I'm the most confident guy if you talk to me through kik or texts, but if you can hear my voice my confidence goes down a little bit, if you can see and hear me, like a video chat, it goes down even more, then in person, I can barely form sentences. I'm honestly surprised I've gotten laid before.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I can talk to guys no problem, but then if a girl joins the conversation I just get all quiet and awkward.
If I'm with a girl for a long time like at work or something, I can talk to them just fine, but I can't just go up to random girls and start talking. At least in real life. And flirting I am just horrible at, again at least in real life.
A guy once saw my heart and called me beautiful. At the time I was under some heavy drugs which he had given me, so I could not respond. Honestly I hope I never have to see him again. It's not that he was a bad surgeon; I am just not a fan of open-heart surgery.
At a certain age group, this could be somewhat true. High school, anyone?
He's not acting like the 'most perfect guy out there', he's just saying that you're making a generalization that is false, and I happen to agree. There are a lot of guys out there to whom sex is just a bonus in a relationship.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
And you act like you are worth the perfect guy. A stick has two ends. ;)
We dated for 8 months ^^
He's not acting like the 'most perfect guy out there', he's just saying that you're making a generalization that is false, and I happen to agree. There are a lot of guys out there to whom sex is just a bonus in a relationship.