

— Garlog Report User
Track me more 9 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
I would be more worried about a chip I can't remove than a chip in a device I can throw away.
Estoy de acuerdo 3 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Pretty sure that's normal.
If you don't know this lady's story you need to check it out 5 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Fillosuffee 8 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Yes, intuition is a thing.
The perfect couple does exist [artists] 4 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Pretty sure everyone is technically allowed to do that.
This post has read directly in my brain 60 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Cars and money, according to that one song.
Word! 4 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
[Visibly sick*] 4 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Which billionaires are these?
Too late to be relevant? 12 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Which movie is that and why does she deserve this?
Introverted Characters 19 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Yeah, that's fair enough. I get the feeling the words themselves might be to broad or vague to dive this far in to them anyway.
Introverted Characters 19 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
"you most likely met many introverts you never even realized were introverts."
I'm talking about people I know who fit the definition to a tee, how do you normally identify introverts and extroverts?
"Personally, I find many of the qualities of an extrovert annoying but I can also realize how they could be positive."
"So maybe spend some time listening to others opinions on the subject and try to keep an open mind."
Haha, I'm doing that right now.
Introverted Characters 19 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
I think the qualities that make an extrovert are generally positive while the qualities that make an introvert tend to be negative. This is from experience, not strictly definitional. For example, in my experience introverts don't have a tendency to think more deeply than extroverts, they just tend to share their thoughts less. As another example, very few extroverts I've known have had great issue with being alone or doing things alone, while almost all of the introverts I've known have had some form of social anxiety.
Anywahays 7 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Yes, worship Jesus, don't worship devil magic. Why are you acting like this doesn't make sense?
Introverted Characters 19 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Why does it mean that?
Introverted Characters 19 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
I don't think the differences are quite that binary, those sound like things that plenty of extroverted people have.
Introverted Characters 19 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
What are the pros of introversion?
Hating tik tok is still cool, right? 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Is it doing that? How young are we talking?
Introverted Characters 19 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Its concerning that you don't think social ineptitude and unsociable behavior aren't generally flaws.
What is your name wise one 8 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Not a big fan of gender neutral bathrooms, but having a "toilet room" and a "urinal room" seems like the best solution if we're going that way anyway.
I meaaan it s kinda true 26 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Nope, I've had some pretty gourmet shit a few times, and they still taste bad.
New hire wage 6 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Supply and demand.
This is your fair warning 37 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
This always seems more semantic than ideological though.
Sexual orientation is what you're sexually attracted to isn't it?
This is your fair warning 37 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
But he's not even a pedophile (probably), just a guy espousing an idea.
Mega chonk brain 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
What? No, we would all fall off.
Humans will always find something to addict to during the times 5 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Being alive in 2016.