I am a middle class American and I can assure you it is not a shit-hole. I live in the gorgeous south and love every second of it. Wouldn't live anywhere else.
I live in a bad part of a poor city in a shit part of the county, but I too would never want to live in a different country. But I hope one day of living in a different, better part of the USA. And knowing that I have a real chance of doing so is just one of the many reasons why the USA is so awesome.
I don't. I know that in the scale of the universe we are so insignificantly small the universe doesn't even know of our existence. To the universe we might as well not even exist.
To the universe we might as well not even exist < we're made of the same stuff of the universe, and as far as we know we're the only, infinitesimal fraction of it that's aware of its own existence. Sure, one day it'll be like we never existed, but right now there's something pretty special about us. We are the universe experiencing itself. Celebrate =)
That's only to the observable universe the universe could be so much grander in scale than we think and all the matter and elements that we believe the universe is made of could just be an infinitesimal fraction of what really makes up the universe. We may not fully understand how we fit into the universe. We could be an anomaly, a random glitch in the universe. Or we could be part of a universal community of intelligent life. We don't know for sure. There are two possibilities; we are alone in the universe or we are not, and both are equally frightening.
Gotta love the random America-bashing on the internet!
Seriously, you can find stupid people at any point on the globe, but some folks still like to think it's just us. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, I guess...
Seriously, you can find stupid people at any point on the globe, but some folks still like to think it's just us. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, I guess...