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Retail meme 12 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
No. And when I worked with customers I’d tell them so. If they argued I would tell them that is fine. They may not be right but they are the one who decides the transaction. If they want to buy a thing after I said otherwise- do so, but either I won’t take it back, or I’ll hit them with a HUGE stocking fee. Because I am right. I’m a professional- that is why I am here. You came to me for a service, to fix a problem. If you knew what you needed to fix it- you wouldn’t be talking to me. On this one subject at least- I know more about it than you. It’s not an insult. It’s my job to. My career is based on knowing more about this than you. So if you want me to use that knowledge and experience to help you, I will do so. If you want to tell me what you want and pay me to do it, I will do that too- but you’re going to pay and I’m not giving your money back when you are wrong and I was right, because “the customer gets what they asked for and paid for.” That’s the slogan.
Youtubers right now 8 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Well... if Exon Mobile, Ford, or Microsoft we’re demonetized, I’m pretty sure more people might notice and you’d hear more about it than if a guy printing T-shirt’s out of a van did. Think about the “housing crunch.” When and if any one of those people lost their homes to unfair or illegal practices- no one outside their social circles really gave a crap did they? It wasn’t until it was an epedemic endangering the American economy and threatening millions more that people started to connect the dots. And guess what the answer was? Sweeping reforms to a system that is by its nature predatory and unsustainable to ensure that Americans could afford their homes? No. A bunch of laws saying that banks just can take lend you money to buy that ridiculously over priced house unless you are ridiculously wealthy.
Coincidence ? 4 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Huh. That is lazy. Like- ever notice in movies how all the soldiers in a military carry mostly the same gear and wear pretty much the same uniforms? In real life what are the odds that two people who are heroes would both be in the military, both go through basic training, both fall down, both wear hats, both wear uniforms and the sunglasses? How often do you EVER see people in the military wear sunglasses? And the costumes? They both have costumes as heroes? Lazy. I bet they probably both had to saltire superior officers and even both eat food! Like come on. Be more original. She shouldn’t even have been a person. They should make her exist as a blob of color that speaks using quantum vibrations and thinks in 6th dimensional terms- that would have taken writing skills and been original. Hack writers.
Very accurate! 3 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Yeah- but If her doctor refused to treat her when she shut down unless they let him surgically graft a 5 billion dollar third un functioning leg to her, that doctor would likely be stripped of their position and jailed. Of course- I doubt the others doctors and any public people watching would just stand there and argue I’ve which doctor “won” the argument- more likely a complete review and assessment of the suitability of all involved and a system that allows such things to happen would occur.
I hate people that do this 9 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Want to live anymore. Hopefully anyone feeling this can apply their emotions to others in the future when they hear people dealing with similar struggles. To the subject though- it’s simple. The “best” places get taken first usually. Places with beauty, access to things, economic opportunity- and people congregate there. The immediate surroundings become places for people who don’t want to pay the price or deal with the crowds, then someone else says “I don’t mind driving 2 hours to get to work if it means I can buy a huge house for the price of a dinky condo closer...” and it repeats as a circle widens around this central hub. With technology, now people can work from home easily and home can be anywhere. The 2 hour drive a day is now a 2 hour flight every week or month or quarter when they have to go in person. The world gets smaller every day. We adapt, or we get left behind.
I hate people that do this 9 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
It’s not that hard. Think of it like this: most people who live in these cities like them. What don’t they like? It’s likely one or a combination of: Too crowded, don’t like the way people are, too expensive, changing from how it was when they liked it to something else.
So they find a place that is cheaper, less crowded, where people don’t behave in the same ways as the ones they don’t like in their city. They find a place with “potential” that just “needs a few things...” and they move there and begin to change it (and it tends to begin to change as more people like them come- in an exponential cycle) to suit their tastes. It sucks doesn’t it? That’s that whole “gentrification” thing that people in urban environments have been taking about for decades. Where that little space you’ve built home and community starts filling up with people who have the money, power, and numbers to start pushing out you and yours and transforming your home into theirs- a place you can’t or don’t...
That's my face while I was uploading this 3 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
You’re entitled not to care about anything you want. However- regardless of wether one wants to see Opportunity as “alive” or not- it was an important scientific mission that was still providing one of our only sources of data from the surface of Mars, and an incredible fest of human engineering that it lasted as long as it did when it was only projected for a short term mission. Not caring about its shut down is like not caring that the Hubble or SETI shut down. We don’t have to care of Alien life we’re doscovered tomorrow- a great deal of people might consider one ignorant for not caring about such a thing of course. It’s unlikely that Opportunity was part of your daily life or really had much effect on it- but it was a symbolic and actual hope and aid for humanities future amd the future of technology and exploration. So to not care at all, to be even a little upset at the news that a historic mission may have ended might be seen as more ignorant than cool.
Battle Royale 3 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Shoulda spent less time practicing your fortnite dances and more time practicing your guard Timmy.... Now imma show you how we did things in Quake times.
12 · Edited 5 years ago
Two sides to the coin 8 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
... and insecure people. So to turn around later, and see a former bully in a lesser position, then to look down on them and revel in it- that sort of makes you the same doesn’t it? If it made them a flawed and insecure person to take pleasure in your suffering- what does that say about you? And to Karma- maybe it’s cyclical and it’s more about the type of person you are than what you do? Maybe they were always going to try out a loser, and you were always going to be a person who takes joy in their suffering, and so maybe you being bullied was karma because when you met them again you were always going to look down on them? Who knows? But I believe people can change, and people should be able to find happiness and become better and move past things they are sorry for. It doesn’t erase those things, but we don’t need to hold on to those things and let them twist us as humans either. Sadism is circular.
Two sides to the coin 8 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Karma is an odd thing. Most people who believe in Karma seem to believe that people can also be instruments of Karma- didn’t get that job? Karma. But... a human being made the call- so obviously humans play a part in Karma. So who is to say that bully wasn’t somehow your Karma? I can’t figure out what I did as a child to deserve some of what came my way from the universe- so I could t be Latin for anything I’d done in this life. So either reincarnation plays a part and perhaps that’s Karma from a past life, or if Karma is real perhaps it doesn’t follow linear time and one can pay for things before they’ve done them, or have good things yet to come balanced by bad things happeneing now? Who knows. I don’t hold against people the way they acted as children, or 10,20,30+ years ago so much because people can change. And speaking of Karma- when someone bullies you it means they can. You’re in a position of weakness and they aren’t. They look down on you- usually because they are flawed...
It felt good when Thanos snap his fingers 10 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
The villain usually wins in real life, that’s why movies are escapist fantasies. Very few movies set in a modern setting wouldn’t end with a hero who wasn’t in jail, or lost everything. Pretty much any movie involving or corrupt corporation or massive conspiracy reallly ends with the whistleblower hero in jail for treason or something similar, dead, or buried in a drawn out legal battle that everyone guilty walks away from but destroys their career, marriage, finances, and life. If you want to see a movie where the bad guy wins- start watching documentaries. Although there are lots of more mainstream movies where we can argue the bad guys win or they actually do win- or where the hero really IS the bad guy if we think about it- but largely movies are fantasies people use to escape reality and to project the problems they have or see in the world into a fantasy world where good deeds and intentions triumph over all, without the tedious red tape and consequences or boring slog.
Shame on you. Shame on your family 11 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
There are two sides to every story. But that’s not the be all and end all. This person says they had terrible food. BUT- the restaurant says it’s that’s just retaliation by the complainer! BUT- how do we know the complainer isn’t telling the truth and the restaraunt didn’t have terrible food, and not is trying to discredit their review in retaliation? Context would help us figure it put. But often we get these things without context, or can’t be bothered to verify facts.
Me love you long time 11 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
The line was most popularized by a movie called “Full Metal Jacket” which covers a period of US involvement in the Vietnam war, following a group of fresh recruits through basic training, and then following the protagonist into his time in Vietnam. It covers a lot of psychological elements and cultural elements of the time. The particular scene that made this line popular is where a Vietnamese prostitute is soliciting an off duty soldier using broken English. It’s an example of European sex colonialism and the exploitation of women in under developed countries and war zones. The phrase is sometimes used as a type of “cat call” especially towards Asian women- who in media and culture are often portrayed as prostitutes, sexually “easy,” or as fetish objects or immoral or “trashy.”
Lying until proven correct 13 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
That’s one of the huge flaws of our system. You may be innocent until proven guilty, you may be found guilty and then exonerated- but that doesn’t change the fact that there are little or no legal protections for the accused. Your job isn’t safe while you fight the accusations, your bills aren’t suspended, your share of household expenses isn’t covered for you, your reputation during and after the process aren’t safeguarded, and the cost of justice is so high that many people take plea deals or just plain don’t fight charges they are innocent of because it may not even be worth it. People have spent thousands fighting tickets like speeding or red light violations. They win and... all the time and money they spent is gone. They’re innocent sure. But 1/20th the money and traffic school would have the same result. It’s practically criminal to be broke, and if you are broke and don’t have time to waste- your chances at justice get slimmer. So yeah. It’s a foul system. Good luck.
Lying until proven correct 13 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
As others have said- that might work on a personal level. Police may be able to use that as a tool when interacting with people to protect themselves- but it is t the way a justice system should work. Wether an officer believes you or not they merely arrest when there’s sufficient proof of a crime- if trail law worked that way things would be pretty fucked up.
Lying until proven correct 13 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Most experienced cops tend to assume you’re lying already. People tend to lie to cops. “I have no idea how fast I was going...” “I didn’t have anything to/only had one drink...” I didn’t realize that was a stop...” “I’m holding it for a friend...” “No, you won’t find anything on me/in my car..” “I’ve never gotten a ticket before...” “It was an emergency or I would never have...” “Yes officer. My license good.” “Yes I have insurance..” it’s an even longer list. People lie to police about things that they don’t even need to lie about, or things that an officer will either 100% find out in a few seconds, or already knew before they stopped you. So police often do assume that everyone is lying, and that everyone is a criminal of some sort- because technically everyone has broken some kind of law. But-
Me love you long time 11 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
I’m not here for a long time, I’m here for a good time.
Rise up gamers 38 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
It makes sense to deploy nuclear arms in anticipations or as deterrent to conflict- Troops, materiel. When threat is imminent it makes sure to have them ready on standby and armed. However when such threat is low- you keep these assets secured to prevent abuse, theft, or rogue action. It’s responsible- and even our military which is directly and constantly engaged in matters of security exercises protections and restrictions to arms from side arms to tactical weapons- because having the hardware to do the job means being responsible with it and for it.
Rise up gamers 38 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Thank you both. Please don’t get me wrong. I sincerely believe that it is the responsibility of any citizen to oppose tyrany- and if that tyrany be so absolute- to abolish an unjust government as dictated by the founding principals of our country. The right to own arms is not just a fundamental freedom- but an important check and balance against tyrany. On the “paper battlefield” you CAN be blatantly denied the protection of just law. We’ve seen corruption and illegal rulings time again. If the elite and powerful male you fight on their battlefield by their rules controlled by their peers- the only victory is the one they allow you to have. So maintaining a reason to fear the “Everyman” IS important. The right to defend ones self, home, or even lord forbid it come to it- country- aren’t negotiable. The particulars of that right however are. So that we maintain the practical ability to do these things if needed, with minimum risk in times of peace.
What do I do?? 15 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
I do recall tailhook. There’s something to be said about it. Straight and bi men tend to enjoy women. The female form, energy, attention- not to compare men to animals- but those things can be like “treats” to men- and lines as well as behavior and mindstate can get a little skewed on deployment or when large groups of men are cooped up together for awhile. It doesn’t excuse the behavior- but what I’m saying is that while we can work to change things it’s not inherently bad that many men take a simple and fundamental pleasure from women. We just have to work on shifting a social perspective to one where that enjoyment can be had while respecting and not objectifying women without their consent. But it is waves for sure. We make 3 steps and slide one or two back, and repeat. I think we will get it right someday. Never perfect- but where we can mostly all agree things are tenable.
Apex is better than fortnite 11 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Hey popsy. Good to see you again. Overall I think that’s life. We could say the same thing about including black or Muslim or in this climate- Mexican characters. Overall I tend to go for characters that look cool, or who I like playing as- I may or may not learn their back story- but it’s largely irrelevant. I’ve never though while playing a game: “Oh- that guy killed my characters best friend- I have a personal grudge against him...” funny enough- lots of games have characters like Nazis or facists or supremicists as characters, playable characters, or even main leads. We don’t tend to see quite the same controversy “what does it matter if he’s a Nazi- Wolfenstein is a shooter- kill the things on the other team trying to kill you...” it wouldn’t change the actual game at all to drop or change that part entirely- but to many t would change the experience and their enjoyment
Rise up gamers 38 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
It makes it just as bad. What you end up with is not the blood of patriots and tyrants- but the blood of tyrants trying to replace other tyrants. The only advantage- the only logic behind that move isn’t an imposition of tyrany, but the desire to be the tyrant making the decisions. So there is no higher purpose here or moral high ground at that point. There’s no glory or fantasies of nobility or enlightenment or righteousness. Just ugly people doing ugly things to get their way. That’s what most conflicts become- but it’s even worse when they start out that way- with no goal asides to be in power for the sake of power.
Rise up gamers 38 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Rather than die with a weapon in my hand and my brothers and sisters besides me, and rather than to bend a knee- I would prefer to survive. With all my brothers and sisters besides me. To enjoy every day and know that as long as we are alive there is a fight. To use that same democratic process to fight what I see as unjust, to pass my beliefs on and to share lymperspective with others who think differently in the hopes that they might see the logic and change. You can’t change anything if you’re dead- unless your plan is martyrdom- in which case enjoy your virgins in the afterlife with all the terrorists before you. With all the people who were so sure they were right that they decided to take the freedom of others and silence their voices by force. Can you see the irony in being so upset that a democratic process produced a result you felt was against freedom- that you would seek to take the feeedom from the people who made that decision? It doesn’t make your cause more noble-
Rise up gamers 38 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
There is a reason they send young people to war beyond physical fitness. It’s BECAUSE young people are far more likely to agree to throw their lives away on false notions of glory- this is why so many suicide bombers and terrorists are young. With age and wisdom one comes to value life. They realize that the act of sacrificing ones self for a belief is not inherently noble, but the nobility of the act of sacrifice comes from understanding what one is sacrificing for and why.
Rise up gamers 38 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
One side would not be the only armed side. Here I am, a gun owning and feeedom loving American, debating you on the point. Just because someone isn’t willing to wage open war and commit what many would argue to be treason because they think a law is unjust- doesn’t mean they aren’t armed. Do you really think the whole of the United States military would turn their weapons against their own families and neighbors? Some might. But not all. I don’t even think most. The majority of police officers wouldn’t desert their oath to uphold the law either. Again- some would, some like those in Washington state right now-would see such laws as unjust and refuse to enforce them. But the whole reason so many people have the freedom to be anti gun is because they have a lot of guns defending them.