"All the better to eat you with, my dear.”
I huffed and I puffed,
And the house blew apart,
I’m leaving for now,
But you’re all in my heart.
[Feb 2019]
Kid doing what he can to help his family 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Eternal love from a true Leather Man. Be well, sister in arms (bound by firm nylon cords). Do your thing on here, lovely woman. You have greatness within you. Signing off for now.
Kid doing what he can to help his family 7 comments
· 6 years ago
@mialinay Just taking a nice long indefinite pause. I had to Harness a lot of courage to do it. And while I hope my sappiness doesn’t make you Gag, I feel Bound to tell you I loved seeing your true Collars on this site. You’re awesome. St. Andrews Cross my heart.
Arctic Wolf Pack 5 comments
· 6 years ago
@xvarnah Miss you already. Keep this site going. Keep being your best you.
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
Hey, guys. Just a short note to check in and apologize for my ‘a few cocktails too many’ messaging last weekend. I definitely overshared a few details about my personal life that I don’t think were appropriate for this group. But I did want to confirm that I’m taking an indefinite pause on FS. It’s been fun commenting for a bit, something I’d always wanted to do as a lurker for 5 or so years. FS got me through some dark, dismal times. Now, I think I just want to kick back and watch for awhile. Nothing personal. And who knows, I may come back someday. Not trying to be dramatic or self-centered. I just feel like it’s time to take an extended break and start a new chapter somewhere new. I do love everyone on this site, whether mentioned above or not. Keep making this place special. Big hairy wolf hugs to everyone. You’re all always on my mind!
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
@jasonmon I think this is the end for me on FS. Will lurk as an @guest. Thank you for making me feel like us ‘old guys’ are not alone. I truly enjoyed your company.
@guest_ I really wish I could find someone like you. You made me think. I would be honored to find a man like you. I know he’s out there. Raised right wing Republican conservative Christian, believe it or not. Please tell God to send him my way.
@channel I love you all.
@xvarnah @bethorien @aviva Be strong women. You have my heart. Big wolf howls and kisses. Woof!
Edited 6 years ago
@guest_ I really wish I could find someone like you. You made me think. I would be honored to find a man like you. I know he’s out there. Raised right wing Republican conservative Christian, believe it or not. Please tell God to send him my way.
@channel I love you all.
@xvarnah @bethorien @aviva Be strong women. You have my heart. Big wolf howls and kisses. Woof!
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
@everybody I’m not quitting FS. I’m just going to take a break for a bit. I’m also _excruciatingly_ day drunk lounging by a pool looking at a mountain with a blue sky in February and thinking, yep, this is probably it. I had some things that I wanted to express. Let’s see if I regret delete this tomorrow. Probably will, LOL.
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
@jasonmon Truth be told, some days on FS are a battle for me to stay. I love this site and the people on it. But sometimes it just makes me feel OLD. I’m guessing we’re around the same age. I’m at the point where I’m deciding where will be ‘home home.’ You live in VI so I think you know what I mean. I’m glad you’re on here because it makes me feel less ‘weird and alone.’ Sorry to dump this on you. Weird loner stuff to say, amirite?
@guest_ I really do wish I could meet a thoughtful man like you who makes me say ‘hmm, I’d never thought about it like that before.’ He’s out there. I just wish he would stop being so damn elusive, ha ha! Someday...
Edited 6 years ago
@guest_ I really do wish I could meet a thoughtful man like you who makes me say ‘hmm, I’d never thought about it like that before.’ He’s out there. I just wish he would stop being so damn elusive, ha ha! Someday...
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
@xvarnah I like you because you seem like a fair, good person who fights for what’s right. I really admire you. You just seem kind. I see that you’ve been posting pics and memes daily to keep this site alive. You hustle for what matters to you. By me, it has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.
@bethorien Alright, alright. I don’t hate you, you stunning bitch. I actually really like you. I’m a gigantic human and people usually don’t stand up to me. But you have. Maybe a bit too often for my tastes. I’ll always respect that about you. I love it when girls don’t take crap from bossy boys. You seem to have lost your ‘sassy pantsness’ in recent days. But don’t ever lose that strong woman part of yourself. It makes me smile.
@bethorien Alright, alright. I don’t hate you, you stunning bitch. I actually really like you. I’m a gigantic human and people usually don’t stand up to me. But you have. Maybe a bit too often for my tastes. I’ll always respect that about you. I love it when girls don’t take crap from bossy boys. You seem to have lost your ‘sassy pantsness’ in recent days. But don’t ever lose that strong woman part of yourself. It makes me smile.
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
@t__v__t Welcome to the blue star club! The entire site is glad you’re here. We’ve been waiting for you with open arms. You’ve earned it!
@aviva People often ask to touch my beard. Or stroke my chest fur (among other things!). I guess you could say I’m a ‘wolf daddy’ in my community. As such, I do a lot of fundraising with my shirt off. Random strangers touch me a lot. It’s hard to deal with as an introvert. But I put up with it. It’s for a good cause, LOL.
@aviva People often ask to touch my beard. Or stroke my chest fur (among other things!). I guess you could say I’m a ‘wolf daddy’ in my community. As such, I do a lot of fundraising with my shirt off. Random strangers touch me a lot. It’s hard to deal with as an introvert. But I put up with it. It’s for a good cause, LOL.
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
@t__v__t And erupt it did, you wonderful troublemaker!
@aviva ‘Whiskers’ are just the beard. Yes, you can touch (random strangers do so of course why not you?). No, I would never kill you! Thanos had a vision for good ends but used questionable means. I was stumblingly saying that you brought good ends to this and other conversations. Keep being amazing you.
@everybody I’m taking a break for a few days. Time to get out of town. But I just reread this thread and it rewarmed my heart. See you soon.
Edited 6 years ago
@aviva ‘Whiskers’ are just the beard. Yes, you can touch (random strangers do so of course why not you?). No, I would never kill you! Thanos had a vision for good ends but used questionable means. I was stumblingly saying that you brought good ends to this and other conversations. Keep being amazing you.
@everybody I’m taking a break for a few days. Time to get out of town. But I just reread this thread and it rewarmed my heart. See you soon.
The little immortal lady 22 comments
· 6 years ago
Did someone say something about us getting whipped?? Oh, you said shipped. My mistake. Well, to neither one I object, as long as it makes you happy.
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
@aviva Where are you? You’re in the middle of all of this. Balanced. As everything should be.
@jasonmon The meme arose because your fabulousness was contagious. Grown adulting is hard, isn’t it?
@xvarnah @bethorien The ‘enjoys the company of women’ line in the UD definition was probably referring to you two.
@guest_ I V-Day bromance you with all of my ‘nah mate I work out too and was just complimenting you on your sick gains, 100% just mutual respect bro’ self. Hope you and the missus had a good one.
Edited 6 years ago
@jasonmon The meme arose because your fabulousness was contagious. Grown adulting is hard, isn’t it?
@xvarnah @bethorien The ‘enjoys the company of women’ line in the UD definition was probably referring to you two.
@guest_ I V-Day bromance you with all of my ‘nah mate I work out too and was just complimenting you on your sick gains, 100% just mutual respect bro’ self. Hope you and the missus had a good one.
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
Oh. My. Goodness. You leave FS for a couple of hours to get the whiskers trimmed and come back to absolute hilarity. I’m grinning ear to ear. @xvarnah is correct. ‘Technically’ I’m a Wolf, which is a subcategory of Bears (depending on which animal kingdom you’re considering!). Urban Dictionary numbers 2, 4, 7 and 11 are pretty good descriptions of a Wolf. Except for the parts about being young and handsome which don’t apply in my case, LOL: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Wolf
Edited 6 years ago
T r u t h 92 comments
· 6 years ago
Now now, @aviva. I adore @xvarnah and @guest_ equally. It’s just that - on occassion - I might just happen to adore one of them more equally than the other.
Henlo, fren 4 comments
· 6 years ago
If I could see the first digits on the dog tag, I would do a reverse lookup on the phone number and call the owner to confirm whether that dog is a cute in real life as it is in this photo.
Lacoste have replaced their Crocodile Logo to raise awareness of 10 endangered species 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I saw your username and honestly expected your comment to be a link to a photo of you standing next to a stack of these at the mall.
When you book a holiday trip and look forward to it and reality gets in 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I don’t know if it’s pharaoh not for me to keep making puns. Some people might think its tomb much. So I’ll just say thank you and move on to the next meme. We might see things differently but I always appreciate your point of view.
Edited 6 years ago
When you book a holiday trip and look forward to it and reality gets in 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I don’t know if I agree with your perspective on this.
Edited 6 years ago
Doom 3 comments
Lacoste have replaced their Crocodile Logo to raise awareness of 10 endangered species 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Regretfully, this shirt is as much of an endangered species as the animals on it. Entirely sold out. You can still donate to Save Our Species on the Lacoste website if you’re interested: (https://www.lacoste.com/us/saveourspecies.html).
Edited 6 years ago
Say something about this 21 comments
· 6 years ago
I had to peel back a lot of layers to understand this meme. I clawed through a bushel of possibilities. But once I got it, it brought a tear to my eye.
Facts 7 comments
· 6 years ago
For some reason, I have an inexplicable urge to rewatch Hot Tub Time Machine.
Edited 6 years ago
Wait a second hold up 7 comments
· 6 years ago
The Shrek franchise (excluding two Puss in Boots Netflix spin-offs) includes four self-titled movies with a fifth reportedly in production, two self-titled Shrek television specials, ten self-titled Shrek video games, a Shrek Broadway musical that received eight Tony nominations, and a Shrek amusement park ride.
Let me know how ‘Solo 2’ goes when it comes out.
Let me know how ‘Solo 2’ goes when it comes out.
The important things in life! 19 comments
I love all of you. Signing off.