Hot glass 3 comments
· 6 years ago
The F O R B I D D E N S A U C E
Cat: Wait, let me clear the shot first. 5 comments
Cat: Wait, let me clear the shot first. 5 comments
· 6 years ago
That guy looks like Paul Rudd if he were slowly being turned into sloth from the goonies.
I want asian big tids 9 comments
If you don't get paid the don't 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Reading this in my very bad Christopher walken impression sorta undercuts the sentiment
Stan Lee facts 12 comments
· 7 years ago
What the hell us an antemortem obituary? Antemortem literally means before death...
aren't we all dream about something? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
That pawn can dream about being king all it wants, but seeing as it is a pawn, I seriously doubt it will ever be in line for the throne.
Appreciate your teachers 42 comments
· 7 years ago
I’m not calling you or your friend a liar, but I am a teacher and I make $37,000 a year. No annual increases, no pension at the end, just a little over $3000 a month and decent medical benefits. I say decent because copays are still high as hell, but that’s a different argument.
I am aware that teachers in different states and different countries will definitely be paid differently, but what you have described your friend as making is not the norm. Teachers, speaking generally, are underpaid and under-appreciated.
I am aware that teachers in different states and different countries will definitely be paid differently, but what you have described your friend as making is not the norm. Teachers, speaking generally, are underpaid and under-appreciated.
Appreciate your teachers 42 comments
· 7 years ago
Mickeymouse, think about it like this: underpaying the field of teaching in general (which it seems like all of us in this thread agree is currently happening) deters those who would be great teachers because they have to forfeit a career they want in favor of a career that will pay them adequately. Even if we got to a point in our society where we OVERpaid teachers, then schools and school districts would have way more applicants and schools could then be more discerning in who gets the job and thus teaching positions could be filled with good teachers.
Learn more about Flamingo 2 comments
· 7 years ago
This is exactly what it’s like to talk to someone with a degree in something they’re super passionate about.
For example, I’m an English teacher and I’m constantly confessing to my students how much I hate the English language
For example, I’m an English teacher and I’m constantly confessing to my students how much I hate the English language
Worth it 5 comments
· 7 years ago
This is so dumb and unrealistic.
They would be speaking French is the Mona Lisa was thrown out bc the Louvre is in France.
They would be speaking French is the Mona Lisa was thrown out bc the Louvre is in France.
Baby actress 8 comments
· 7 years ago
But to answer her question, it looks like she eats salad in questionable places
Sarcasm level? 3 comments
· 7 years ago
The vocative comma saves lives. It's the difference between "let's eat grandma" and "let's eat, grandma"
Childhood status: ruined 3 comments
· 7 years ago
It's because he's a sponge. Picking up liquids is what he's designed to do
Tick-tock, not tock-tick 10 comments
· 7 years ago
But if the order should be I-A-O, why is it weird to say "dad and mom"?
Edited 7 years ago
and the award for biggest douchebag goes to... 13 comments
Medical student perspective and motivation 10 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm an English major. If I'm what's standing between you and your grave, you have bigger issues than whether or not I passed an exam.
All these numbers 8 comments
· 8 years ago
That's ridiculous! Are you people blind!?
Your gpa and your grades are the same thing.
Your gpa and your grades are the same thing.
I don't watch episodes I watch seasons 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I appreciate the previously on bc I'll binge 9 seasons in one night, but then won't even think about the show for like 8 months
How to write a kick ass essay 9 comments
· 9 years ago
As an English major and English tutor, I look at more essays than I can count. I agree with writing the intro last. However, it is best to have a thesis before your body paragraphs because each topic sentence relates directly back to your thesis and this keeps you more organized throughout the essay.
Also, and in my opinion, most importantly, DO NOT EVER SAY "in this essay I argue that..." that is very simplistic writing that WILL get you marked down. Instead, what you can do is write that sentence that starts with "in this essay I argue that..." but then delete that part of the sentence. For example instead of writing "in this essay I argue that PB&J's are the best because..." just write "PB&J's are the best because..." the point of the thesis is to state your opinion as if it were a fact and then you spend the rest of your essay backing up that opinion.
Also, and in my opinion, most importantly, DO NOT EVER SAY "in this essay I argue that..." that is very simplistic writing that WILL get you marked down. Instead, what you can do is write that sentence that starts with "in this essay I argue that..." but then delete that part of the sentence. For example instead of writing "in this essay I argue that PB&J's are the best because..." just write "PB&J's are the best because..." the point of the thesis is to state your opinion as if it were a fact and then you spend the rest of your essay backing up that opinion.
Mexican restaurant puts up Anti-Trump sign 38 comments
· 9 years ago
3. With the above point in mind, the best analogy for this circumstance is someone who is insulting the wait staff profusely. The restaurant can refuse to serve that individual because that is their right as a business. The only difference between that scenario and this sign, is that the insults occurred before the patron even stepped inside the establishment. No laws have been broken, no civil rights infringed upon
Mexican restaurant puts up Anti-Trump sign 38 comments
· 9 years ago
2. Every business has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason that is not covered by civil rights. This means that a business cannot refuse service to you based on race, color, national origin, religion, and most recently, sexual orientation. A business, however, CAN refuse to serve you based on your political views and/or affiliations.
Mexican restaurant puts up Anti-Trump sign 38 comments
· 9 years ago
(i have to break this comment up into multiple comments because of character limit. Bear with me)
Okay, so I see a lot of you comparing this to the refusal of service of homosexuals. This is not the same.
1. As it was mentioned earlier, people can choose to support trump, they cannot choose their sexual orientation. If you want to eat at this restaurant, simply stop supporting Donald trump.
Okay, so I see a lot of you comparing this to the refusal of service of homosexuals. This is not the same.
1. As it was mentioned earlier, people can choose to support trump, they cannot choose their sexual orientation. If you want to eat at this restaurant, simply stop supporting Donald trump.
How to give diagnosis 15 comments