Good boy found one! 4 comments
· 4 years ago
I'm sure "someone* knows who they are, they wouldn't fare very well in the airport otherwise, after all.
Should probably need to know English to get citizenship, though.
Should probably need to know English to get citizenship, though.
Something to think about 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Doesn't seem like that's an issue here, but I live on the Canadian prairies, so things might be different here.
Also panic buying isn't really malicious.
Edited 4 years ago
Also panic buying isn't really malicious.
Feminists hate her, click here to learn why 1 comments
It's good for mental health 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Retaking a test/quiz is fine as long as it isn't actually the exact same test/quiz (probably not an unlimited amount of times, though), and late assignments should be docked points.
It's good for mental health 5 comments
All ya'll think about is yourselves 6 comments
· 4 years ago
The wife might be being selfish right now, that doesn't mean she's a selfish person in general.
In INDIA *Modern problems require modern solutions* 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Wouldn't the decibel level stay the same no matter how "reckless" you were honking?
Halfway between reasonable and crazy is still crazy 7 comments
· 4 years ago
-People aren't buying toilet paper to fight the virus, obviously.
-Yes, panic buying is bad and selfish, but not insane. There's an obvious rationality to it, as detrimental as it is.
-Presumably, the bags might help like those plastic face-shields heath care workers use, there's at least a rational idea there. If you suffocate from it I agree with you though. The guy in the pink stuff looks very stupid.
-Is this happening to any great extent? Definitely on the insane side of things if it is
-I agree, but this is obviously an easy mistake as a result of ignorance, not insanity.
-Same as the second point.
-Haven't actually heard of this happening much, but still seems more like general ignorance rather than a lack of reason and rationality. Could be, though.
-Yes, panic buying is bad and selfish, but not insane. There's an obvious rationality to it, as detrimental as it is.
-Presumably, the bags might help like those plastic face-shields heath care workers use, there's at least a rational idea there. If you suffocate from it I agree with you though. The guy in the pink stuff looks very stupid.
-Is this happening to any great extent? Definitely on the insane side of things if it is
-I agree, but this is obviously an easy mistake as a result of ignorance, not insanity.
-Same as the second point.
-Haven't actually heard of this happening much, but still seems more like general ignorance rather than a lack of reason and rationality. Could be, though.
Go ahead and take your seat, Isaac 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Of course its beneficial to get things for free, that not any sort of checkmate.
Halfway between reasonable and crazy is still crazy 7 comments
· 4 years ago
As I understand it the mask don't protect you, it protects the people around you, so wearing one if you aren't sick is a waste of a mask.
Also, most of that doesn't seem particularly crazy.
Also, most of that doesn't seem particularly crazy.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
· 4 years ago
A human is a being that is the same species as me.
I think that serves as an answer to both of you.
I think that serves as an answer to both of you.
They're not used to isolation 5 comments
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
· 4 years ago
"If it cant think its not a person. I dont know how thats not settled."
What makes you think its settled? Do you think everyone holds that same definition and standard of what a person is?
Regardless, I think its immoral to kill a human being, not necessarily a person by your definition, and I think a human is formed at conception.
"What makes them different from your average animal or even a human?"
The difference is they aren't human.
I just think abortion is immoral because I think it's immoral to kill a human.
"If it cant think its not a person. I dont know how thats not settled."
What makes you think its settled? Do you think everyone holds that same definition and standard of what a person is?
Regardless, I think its immoral to kill a human being, not necessarily a person by your definition, and I think a human is formed at conception.
"What makes them different from your average animal or even a human?"
The difference is they aren't human.
I just think abortion is immoral because I think it's immoral to kill a human.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
· 4 years ago
If the scenario presents a significant mortal risk to the mother, then that creates a moral grey area where I'm at least okay with abortion not being banned for said scenario.
"Without sentience, there is no person."
This is not in any way a philosophically settled subject.
Also, for the record, I'm a fairly staunch atheist.
"Without sentience, there is no person."
This is not in any way a philosophically settled subject.
Also, for the record, I'm a fairly staunch atheist.
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
Who would bully a 7 year old, like ffs 4 comments
Trumps impeachment colorized (2019) 2 comments
Just Northern Ireland things 24 comments
· 4 years ago
Don't see why someone doesn't have a chance at life just because they're a product of pedophilic rape.
Geek humor is still humor 2 comments
May as well just pour milk on your salad.