Never said anything about feeding them meat. You can feed 22 people with plants on the same land you can feed one person with meat. The US by itself could end world hunger if we cut meat consumption by around... I think the number was 10%.
This doesn't really reflect the causes of world hunger and just makes it look like some dudes are just simply eating everything while other people starve. Some other (more important) causes are climate and weather as well as poor investment in agriculture. Another one is of course war and displacement. All of those were the main cause of the famous Ethiopian famine in the 1980s that led to the charity supergroup Band Aid as Ethiopia had drought and zero investment due to civil war.
Oh my god, it's just a graphic representation thing, you people. Think of it this way, if the fat guy was black and the starving white, people would still be offended even though it doesn't matter in any way whatsoever. It's called yin and yang, black and white, people are starving and others are sitting on funsubstance like myself arguing about this picture.
I think the picture was meant to stimulate debate so it absolutely served its purpose. I agree with the guest above, the real world is very different than you bunch of idealistic teenagers realise. That may be why your 20s are now the years of disillusionment rather than the years of discovery they used to be. Being an idealist is bad for your health. Being a realist is also pretty bad. I recommend a daily dose of delusional insanity to get you through till bed.
I'm sure there is hunger across all races. This image represents imperialism to me. Most third word nations are nations of color and they are hungery. Not saying white people can't be hungery too but I'm sure they aren't the most hungry if the world. That's just facts not racism.
But on the bright side, extreme poverty levels have been declining drastically over the last six or seven decades, and the big fat white guy in that image did have something to do with that. So while there's obviously still more to be done, be careful seeing the world as an evil place where people starve -- that's not nearly as true today as it was 80 years ago.
I think you're on to something here.
That will help the population a bit
This should be the stock reply for 9 out of 10 "racism" accusations on the internet.