Wait no. You are not who was called. If you look carefully at the username and the last word "cookiejar5057" said before "wienerparty" commented, you can see he said "weirnerparty" with and "e" before the "i" therefore you sit are an impostor
Umm, guest, my user name is cookiejar5051, not 7, I am not a sir, or he, but a ma'am, or she. And no, I did not say weirnerparty, I accidentally said weiner party, without the first "R" you included. Also, "you SIT are an imposter?" I am apparently now a sit.
Why? Because he conforms to poorly developed ideas and is immature enough to insult a fellow author? Or is it because he lacks emotional depth, shown through his inability to grasp nothing more from a four novel series than the importance of having a boyfriend, when that isn't even what the series is about? Both are SUCH good qualities. Please, enlighten me as to what you find so enthralling about King's wonderfully deep and ever so thoughtful statement.
@calmthelovelytits Firstly, I apologise if I hurt your feelings towards Twillight books. I had no such intention, I simply showed my approval of King's funny statement. However, I have no intention to apologise for being burndened with the same quality as King is (I believe you call it "emotionally shallow") and had therefore grasped nothing more from Twillinght than the importance of having a rich, good-looking boyfriend whom you can terririze NOT to buy you expensive gifts. I am terribly sorry if that isn't consistent with your opinion on it and thus makes you spill verbal poison all over me, King and everybody else who didn't find Twillight so entirely deep and enchanting.
If I may, I'd likindly ask you to return me the favour and help me achieve some enlightenment, too. What exactly do you think the Twillight series is about?
Lastly, I'd like to humbly suggest you think thoroughly before saying it is about an undying, everlasting, sparkly love. It might not come off so brilliant
Don't worry, you didn't "hurt my feelings", I would have to care more about your opinion in order for that. However, my problem is that I find these types of posts childish and annoying. I don't think King was trying to be simply funny, nor do I care. Because after seeing these "jokes" for so long, I no longer find them humorous. People should actually try reading the series before they bash it. When you do, you don't have to find the series "deep and enchanting." You can dislike it if you so wish. However, what has my panties in a wad, so to speak, whether you care or not, is how no one who insults the series has any legitimate reasons. If you are so superficial and simplistic as to only grasp from a multi thousand page series the importance of having a boyfriend, well I feel bad for you. Since you asked, I will tell you how I think the series should be taken, or at least along what lines.
In a way, it is about undying love. But more than that, and like what the post I originally and graciously replied to above, it is about fighting for who you love. If you want me to give examples if ways in which your themes above are wrong, I would be happy to, but I doubt you care THAT much. Sorry for the long winded tripe, dear, but you asked.
I really liked your lengthy explanation, thanks. :)
Firstly, I have read the series. Thoroughly. I must admit I found certain parts vaguely amusing but in general I could not possibly grasp anything worth mentioning from it. Where do you find "fighting for love"? I'm genuinly curious, don't take it badly. I just can't see anybody fighting for anything in Twillight. It's just Bella getting "anything a girl could ever wish" and then some more until she can't handle it. Put it crudely, it is about an almost threesome. I honestly can't see any glorious fightage for love there. Could you give examples of it?
Secondly, 99% of characters desperatelly crave a significant other/have a significant other from the beggining. An obvious conclusion one can draw is the extreme importance of having a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner... Please tell me how exactly am I wrong here.
Thirdly, what hurts my brain most is how insanely irrealistc the whole thing is. (it continues)
I can't understand how people can praise something so surreal as Twillight to be "a true love story". The characters are claimed to be people, even the bloodsuckers are quite human. So how is it possible they know no human feelis like envy, jealousy, anger and such? How can anybody say the love story is 'true' and 'pure' while it is obvious the characters are similar to love-robots, all they can do is "love" each other in weird combinations.
Gosh, I got sick of it just writing this.
Maybe we should just agree to disagree and part ways, what do you say?
I would have to agree with your final statement, as I really can't be bothered with this anymore. We have different opinions, clearly, and though I think you are completely wrong, you are if course free to think as you wish. I am glad we can part peacefully and a good day and happy holidays to you. :)
I think it's a bit unfair for everyone to look down on Twilight. It's not only about having a boyfriend, it's about fighting for what you love and sacrificing yourself for your loved ones. Yes, I have read both Harry Potter and Twilight and I think they are both pretty good books but sure, if you wanna hate on Twilight, go ahead.
Thank you so much! I hardly ever find someone so opened minded about Twilight; you think that would be typical of an author like King. I always complain about how people can never get past the fact that Edward sparkles and is 100 years old, or that the entire book is about finding a man. If that's all you can get out of a four book series, I really don't think they should be reading in the first place. Most people just say that to go along with everyone else, many haven't even read the series. I agree that people have a right to their own opinions, but at least have some intelligent reason to back it up. Maybe you didn't like one of the characters, or the plot. But don't hate just because you can't think for yourself. So thank you for saying what you did. :D
Dare I say it but I've thoroughly enjoyed all twilight movies but have never seen or had any desire to see not one of the Harry Potter movies... Sue me
· 11 years ago
I have called my lawyer, I shall be suing you as soon as possible.
If I may, I'd likindly ask you to return me the favour and help me achieve some enlightenment, too. What exactly do you think the Twillight series is about?
Lastly, I'd like to humbly suggest you think thoroughly before saying it is about an undying, everlasting, sparkly love. It might not come off so brilliant
Firstly, I have read the series. Thoroughly. I must admit I found certain parts vaguely amusing but in general I could not possibly grasp anything worth mentioning from it. Where do you find "fighting for love"? I'm genuinly curious, don't take it badly. I just can't see anybody fighting for anything in Twillight. It's just Bella getting "anything a girl could ever wish" and then some more until she can't handle it. Put it crudely, it is about an almost threesome. I honestly can't see any glorious fightage for love there. Could you give examples of it?
Secondly, 99% of characters desperatelly crave a significant other/have a significant other from the beggining. An obvious conclusion one can draw is the extreme importance of having a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner... Please tell me how exactly am I wrong here.
Thirdly, what hurts my brain most is how insanely irrealistc the whole thing is. (it continues)
Gosh, I got sick of it just writing this.
Maybe we should just agree to disagree and part ways, what do you say?