-falling in love
-making love to someone you are truly head-over-heels for
-roller coasters
-have you tried surfing?
-lazy-rainy days of doing
-have you ever looked for and found a waterfall? (I have and I recommend it to everyone)
-i'd say talk to a 3-5 year old for some more inspiration :) :) :)
- your favorite song comes on the radio
-becoming a parent
-watching your little brother/sister grow up
-snuggling with a kitty on a cold winter day
-the smell of new books
-Getting new shoes
-that feeling you get when your crush texts you back
-jumping into a pool on a summer day
These are EVERYDAY occurrences that make your life so much better. And I am not a 3-5 year old I just hate when people can't appreciate what they've got.
- still having both socks after u wash them
- cuddling
- snow in Texas
- getting a new book
- finishing a book
- rereading an old book
- hugs
- marshmallows
- stickers
- stargazing
-making love to someone you are truly head-over-heels for
-roller coasters
-have you tried surfing?
-lazy-rainy days of doing
-have you ever looked for and found a waterfall? (I have and I recommend it to everyone)
-i'd say talk to a 3-5 year old for some more inspiration :) :) :)
-becoming a parent
-watching your little brother/sister grow up
-snuggling with a kitty on a cold winter day
-the smell of new books
-Getting new shoes
-that feeling you get when your crush texts you back
-jumping into a pool on a summer day
These are EVERYDAY occurrences that make your life so much better. And I am not a 3-5 year old I just hate when people can't appreciate what they've got.
>:( .
- cuddling
- snow in Texas
- getting a new book
- finishing a book
- rereading an old book
- hugs
- marshmallows
- stickers
- stargazing