded, ignore logic and reason, and very ignorant. That has nothing to do with "being right", besides, this is a debate based on opinions. There is no "right" when it comes to opinions.
Well if gay ppl are proud about it... and coming out with it...why would that question be offensive??
It's the truth.... they are gay... I want to kno what made them gay... I don't care about you or your answer... you are straight... I want to hear a gay person's answer... their POV
And swearing just shows that you are sooo stupid and illiterate you can't put across your point without using them..
And bi sexuals are confused as they can't make up their mind... girl or boy.... as a matter of fact... why the hell not... let's like both... let's lead the world into more shit...
We are born like this way, we should be treated with respect, stop looking down at us as though there is something wrong with us. It isn't your business, you aren't gay, so can't tell us that it is our choice. Most of us wouldn't choose to be disowned, or attacked, or be told that we need to be fixed, or staying in the closet for years because our friends talk about how gays should burn in hell. We don't choose to be the focus for hate crimes, or being treated as filth, or not being able to marry the people we love, or coming to a family reunion to hear your family say that homosexuality is just like pedophilia and bestiality. Did you know that in Arizona a business owner can refuse you service if you are gay? Do you know how much that hurts? We don't choose that, but I am not going to be ashamed of who I am. You can't make us feel ashamed because you don't understand. Btw, bisexuals are born that way too. I can speak for most gays right now, and say this ' Please, educate yourself'.
You wanted a gay to answer your questions, I would probably be your best bet. If you have questions ask away. I would be happy to educate. This offer is for everyone.
Exactly. You can't control all the various chemicals that are released that create love. If you could, we would have mastered other diseases like depression which is caused by a dopamine deficiency.
:) You're too kind. Don't worry, I'm usually not a bitch unless it's warranted or I'm stressed. I try to be civil and keep level-headed and logical, but it obviously doesn't always work. Anyways, you are very intelligent and I admire your thoughtful ideas and comments, so I try to be intelligent and thoughtful (while also kind) in turn.
No it hasn't.... the task was... ask a gay person why they decided to be gay... get and answer.. I'll stop..don't get and answer... well.. we will see who so smart after all
You are pansexual.. not sapiosexual... cuz if you were sapiosexual... you would not like emperorpenguin... cuz he jus repeated something you said already... lolol doesn't prove he is smart... jkjk
Or you can jus be a person who dislikes anyone who opposes you... interesting
Pansexual is when you don't care about the gender, sapiosexual is attracted to someone's intelligence or mind, so I'm both. I really don't care if you're a boy or a girl because the thing I find most sexy and beautiful is a brain.
Anyways, emperorpenguin is pretty awesome and he/she's actually intelligent enough to acknowledge this fact, so that automatically makes them cooler. Besides, it wasn't really that comment that made me like (not "like" like a crush, but "like" as a fellow individual) emperorpenguin. It was that comment plus a bunch of others they made which showed me that he/she is pretty awesome.
And I don't know how you got to, "you can just be a person who dislikes anyone who opposes you," because that's not true. If someone has a differing opinion on some topic, I may debate it and present my view, but that doesn't mean I dislike them. I had a friend with whom I disagreed with her views on homosexuality. She wasn't against it, per se, but she was raised by homophob
homophobes, so she had a bit of a twisted understanding of them. Anytime we would get on the topic, we would either change the conjecture or we would rationally present our arguments and alter our own ways of thinking. Hell, some of your comments have caused me to think for a bit and has given me a broader understanding of homophobes in general.
Let me leave you two alone... I am sooo happy to see a boy and a girl who met... and like each other... and it's not a gay couple... so cute..
Awwww..You guys doing stuff the natural way... good choice.. ;)
My God. It's not flirting, it's being kind. And it's through the Internet, so he could be some middle-age porn addict (no offense, emperorpenguin, just being rational). Anyways, I wouldn't "choose" to do things the "natural" way if I was in a straight relationship. I would like them for who they are and I would date them. I don't chose who I have a crush on (actually, I've never had a crush, which is a bit odd).
She likes you emperorpenguin... got for it bro.. go strong...
It's jus soo nice to see the girl who defending gays... is straight...
Well pansexual actually...
You get the point
I don't really think I'm weird, but others do. I do have rather unconventional opinions on a lot of things. But I rarely voice these opinions/views/beliefs, so most people don't have a chance to judge whether or not I'm odd. It's just as well. I'd rather read than deal with most of the vapid humans that dwell in the likes of my school (haha, that was a bit of an interesting sentence).
It probably is. I just look at it as me being extremely persistent and stubborn as opposed to the reality of it being the result of me not being smart enough to simply ignore him (though, I don't believe it's good to ignore that which you see as prejudicial, so I suppose I did well).
Thanks. I'm just extremely abrasive and when I see a controversial argument or a debate, I dive right in. I rather enjoy them because they stimulate my mind. As a result, I will usually still be debating with the same person I disagreed with two weeks after the debate started.
I make myself laugh at how heated I get sometimes. I mean, while I'm writing, it's much easier for me to think things through properly and to keep a levelhead, but in real life it's harder. My mouth becomes too slow for my brain and I end up tripping over my words and I kinda just start laughing at myself.
For example, we had a substitute in language arts the other day and we got on the topic of whether women should fight in the military and he, the substitute, said no because women are emotional and they would be too scared to kill someone or some bullshit like that and I just went off on him. It was really amusing by the end. XD
We'll you're clearly not scared to express your opinion..... Damn why can't people like you decide on what the government dose instead of them messing things up
Yes, expressing your opinion is always good. . . . I've thought about starting a career in politics (really, being a politician shouldn't be a career, but that's sadly how it is nowadays) just to help people and make the world somewhat better and such. But I'm so impatient and we all know how slow bureaucracy is, not to mention it would be so hard to get anything done because you're constantly put down by everything and everyone and it just doesn't really seem like an appealing job. But just because it's hard doesn't mean I shouldn't do it and I'm willing to sacrifice my happiness for the betterment of this world, so I still might try. But I might also try to help some other way.
You two soo cute... lolol
And I agree with you there whocares.. much easier to type than talk... more time to think and put things across in a nice way rather than eff them up... my temper gets in the way at times...lolol
Do not be a politician... you are a smart girl... put your mind to use in a better outlet... science... all the way...
Yeah, when you type (or really just writing in general, for me) I have time to think things through and I have visuals and I can revise and edit and all that jazz and it sounds better. When I'm talking, it just gets all screwed up and I forget my original point and I can't look back to see what I was talking about and, myself as well, my temper sometimes gets out of control.
Scientists can be politicians. In fact, I think it would better if scientists WERE politicians because that way they would look at the cold, hard facts as opposed to resorting to other idiotic excuses and, if we're looking at the stereotypical scientist, then they would be completely unbiased in their actions (well, up to a certain point). I think Neal Tyson Degrasse was talking about this as well. About how the government is made up completely of lawyers and judges and just law professions in general (which makes sense, it is politics after all) and that he thinks there should be other professionals in there a
as well. But, at the moment, I don't really know. I have a million different dreams and visions for my life and I've yet to come to a choice. I might somehow mash them up all together, but that seems unlikely.
Thanks for the advice.
Yeah, that's something I worry about often. Or just not fulfilling my dreams and aspirations in general and resorting to becoming a suburban housewife (I don't have any problem with housewives, it's just definitely not the life for me). But there are tons of things I want to do, as I said.
It reminds me of one quote that I like (I saw it on the other day), it goes:
"I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet, and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor and another was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond an
and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing the rest, and, I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground by my feet." - Sylvia Plath
It was originally written in her novel The Bell Jar (set in the 1950's) to show the character's, Esther, frustration at society and restrictions it set upon women and how she wanted to do all the exciting things men did, but she felt forced to conform. Obviously that's not what it means to me, but it holds true in the way that I have all these options for my life and I just don't know what to choose.
That's the thing, I have no idea. But I'm still young. For now, I'll just worry about my homework that's due on Monday and that I'm probably not gonna due. . . . Forever the procrastinator. :P
Hey, I don't hold grudges. If the conversation switches to such things, I will be civil and respond appropriately even if we were at each others' throats just a little while ago. :)
Exactly. If it comes up later, who knows? Maybe there will be another battle while you guys sit back and eat some popcorn. As for now, we're just letting it be.
I would suggest not falling in love with me. I'm rather odd and weird and I'm often difficult to be with. . . . Imagine Sherlock Holmes (because his personality is almost exactly like me), just a bit weirder, less pronounced with my impulsions, and not nearly as clever. That's me in a nutshell.
Nah, I would mainly just revel in the fact that I would no longer have periods and I could completely bypass that two week (sometimes three week) hell. Oh man, the things I could do.
Nah, it's not that men are great. I mean, there are great men and women but I'm not gonna generalize. I'm just saying that men have several physical, bodily perks that would make daily life so much easier.
And if there's a woman behind every great man, then who (or what) is behind every great woman? A man? A child? A cat? For me, it'd probably be the cat.
I think experiences have an impact on how most people think. I think women sometimes let the small situations affect them more, because I think a lot of women just naturally think over things more (sometimes over thinking). But men can too.
Nope, not always. I think it's more the reaction to over thinking that's bad. For example, if someone over thinks something and thinks their partner is cheating on them from some obscure piece of information, then they might get overly jealous and possessive and protective and they wouldn't trust their partner. But they might also realize that it is a completely absurd possibility and ignore it. Some might have a reaction in between. It just depends on how you deal with it.
Well, you can't really define it that way. While a lot of men may think in that manner, I'm sure considerable amount don't. I know a few women who think along the same lines of what I just expressed. That is to say, they don't go jumping to conclusions if they get suspicious of their partner's loyalty. But not all women are like that, so you can't define women as that either.
I guess it depends on character.. personality.. I overthink a lot.. the majority of the time.. I complicate things that shouldn't be complicated... and from that I learned that you should just trust .. give whoever the benefit of the doubt.. cuz many times.. not everything is what it seems.. and sometimes the small finer details which usually hold the answer are overlooked... so what I do.. is jus analyse every possible angle... keep them in the back of my mind... and jus play cool... the truth will eventually come out... I guess patience is the key
Oh my god shut up with the whole "I'm a Christian and I think homosexuality is ok" crap. There is a big freaking difference between being a Christian and being a Christian who actually practices their faith.
Not to assume that you don't though :P
I dont think they're saying that they're a Christian and believe homosexuality is okay, I think they're coming from where I'm coming from. Where I don't think it's right, I'm a Christian and believe in my savior and what our law says, but I love the sinner more than I hate the sin.. God calls us to love the sinner but hate the sin, that doesn't mean we hate the person, we still love them but we don't have to agree with their lifestyle choices just like they don't have to agree with ours. That is why we have our founding freedoms and such.
That's your opinion.. I'm not saying I believe that it is or isn't, all I'm saying is I don't hate anyone based on their religion, race, or sexual preference. I may not like their choice, but I'd never hate them.
But the things you're describing aren't choices. Well, religion kinda is, but race isn't and neither is your sexual preference. That's all I was pointing out.
All I'm saying is we shouldn't hate anyone- no matter what. You should try to build people up and help them. If you believe someone is ignorant you don't yell at them call them stupid and call them names, you talk to them. If you believe someone is wrong in doing something, you show them the right way with love. Christians believe homosexuality is wrong. It's not a phobia for true Christians, it is truly that we love the person but hate the sin, so we want to love on the person and show them what we perceive as right. I'm not saying I know what this persons intentions were or what the answer to life or the meaning of the world is, I could be wrong, but to me I believe love everyone and do your best to help them. That's it.
Yeah, I totally agree with you, I was just pointing those things out. It just annoys me when people think being gay or a lesbian or bisexual or asexual or anything is a choice, so I pointed out that it's really not. I wasn't disagreeing with anything else.
Just so you know, my sexuality isn't chosen. I am asexual, but that isn't because I choose to be. Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be me. I shouldn't have to be ashamed of who I love. By the way, I respect your religion, I will not force you into anything against your religion, but I don't believe what you believe. I respect your religion, and I expect from everyone to give me that same respect. My sexuality is not something that can be changed, because I was born this way. There is just one thing about the religion that I need to ask, ' If god made me perfect, then how is being me wrong?'. I thought that god sees everyone of us as beautiful. If he saw homosexuality as wrong he wouldn't have made us homosexual. This may not change anything, but I am tired of people wanting to fix me, preaching about ' repenting my sins' when their sins are worse than mine, because they cast the stone. If he made me wrong, then let him serve my punishment, not you.
· 11 years ago
Just a question- how do you know you're asexual if you haven't met anyone? not trying to be rude, just wondering :)
When people talk about how they want to have sex with someone, I see that they are attractive, but I can't be attracted by it. When I have a crush I don't picture kissing them or being physical, all I want is to be close to them, snuggle, and hold their hand. The thought of touching someone or being touched doesn't cause any emotional response, just indifference. For a time I thought I was bisexual, because I just thought love was love, no matter the gender. Then, the more I researched and did some soul searching, the more I realized that I didn't want to be sexually involved, I wanted to fall in love, to hold someone close to me, and to have someone to tell all my secrets to. I still can love both genders, I just don't need sex. I don't think you are rude, I would be curious too. :)
By my reckoning... all your points are invalid @ whocares.....
Because you said... homosexuality isn't a choice.... hahahhaha it sure is a choice dear person...
A very unnatural choice... which is leading tod the collapse of society today...
Being black is not a choice... you can't help skin colour ... but you can control who like and dislike...
gay ppl choose to like ppl of the same sex... and they should be able to face the scrutiny for their choices...
Similarly straight normal ppl are open to like and dislike whoever they want..and they take the scrutiny...
Homosexuality is a choice...whether you like it or not...
Being attracted to who you're attracted to isn't a choice. Even if it was, why would someone choose the path where tons of people hate them and they have to worry about violent homophobes or if their family might disown them? Why would someone choose to be treated so horribly? I bet a lot of homosexuals wish or have wished that they were straight and normal just to avoid people like you.
Same reason people choose to be hated for their choices or actions. I love choir and all things music. I'm a big fanatic. I choose to love it and show I love it and be ridiculed rather than hide what I love, also- boys and girls get teased and made fun of all the time for who they like; my boyfriend and I faced that before we started dating. He was teased constantly about me but we got through it because we knew our choices had consequences and if we loved something enough we would deal with those consequences.
Not that I agree with everything 69muz69 is saying... Some of it I don't understand others I don't necessarily agree with or don't see the logic behind, but I don't have a problem with gay people, just the sin of homosexuality itself. But I don't think being gay is any worse than lying or cheating or stealing. The bible says no sin is worse than another which means homosexuality is just as bad as what all other people, including Christians because we are all sinners, do. My grandmother is also gay, I still love her and have no problems with her as a person. I just don't agree with her choices, especially since she was previously married and had sex and had 2 children. It is most definitely a choice, but it's just like lying or any other thing that's wrong. Homosexuals aren't any worse than any of us.
Okay, that is way different and not what I was talking about at all. First of all, you already loved choir and you can't change that. You just chose to be open and indulgent of it. If you hadn't chosen to be open about it, you would still love choir, wouldn't you? So that's not what I was saying at all. What I was saying if you could choose to be straight or homosexual, without any prior preferences or biases, why would you choose homosexuality? I'm not saying why would you choose to be open about your homosexuality, just why would you "choose" homosexuality if it was an option?
And, ugh, you obviously don't understand. Being gay is not a choice. It is not something you do and wake up one morning saying "Hey, I'll be homosexual!" that's bullshit. Also, by what you're saying, being homosexual is equivalent to the sin of murder?
Anyways, homosexuality isn't a choice. Choosing to be open and to practice your homosexuality is a choice, but not being homosexual.
Your stupidity is mind numbing...
Let's see how gay ppl intend to reproduce... ppl are abusive for their personal reasons... that is a whole other story
And Gay animals... hahahaha animals have no conscious thought... they work on instinct... they cannot make the choice... and I have never heard of a gay animal... maybe it's your pet .. idk..
I'm sorry your an idiot, you can't spell for shit and it's people not ppl and cause not cuz, you fucken inbred idiot.... Also I'm bisexual and I am damn sure I didn't choose to lose all my friends who are close minded fucktards like you. Instead I received a loving boyfriend who understands my sexual desires for females and allows me to explore and a loving family of friends who would love me no matter what. People like you are bitter and are just upset you can never have as much love as the rest of the open minded and heart people. Also just because I feel SORRY for your ass, I will pray for you to be slapped by god with a bible to make you understand it's not a choice, it's not a sin, and fix your inability to spell correctly. Yours truly, Mizuki Azawa
P.s. Feel free to kiss my ass and go down if you're a female, you might even enjoy it. If male try anal, even straight men enjoy it.
While I agree with you, 69muz69 is a Muslim. I just felt the need to point that out before he (presuming he is a he) corrected you in his much more obnoxious way. Also, I suggest not picking a fight with him. He's quite annoying and ignores most logic, so it's nearly impossible to reason with him.
I forget where, but I saw an article or a quote somewhere that addressed this type of homophobia and how the people make it seem as though they're tolerant and accepting but the underlining message is still "homosexuality is wrong."
Here's the piece I was talking about: It's a piece by Tyler Oakley, the Youtuber, and his coming out experience and he basically discusses how a lot of forms of homophobia are disguised with concern.
Also, saying that I based my opinion on emotion is ridiculous. Emotions are idiotic and they get in the way and I'd never be foolish enough to base an entire opinion on emotion.
You jus admitted... a lot of ppl hate them... they are scrutinized by their families and ppl around them... and yet they still do it...
That is what the world is coming to.... everyone doing what they want when they want.. everyone can choose whatever they want to.. human rights ... lolol well if you defending them soo much.. let's see gay ppl caery on the life cycle...the fact that they can't alone shows you that homosexuality is a choice... unnatural
Ppl choose to be gay...
And if they want to be straight.. then be straight... it is a choice too... the natural normal choice.. no one telling them to be gay.. that is not how it is meant to be...
You kno what.. I makes no sense arguing with ppl like this... cuz well they bring you down to their level and beat you with their stupidity... or in this case... homosexuality..
I'm done... homosexuality is a choice... when good sense prevails in your head.. I'll come back
I will never see the right or good in homosexuality... cuz there is none...
There can be outside influences... but gay ppl act as if they are the only ones going through shit in their life.. and they cannot cope and hence be gay.. but then why don't all ppl who see hardships jus turn gay?? They are looking for attention and I hate ppl who do that... Which is also why I say it is a choice... you can help... choose to do something else... choose to be normal
I'm sorry... I don't mean to offend anyone... but I am totally against homosexuality... because I say... It is a choice...
Anyways, people of every sexuality, race, age, religion, etc. do that. There's always those people who act as though their problems are the only problems. You can't label that to a specific group. Also, what do you mean " . . . and they cannot hope hence be gay"? People don't just turn gay when they can't cope with something. They've always been gay.
How are gay people looking for attention? I mean, stereotypical gay men DO tend to be very flamboyant and loud and such, but that's a stereotype. They have little to do with reality.
You can't just be normal. Trust me, plenty of people WISH they were normal, but they can't just turn on the normal switch in their brain to make them ordinary. I mean, they can hide their extraordinary-ness, but that doesn't make them normal. They're still extraordinary under it all.
Also, don't be sorry. It's your opinion, even if I don't agree. The only problem I would have with you is if you started calling homosexuals "fags."
I say that not becuz I give in... but becuz the debate has begun to circle...
And maybe if I say I am a muslim you may understand why I do not like gay ppl....
I don't understand how teens & adults... lived their lives... had bf/gf and jus come out of the closet... to me.. that meand they thoufht about it.. and decided hey look... "I am gay"... that to me.. no matter how you look at it is a choice... I will always think gayness is a choice...
And you sound like a person who believes that there are no coincidences... everything is connected ...
cause them to realize they're gay. Anyways, I do believe in coincidences, but I do also believe that everything IS connected in someway or another. Is that bad?
Anyhow answer the other question.. why did that person decide to be gay... what influenced it??
It's how they develop, I believe. Some people's minds develop to be be straight, some develop to be homosexual. Again, homosexuality isn't a choice.
And you missing a vital point... THEY WEREN'T ALWAYS GAY.... don't tell me bullshit like they revealing who they are... they think about it and tell themselves they are gay.. soo much that they believe it... they fall into their little lie... they chose to be gay...
And like I said before... it isn't natural. .. they can't reproduce.. by the laws of physics... opposites attract... like repels ... the signs are all around you. Man and woman.. adam an eve... man and wife.. if it was meant to be gay... then what is the point of having two sexes in the first place....
Anyways, animals in nature are homosexual. Anyways, saying opposites attracts and likes repel doesn't apply to everything, especially when you're talking about humans. And straight people can reproduce but they can also be horrible parents. At least if homosexuals become parents, they actually want to be.
Anyways, I'm not Christian so I don't believe in Adam and Eve and I hate the saying "man and wife." I think it should be husband and wife, not man and wife. That sounds sexist. Anyways, I don't think everyone was meant to be gay, and not everyone was meant to be straight. I think straights are here to reproduce and that homosexuals are here so that we don't overpopulate. It's a good system, I think.
You do kno that right... gay ppl are part of the epidemic AIDS ... and you want to tell me ... that it natural??
And gay ppl here so that the earth would not become overpopulated... ...... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.. that's the best joke you said so far...
C'mon ... be realistic...
Btw I'm still waiting for an answer to the question you are supposed to ask a gay person... :)
The things that make sense to some ppl in this world... amazes me every single day...
OVERPOPULATE... hahahahahahahaha.... lololol I guess we don't need condoms anymore then... cool
Not all parents are bad... and I really doubt.. horrible parents.. would cause gayness... might cause... a fear of relationships on the whole.. trust me on that one... I kno ppl... straight ppl... lolol some of them straighter than most... lolol
The deciding factor in this debate .. is when you ask your gay friends the question.. and don't lie... c'mon..
Gay ppl would say.. " OMG that bra looks soo comfortable"..
Staright guys be like "daaaayyyyyuuummmmmmm"
Too much beautiful women to be gay guys... cmon ppl... get real
Btw.. I'm still waiting for an answer to my question @whocares
Anyways, while swearing does tend to seemingly lower the intelligence of an argument (it doesn't, but it seems like it does), she's right. Your spelling is horrendous, but you gave us the phone explanation, so that's understandable.
Also, in no way did I ever make any assumption as to "knowing you" because I don't and I really don't care about you, but I do care about defending my opinions against yours. That's different.
By the way, I'm not going to ask anyone why they chose to be gay. I gave you a simple explanation as to why being homosexual is not a choice and you completely ignored it, so I'm not going to ask such an offensive question when I've already provided an answer.
It's the truth.... they are gay... I want to kno what made them gay... I don't care about you or your answer... you are straight... I want to hear a gay person's answer... their POV
And swearing just shows that you are sooo stupid and illiterate you can't put across your point without using them..
And bi sexuals are confused as they can't make up their mind... girl or boy.... as a matter of fact... why the hell not... let's like both... let's lead the world into more shit...
Still waiting for the answer to my question...
Or you can jus be a person who dislikes anyone who opposes you... interesting
Anyways, emperorpenguin is pretty awesome and he/she's actually intelligent enough to acknowledge this fact, so that automatically makes them cooler. Besides, it wasn't really that comment that made me like (not "like" like a crush, but "like" as a fellow individual) emperorpenguin. It was that comment plus a bunch of others they made which showed me that he/she is pretty awesome.
And I don't know how you got to, "you can just be a person who dislikes anyone who opposes you," because that's not true. If someone has a differing opinion on some topic, I may debate it and present my view, but that doesn't mean I dislike them. I had a friend with whom I disagreed with her views on homosexuality. She wasn't against it, per se, but she was raised by homophob
homophobes, so she had a bit of a twisted understanding of them. Anytime we would get on the topic, we would either change the conjecture or we would rationally present our arguments and alter our own ways of thinking. Hell, some of your comments have caused me to think for a bit and has given me a broader understanding of homophobes in general.
Awwww..You guys doing stuff the natural way... good choice.. ;)
It's jus soo nice to see the girl who defending gays... is straight...
Well pansexual actually...
You get the point
Go do your homework emperorpenguin... lololol
I make myself laugh at how heated I get sometimes. I mean, while I'm writing, it's much easier for me to think things through properly and to keep a levelhead, but in real life it's harder. My mouth becomes too slow for my brain and I end up tripping over my words and I kinda just start laughing at myself.
For example, we had a substitute in language arts the other day and we got on the topic of whether women should fight in the military and he, the substitute, said no because women are emotional and they would be too scared to kill someone or some bullshit like that and I just went off on him. It was really amusing by the end. XD
And I agree with you there whocares.. much easier to type than talk... more time to think and put things across in a nice way rather than eff them up... my temper gets in the way at times...lolol
Do not be a politician... you are a smart girl... put your mind to use in a better outlet... science... all the way...
Scientists can be politicians. In fact, I think it would better if scientists WERE politicians because that way they would look at the cold, hard facts as opposed to resorting to other idiotic excuses and, if we're looking at the stereotypical scientist, then they would be completely unbiased in their actions (well, up to a certain point). I think Neal Tyson Degrasse was talking about this as well. About how the government is made up completely of lawyers and judges and just law professions in general (which makes sense, it is politics after all) and that he thinks there should be other professionals in there a
as well. But, at the moment, I don't really know. I have a million different dreams and visions for my life and I've yet to come to a choice. I might somehow mash them up all together, but that seems unlikely.
Yeah, that's something I worry about often. Or just not fulfilling my dreams and aspirations in general and resorting to becoming a suburban housewife (I don't have any problem with housewives, it's just definitely not the life for me). But there are tons of things I want to do, as I said.
It reminds me of one quote that I like (I saw it on the other day), it goes:
"I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet, and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor and another was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond an
and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing the rest, and, I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground by my feet." - Sylvia Plath
It was originally written in her novel The Bell Jar (set in the 1950's) to show the character's, Esther, frustration at society and restrictions it set upon women and how she wanted to do all the exciting things men did, but she felt forced to conform. Obviously that's not what it means to me, but it holds true in the way that I have all these options for my life and I just don't know what to choose.
Emperorpenguin... turns out to be gay afterall..
Sorry jus couldn't help myself
And if there's a woman behind every great man, then who (or what) is behind every great woman? A man? A child? A cat? For me, it'd probably be the cat.
Not to assume that you don't though :P
Because you said... homosexuality isn't a choice.... hahahhaha it sure is a choice dear person...
A very unnatural choice... which is leading tod the collapse of society today...
Being black is not a choice... you can't help skin colour ... but you can control who like and dislike...
gay ppl choose to like ppl of the same sex... and they should be able to face the scrutiny for their choices...
Similarly straight normal ppl are open to like and dislike whoever they want..and they take the scrutiny...
Homosexuality is a choice...whether you like it or not...
And, ugh, you obviously don't understand. Being gay is not a choice. It is not something you do and wake up one morning saying "Hey, I'll be homosexual!" that's bullshit. Also, by what you're saying, being homosexual is equivalent to the sin of murder?
Anyways, homosexuality isn't a choice. Choosing to be open and to practice your homosexuality is a choice, but not being homosexual.
Let's see how gay ppl intend to reproduce... ppl are abusive for their personal reasons... that is a whole other story
And Gay animals... hahahaha animals have no conscious thought... they work on instinct... they cannot make the choice... and I have never heard of a gay animal... maybe it's your pet .. idk..
P.s. Feel free to kiss my ass and go down if you're a female, you might even enjoy it. If male try anal, even straight men enjoy it.