No I don't like Hickory Nuts. I earned the nickname after I rolled my ankle on one. At school they call me H Nut. You laugh but I'm serious.
— HickoryNut97 Report User
Darth who? 82 comments
· 8 years ago
Darth Nosreme, dope
What's in my mind every time someone bashes gay marriage or atheism 17 comments
· 9 years ago
It's more like people use the foundation of freedom to oppress people into their version of religion. This goes both ways. You shouldn't be able to force a shop to serve a couple that is breaking a rule that the show owner holds to. At the same time, you shouldn't keep gay marriage illegal just because you're against it. It in no way effects you, and you've probably broken some rules more explicitly outlined in the bible.
Reasons to fight 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Americans should be, "Why?! Cause Fuck those guys!" Oil isn't a reason we fight, if it was what we wanted we would suck Alaska dry, THEN go plunder the world for it
Reasons to fight 36 comments
Reasons to fight 36 comments
2034 b*tches 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh cmon pull your head outta your ass Gabe. You're fat! Welcome to the club! You have no excuse to bitch about it you're a billionaire so shut the hell up. I'm fat and poor so I use humor to make people like me. I make fat jokes everyone laughs I win!
Llamas army 14 comments
· 9 years ago
If you put hats in them tho there is a 50% chance that they will become face eating psychopaths
Bring on the down votes.. 67 comments
· 9 years ago
I actually believe that life begins when we can tell someone is pregnant, contraceptives are fine and honestly I think the morning after pill is fine, but I could be wrong and I'm not willing to risk it. Because if life does begin at conception then abortion is murder, and I'm not willing to risk that.
Bring on the down votes.. 67 comments
· 9 years ago
Because it's not fact! That egg is unfertilized, that acorn has every potential to become a tree, and that worm will become s moth, killing something that is on its way to becoming a human is worse than shooting a human! At least the walking one has a slim chance of defending itself, but we call that wrong as we kill something on its way to becoming a human, that cannot defend itself. The sperm and egg is a sapling, not an acorn.
The more you know. 4 comments
Metric 1 imperial 0 12 comments
· 9 years ago
That's an old tank. Idk if you've seen the tanks we've made, but they kick ass. If we turned down a design for something stupid like that, I'm alright with it cause us stubborn Americans decided we would just make our own, and they are better, no offense to Italy
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
· 9 years ago
Revelation 21:27 "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." if you sin, you can't go to heaven without Jesus. That's why we have Jesus. Because we have all sinned. Compared to other people, we may not be so bad, but when we are compared to God, there is no contest
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
· 9 years ago
Homosexuality is a sin. But so is Adultury, Sex before marriage, taking the lords name in vain, and a lot of other things that people barely bat an eye at these days, much less make laws restricting it! It is a sin, and if you say it's not, you are wrong. BUT, it is not the place of te government to tell you what to do with your life. The issue here is the definition of the word "marriage" Marriage is used to define a used to be HOLY union between a man and a woman. Same sex "marriage" is an oxymoron, but people are gonna do what they want anyway, so just come up with a different word for it or something. I am offended when I see two guys getting married because in my beliefs system, marriage is SACRED.
Don't shoot. Take a picture 33 comments
· 9 years ago
I kill animals because I enjoy eating them. I'd love to taste lion before I die! Gator is great, venison is good, duck is AMAZING OMFG, quail is decent