I bought a game with my dads credit card (already on my psn acount *AUTOSAVED*) and said i thought i had money on my psn card it never bought.
· 11 years ago
I ate the last box of peanut butter bears and didn't feel guilty, but then I started to, and now I feel better having confessed and spilled my secrets to fellow funsubsters
Hmm how to explain this. Ok i was having bad diarrhea right, so i felt the pre throwup watery stuff come up. Was telling my self im ok not going to throw up. I was spitting that pre throw up in to the tub, right. I flushed knowing that i would throw up. I felt my body clench and heave. I got down to throw up, shit still in ass un wiped, and just let it all out. Fucking watery tea, toast, crackers, mostly earl grey tea, some more taco. Bam i was done mostly watery stuff.
Ok so one time I was at my dad's house (parent's divorced) and I had this weird bug so I puked in the toilet and the force and muscle contractions of my puke caused me to shit my pants... So then I sat on the toilet and puked in the bath tub, then got in the bath tub to try to rinse my clothes out but the drainage was awful so I was standing ankle deep in shit barf water... continued to puke and shit... Then finally got everything cleaned and stuff, dad took me home to my mom, then found out my brother did the same thing but on a bucket outside because my dad's roommate was in the shower. Long story short, my dad just bleached the shit out of all the clothes.(pun intended)
I go to the bathroom and I bring my phone and while I poop, I am on funsubstance I am doing this as we speak
· 11 years ago
Well while I'm on a roll I might as well confess that I tricked my sister into thinking she was allergic to chocolate than I took all her good halloween candy like snickers, reeses, etc.
One time I was at the library, and I had the stomach flu the day before but I felt better. I went to the bathroom, and while I was using the bathroom I felt like I was going to hurl so I whipped around and hurled all over the bathroom stall walls. Then I left and never told anyone about it.
I'm sick of pretty much everything. It feels as if nothing is ever going to get better. At first, I've wanted to do something, and I have tried to make things different. But, after 4 hard years of trying, I finally gave up. I don't think anything's going to get better.
Dont you worry lil nigga you got this shit. Like yo man you just got yo little blue star the fuck you givin up for? You got so much shit to live for, ya feel me?
A picture she made asking how a ten year old girl could get kidnapped. She said she wanted to die to see her sister in heaven but if she killed herself she would go to hell.
I knew I was going to stay in a school for only a month before my family moved again, so I spoke in an Irish accent the whole time and no one knew I was American
I live near DC and pretended to have a southern accent in third grade for more than half of the year. I stopped when my teacher asked my mom why I had an accent and she didn't! Lol
D: I'm sick of it too. But I've learned to rub it off, because you won't get let down unless you allow them to let you down. Do you get what I'm saying?
I love Taylor Swift and her music. Everyone seems to hate her and she has a reputation for being whiny and dating a lot of people but her music is good when you look past some of the brainless singles she's released. She's one of the only pop mainstream artists I like and she's a nice person. I was always getting bashed and insulted when I told people I liked her so I just kept quiet about it.
That's too bad :/ I've been to one of her Red concerts and it was awesome! She's bound to throw some more tours so maybe you'll be able to catch her show then :)
I used to sort of be in a relationship with a guy I met online. We follow each other on Twitter and Instagram. We used to talk all the time, and it lasted for about 6 months. Then one day he decided he didn't care anymore and moved on. He said we should stay friends, but we haven't talked in over a year now.
I've had a relationship like that before. Except, we kinda just drifted apart, mainly because I stopped getting online. Now that we started talking again, I have no idea where we are.
I'm a naturally optimistic and ridiculously happy person, but I hide that around my depressed friends because I feel guilty about being happy when they're not.
Once I was in a state of depression. But I wore a mask and pretended to be happy. I just wanted to scream my stress away. But I couldn't find the words
· 11 years ago
I do that everyday, because everyone thinks that i am the perfect girl (good notes, etc) and everyone see that there is a smile in my face but when i go home i just cry in my bed
· 11 years ago
Play some minecraft it'll help. lol just kidding ignore my name pls
I love justin bieber but I never tell anyone because a lot of people judge me and think I'm ignorant .. I respect peoples opinions .... Kinda why I don't have friends
Sorry for being so late at saying this fmccool, but MEerry Christmas to you too
Note that my Christmas is on January 7, so technically I'm not late, in fact, I'm EARLY
I really like my best friend but he has a girlfriend and is constantly calling me bro or dude or talking about how he loves having me as a friend. I've been friend-zoned. I've read all of the friend-zone stuff and I always thought it couldn't be as bad as everyone says it is but it truly does suck.
I opened one of the presents that I thought was for me under the Christmas tree, then rewrapped it exactly as it was. Later I found out it was supposed to be for my step sister from her boyfriend. She is 14 and the gift was a thong that said eat me on the front.
Your aunt is very insensitive, especially if she knows you have the disorder. Once a person with an eating disorder, always a person with an eating disorder. Stay strong honey <3
Becouse I'm in so much pain, I'm thinking about killing myself again.
· 11 years ago
Noooo! Don't! Please dont! You have so much to live for! You don't know the negative affects it would
Have to loved/close ones! Also consider going to
Sophi, I know how it feels.. It feels like the most terrible thing you have ever experienced. Just, keep your head high, okay? And just let go of the things that bring you down. Eventually you will find that rope that helps you climb up, into the light. Some things will start wearing away that rope, but that rope will always stay intact, it will always be there. You just have to climb.
· 11 years ago
You are amazing remember that everyone has something to give to the world, dont make the world lost someone that important
It's not mental pain (or, it does not start out as that), it's physical pain. I have M.E. And my body hurts so much, it already feels like I'm going to die.
I have no life, becouse I sleep a lot, and I'm always tierd and never have the energy to to anything. Basicly, I live my life inn darkness, becouse I can't stand the light. My life sucks.. And I'm a burden to the people I'm surrounded by.
I researched ME extensively for a friends daughter. Things that helped a lot: D-Ribose, Magnesium Malate, Carnitine, CoQ10. Read into it for yourself, but don't expect to understand much of it unless you have a science degree background. Trust me here. ME is a disorder of the mitochondria, although you may already know this. I don't know if yours is post-viral ME, but whatever started it, the mitochondria in your cells have been damaged by something and struggle to produce enough energy. This is especially true if the heart cells have been affected. These supplements all help the mitochondria to function correctly and efficiently, and eventually restore the number of mitochondria. She was bed bound just like you, but six months of taking these supplements mean that she has gone into remission. She still takes them in order to maintain her health however. Some of the supplements made her feel better from the very first day she took them (ribose and magnesium). Good luck.
Well, nobody quite know what ME is yet.. So there is no real treatment. In Norway, where I live, there are to doctors who think they might have a cure. So we will see.. But ME falls under what's called an autoimune disease. And that means that my imunesystem is basicly trying to kill it self. Soo, my own body is trying to kill me. I can't eat vitamins, becouse they make my imunesystem stronger, and then it has more power to kill it self. It's the most stupid thing. And nobody have any idea why people get it or anything. And people actually get so weak that they can't eat anymore, and breathe.. and then they die.. I often feel so bad that I can't eat anything if I'm not feed soup or something that I don't need to chew. I know some get better, but I'm just getting worse and worse every day.
Please don't give up :( this is the one fight in your life that really matters, and there are people who care about you and love you, like your family, friends, and us. If we lost you and knew that that's what you wanted, we'd never stop wondering if we could have stopped it. And it would be so sad! Please don't let go, because we want you to be with us.
It's really hard, thinking this way, and it's really hard to live, knowing how much of a burden you are to your family, and to the society.. I know I have a lot to be happy about, and I know I should not even have those thought sin my head, but.. It's really hard when you're in so much pain. And I can't take painkillers, becouse they make me worse..
And yes, I did read your comment, Mrs. Sparklez, and I started singing Miley Cyrus - It's the climb.
I can't say I've been in your shoes, but, I'm in shoes that are very similar to yours. I've been nothing but a burden to my family. I do know what pain feels like, and physical pain is nothing to compare to what you're feeling inside. It feels like you're rotting away and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Truth is, you.. You can't. But you can numb the pain, even if it is temporarily. Honestly, I'm beginning to question myself, how I made it this far. I don't even know. I think I just let go of everything for a while, and proceeded with life with a mask on. I convinced myself that I'm this happy person, and I am wanted in this rotting society. We both know the truth, just try, okay? With these thoughts time will go by so fast, I promise. Just keep living. Life is the most precious thing you own. Don't let any thoughts, any actions, any words prevent you from living. Just please stop thinking this way. I would definitely shed tears if anything were to happen to you.
Hell, I shed tears every night thinking about those thoughts going through your head. You're not alone, and when I was in your position, thinking those thoughts, thinking I was a burden, words didn't impact me. Because by that time, a shell was made around me. A shell made from those thoughts. Please, just let these words penetrate you. I'm here, We're all here trying to talk to you, and trying to let our words through. Just let them at least crack at the surface. We're not saying these words for nothing. We're saying it to save a life we care about.
If I were to die, you would never know, you would probably never notice. The one thing that stopped me from ending it before, is not mine to have anymore, and now the only reason why I'm not gone is the thought of the mess it would make. My family would have to clean out a whole life, have a funeral and all that stuff, and it's another burden. And there are some people I really want to outlive (that sounds horrible, it's not that I want them to die, I just really hate them [but I should love them, becouse they are family] for destroying my family and our life, so I need to live longer then them so I can find out what my reaction is when they die, I need to know if I don't care or if I will cry..)..
Thank you for trying to make me feel better, it's not helping, but thanks to all of you for even reaching out a hand.
I've lived with an extreme anemia for about a year now and there were days that I was so nauseous and dizzy I couldn't even stand up... Sure none of us would notice because we aren't physically with you, but your parents would notice, they love you Sophi <3 Death is a part of life. Everyone has to pay for funeral expenses and everyone has to patch up the hurt, but it is a known fact that everyone dies. Try to live a beautiful life, don't fear anything. Be strong, forgive those who hurt you. Don't give up before you have done something truly heartwarming. Be a light that doesn't fade quickly, but be a light that, if you do become overcome by this disease, shines bright for years to come.
Theres a special needs kid that lives in my culdesac and every day when I see the short bus come down the street im terrified that its gonna stop in front of my house instead
Oh, also.
I find no pleasure in eating. I only eat because I need food to be live and be healthy. It's actually kind of scary, because sometimes I'll just forget about it and go without food for a day or two. And people judge me because I'm so reluctant to eat, which I don't find fair.
Mini rant over.
Ok sounds really weird, but you might be anemic. I don't know what gender or age you are (It's extremely common in teen girls, but happens to everyone else too!) I was severely anemic (my hemo levels were at a 4 but should have been at a 14 and I was almost given blood transfusions but I literally had to FORCE myself to eat. I would want to puke and my stomach hurt after two or three bites. I dropped 20 pounds and ended up finding out I was anemic because I passed out while doing my laundry and went to the hospital. A simple blood test may help. If this is not the case, then I suggest you find someone to talk to about your problems. Anemia also causes depression because you really just have no strength mentally or physically There may not ever be a quick fix solution, but getting help over time is a lot better than what you're going through
16 year old girl here. A quick google search later and I think you might be right. I get dizzy really easily and have always been noticeably pale. Never been depressed, but I'm physically exhausted nearly all the time. I've been struggling with this for years, and a random friend from Funsubstance seems to have figured out my problem. Thank you, Wednesday. And merry Christmas!
I want to take you out on a date but I'm sure you don't have feelings for me. If I were to ask you out, it would be suicide and ruin whatever we have. I know I'll be nothing more than a friend and I'm trying to accept that, but why do you have to be so darn beautiful? Everything you do makes me smile and you always bring out the best in my worst times.
You are very welcome my anonymous internet friend. It was my intention to have people share something that was weighing them down or to say something that helps ease the burden of guilt. Either way I am glad people confessed or admitted something that made them feel better. As for you guest, I wish you a joyus holiday and hope you will consider getting an account and becoming part of our family. I also thank you for your kind words about me being a gift, it means a lot. Again happy holidays.
I got intmat with my bestfriend and told him to not get interested because I didn't like him that way. Now I'm the one who is crushing on him and don't know how to tell him that i wish we could be more than friends-with-benefits/bestfriends
· 11 years ago
I know it's a little late for this but I posted a pic like thirty minutes ago and a bunch of people disliked it. I didn't mean to cause so much hate in one picture and now I'm venting... so yea... and I'm glad I got that out...
I'm kinda a quiet kid in class and in 3rd grade we had this speech therapy ladie come to our school and we had to decuss planes and she said what do we use plains for and I blurted out a potato chip flavour but she thought it was the guy sitting next to me who was the class clown and he was the first person to every get a detention
I'm a belieber. I don't have many friend because most people think I'm crazy like those beliebers who 'drink and drive for bieber' I personally disagree with that stuff and I'm not the type of belieber that side his every wrong. People call me a freak at school, my mom thinks I'm annoying and somewhat obsessed with him. Basically i get verbally bullied just because I like Justin Bieber. Don't you think thats a little unfair? Anyways my confession is that I'm a belieber, have been for the past 5 years amd probably will always be. This is probably gonna get alot of downvotes but, go ahead do it downvote all you want.
I didn't study for my really big exam and my parents think I did. I'm screwed right now... Both with my parents and the exam. :-(
· 10 years ago
Sometimes I wish I was in hiccup's place starting from the beginning of the first movie, because however bad his life was then, it would still be better than mine now. (This doesn't have to do with it but I'm 13)
· 10 years ago
I was bullied and called gay for having a strong friendship with another girl.these two girls tried to seperate us, even writing fake notes to my firemen saying I didn't wanna be friends anymore. It didn't work, and we've been friends since third grade. I'm about to start sixth.
This is 30 weeks old which is kinda old and I dont know whether anyone will read it but yeah, I'm 13 and madly in love with my best friend. Ive only known him 2-2 and a half years but have been in the friendzone the whole time. He 'went out' with my other friend and it was sorta killing me. Shes so pretty, anything she does is perfect.. And then there's me. I went out with my friends today and he was there. We spent the day laughing with eachother, and joking around. I even got really close to him. AWH I SRSLY AM SO IN LOVE WITH HIM<3
I once complained about getting homework out loud in English class, and my voice carried and the kid behind me to the right got screamed at by the teacher.
I have had a crush on a boy 1 for 3 yrs. he probs likes some other girl. Now I'm not sure if I like some other boy, but he might like the same girl that boy 1 likes. I'm wondering if I should ask boy 2 if he likes the girl. Forever alone lol
I have had a crush on a boy for 3+ yrs. he probs likes a different girl. Maybe have crush on boy 2. Boy 2 might have crush on same girl. Should I ask boy 2 if he also likes girl?
please stop posting things like this, its not for this website i didn't come here to find people complaining about problems, its just looking for likes
Funsubstance, if you haven't noticed Mr/Mrs. Whatthewhat, is a very close-knit unit, and if you don't like that, then go on tumblr
· 11 years ago
Most people post stuff interactive stuff so people can bond over interests and hobbys and stuff like that if you haven't noticed. I'm not really sure why you're complaining about people making new friends and forming relationships with fellow Funsubstaners (I'm talking to whatthewhat... yes you!)
Yeah, I don't know why he even bothered commenting.. We don't complain in this family, we share; we don't look for likes, we just try to bring this to other people's attention. Some people even claim that it is posts like these, comments like these, that keep them alive. I think it's safe to say that we've disowned whatthewhat. Don't hate me, though, k? (:
· 11 years ago
I'm sorry whatthewhat, I guess I got a little heated :(
Don't worry I'm sure we all did at least a bit. I wanted to reply to whatthewhats comment a while ago, but I'm pretty sure other people on FS already gave her a good enough scolding.
No wonder you are always on the leader board.
Note that my Christmas is on January 7, so technically I'm not late, in fact, I'm EARLY
(happy holidays everyone!)
Have to loved/close ones! Also consider going to
I have no life, becouse I sleep a lot, and I'm always tierd and never have the energy to to anything. Basicly, I live my life inn darkness, becouse I can't stand the light. My life sucks.. And I'm a burden to the people I'm surrounded by.
And yes, I did read your comment, Mrs. Sparklez, and I started singing Miley Cyrus - It's the climb.
Thank you for trying to make me feel better, it's not helping, but thanks to all of you for even reaching out a hand.
I find no pleasure in eating. I only eat because I need food to be live and be healthy. It's actually kind of scary, because sometimes I'll just forget about it and go without food for a day or two. And people judge me because I'm so reluctant to eat, which I don't find fair.
Mini rant over.
Way to go, random asshole.
EDIT: I just liked 159 comments. Ow my thumbs.