

— Garlog Report User
Even the orange is shocked 3 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
I accidentally bought the lite version of ranch dressing one time, fucking don't.
May as well just pour milk on your salad.
PeaCOCKS 11 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Hah, dum burds.
NASA teaches exactly what the hell it has to do with it all 11 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
>asks question
>question is answered
Odd thing to call decimation.
Good boy found one! 4 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
I'm sure "someone* knows who they are, they wouldn't fare very well in the airport otherwise, after all.
Should probably need to know English to get citizenship, though.
Something to think about 7 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Doesn't seem like that's an issue here, but I live on the Canadian prairies, so things might be different here.
Also panic buying isn't really malicious.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Feminists hate her, click here to learn why 1 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Woah, careful, that's not the type of equality progressives are looking for.
It's good for mental health 5 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Retaking a test/quiz is fine as long as it isn't actually the exact same test/quiz (probably not an unlimited amount of times, though), and late assignments should be docked points.
It's good for mental health 5 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
As long as they aren't just being given the same test later.
All ya'll think about is yourselves 6 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
The wife might be being selfish right now, that doesn't mean she's a selfish person in general.
In INDIA *Modern problems require modern solutions* 1 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Wouldn't the decibel level stay the same no matter how "reckless" you were honking?
Halfway between reasonable and crazy is still crazy 7 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
-People aren't buying toilet paper to fight the virus, obviously.
-Yes, panic buying is bad and selfish, but not insane. There's an obvious rationality to it, as detrimental as it is.
-Presumably, the bags might help like those plastic face-shields heath care workers use, there's at least a rational idea there. If you suffocate from it I agree with you though. The guy in the pink stuff looks very stupid.
-Is this happening to any great extent? Definitely on the insane side of things if it is
-I agree, but this is obviously an easy mistake as a result of ignorance, not insanity.
-Same as the second point.
-Haven't actually heard of this happening much, but still seems more like general ignorance rather than a lack of reason and rationality. Could be, though.
Go ahead and take your seat, Isaac 3 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Of course its beneficial to get things for free, that not any sort of checkmate.
Snow white 12 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Finally, some worthwhile content on this site.
Halfway between reasonable and crazy is still crazy 7 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
As I understand it the mask don't protect you, it protects the people around you, so wearing one if you aren't sick is a waste of a mask.
Also, most of that doesn't seem particularly crazy.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
A human is a being that is the same species as me.
I think that serves as an answer to both of you.
They're not used to isolation 5 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Yes, they are, don't write off everyone as being that mentally fragile.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
"If it cant think its not a person. I dont know how thats not settled."
What makes you think its settled? Do you think everyone holds that same definition and standard of what a person is?
Regardless, I think its immoral to kill a human being, not necessarily a person by your definition, and I think a human is formed at conception.
"What makes them different from your average animal or even a human?"
The difference is they aren't human.
I just think abortion is immoral because I think it's immoral to kill a human.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
If the scenario presents a significant mortal risk to the mother, then that creates a moral grey area where I'm at least okay with abortion not being banned for said scenario.
"Without sentience, there is no person."
This is not in any way a philosophically settled subject.
Also, for the record, I'm a fairly staunch atheist.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Is there a significantly greater risk to the mother because she is so young?
Your a brain controlling a meat and skeleton armor 13 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Huh. Interesting.
Who would bully a 7 year old, like ffs 4 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
So, are they just constantly shitposting at her, or what?
Your a brain controlling a meat and skeleton armor 13 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
I don't see why that would make it an intrinsic part of "you" in this example.
Trumps impeachment colorized (2019) 2 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Yes, the House did waste a lot of time with that stunt.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Don't see why someone doesn't have a chance at life just because they're a product of pedophilic rape.
Geek humor is still humor 2 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
That's not geek humor, that's internet humor.
3 · Edited 4 years ago