Ughhh..... I had a teacher do this to me when I corrected her on a math question she screwed up on. I swear to god half the time it seems like school is just to teach us to shut up, listen, and accept whatever bull shit we're being told
· 11 years ago
Basically the same as what the politicians want us to do; shut up, listen, and accept whatever idiotic laws they try to pass. Maybe that's why they try to indoctrinate us early on.
The best way to get people to do what you want is to teach it to them young. It's like creating a child army (like when Voldemort wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts job in Harry Potter, he wanted it to get kids on his side and make them dark wizards and witches—sorry for the Harry Potter reference).
When I went to a Christian school, I said humans evolved from primate when asked the question. The teacher said dinosaurs was the correct answer. Then, she asked the entire class to pray for my stupidity
Dinosaurs. Your teacher thought people evolved from dinosaurs? Christian schools shouldn't teach that humans evolve at all. It's against our belief system. But..... Dinosaurs? What in the world? *tries to picture it*
Okay the only school where I live is a HORRIBLE school. It's the worst school I've ever been to and that's why my sister and I homeschool now but I do admit that a couple of the teachers would give you pieces of candy if you corrected something correctly that they accidentally messed up. There were really mean teachers who didn't follow the rules and let the Hispanic kids get away with everything but there were some nice and good teachers.
If you don't like the way our kids are being fucked over in school, either home-school or pay for a private education, The US constitution does not give the right to an education and nether does the bill of rights so don't be so surprised when shit like this happens.
What's the percentage of communication that is body language? Something like 80%? That's why adults will say it's not just WHAT you said, but HOW you said it. I'm guessing the legume reply wasn't said respectfully. And yes, education is the goal. But 20 years from now it will be more important to have learned to respect those in authority, rather than remember what a peanut is. Unless you're allergic!
I respectfully suggest you read up on Stanley Milgrim and Nazism, and then reevaluate your ideas about authority.
· 11 years ago
Preach it brotha. Recently in my Psych class we did research on Stanley Milgrim's shock experiments and "Nazi Personality", which was about whether the Nazis were bad people or following orders.
Weren't they bad people for following orders? If an order is immoral or illegal there is a responsibility for the person on the receiving end of said order not to follow. Right?
Have to agree with wcasg. I've seen many teachers be corrected, and corrected some myself. Its completely about how you do it. If your a little shit about it, its gonna come off as bad, if you are just being helpful, they are just gonna see it as you being helpful. Wouldn't really agree with how the principal handled wording it, unless he DIDNT and the kid is just paraphrasing how they interpreted the final outcome.....but a kid wouldn't do that to make himself come off better than a teacher and principal right?....never
No doubt the kid was being a punk, but if they've walked away from this with the message that authority trumps truth, something important in him has died.