

— Imposter123 Report User
Hunter gatherer 2 comments
imposter123 · 5 years ago
They were students outside of Europe, taking German?
Boys don't cry 7 comments
imposter123 · 5 years ago
Don't worry too much, there's already an emulator in development known as "ruffle"
Made by Mike Welsh of The Behemoth and Tom Fulp, founder of Newgrounds (and co-creator of The Behemoth)
Sold MacBook and joined PC Masterrace, thoughts? 6 comments
imposter123 · 5 years ago
Joining the red team, nice choice dude
NASA has trialled an engine that can get to Mars in 10 weeks. 26 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
Not only does it not use any propellant, but by further testing at higher power settings we may reach adequate thrust to travel to mars more often, all because we can put on more solar panels and increase the physical size of the engine in order to increase the thrust provided. However, the EmDrive used by Nasa is going to space and probably being upscaled to assist in testing the equipment without interference such as earth's electromagnetic field to confirm the thrust it produces and whether or not it's practical to use in space exploration (Which is probable if it works)
The same brand of car: Then and now 7 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
It does depend on the brand and the model series, but yeah, generally Classics are much nicer to have.
Wear the seatbelts 19 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
The use of a seatbelt is not only to protect you in the case of a crash, but to protect others in the event of a crash, the incident of being thrown into the others vehicle is unlikely but, if you are driving with passengers you do have the possibility to be thrown around in your car killing them, and if you survive the crash you are done with endangerment of life causing death. which not only comes with a hefty prison sentence, but also the guilt of killing those in your vehicle due to your "choice"
Everyone here saying they refuse to wear a seatbelt, listen to this. My father was called out to a slow speed collision at a residential area while he was in the police. One vehicle had no survivors, due to the rear passenger not wearing a seatbelt and killing the others. Wearing a seatbelt is not a choice you get to make, by not wearing one you are generally committing a crime or felony (depends on place)
To leave, here's a link:
Google 4 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
Order now and receive a bonus user's data completely free!!!
But that's not all, if you order now we'll throw in a 30 day money back guarantee!!!
Works well 6 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
Correct, it's also not the fall the kills you but the nature of your landing
Lose the hands 3 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
Lone Wolf, great mission, great game, great franchise, thanks for the ride Bungie
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Earth isn't flat at Everest! 10 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
It's not as noticeable as it is in the photo (fish eye lenses lol)
But if you have a panoramic view in an aircraft flying at about 45000ft you'll see some curvature at least
Kiwis have the most freedom!!! 15 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
You can stop that.
Or shall I call your brother flyingoctopus?
They gave up 8 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
The noun carousal describes a rowdy gathering that involves drinking too much alcohol.
Boeing logic 5 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
I know it's dead but I have to clarify this.
Airlines aren't charging for oversize luggage because the planes can't carry them, if weight was that tight the plane wouldn't be allowed off the ground. The baggage allowances are for balance, there is an allowed weight for planes after they're fueled and prepped, that is then split into the average passengers weight so that the plane isn't unbalanced, then there's the same with the baggage, all bags are weighed and put onto the belt so that the plane's weight distribution is correct to save as much fuel and money as possible, it also makes the aircraft easier to fly.
Cruel teacher 10 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
I know it's 4 years old. But you should've seen it coming, it is biology ;)
Human: Let me take a selfie! Bird: Imma fly like an eagle! 8 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
^ Namely the north western end of the south island, hopefully they can reintroduce them into the Remarkables ranges
Elon musk 4 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
The time to recharge on a lot of Tesla's vehicles aren't as bad when you consider the size of the battery, and the range reaches 400mi, which for quite a few countries is enough
Elon musk 4 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
The largest issues being the lack of charging stations and the price of the vehicles themselves.
Fat shaming & not ashamed 17 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
*I know this is dead*
Skeletons have rarely been shown to form deficiencies and shrinkage in larger bodies because of excess fat,
Boys don't know the horrible view girls have of themselves 15 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
Oh s***
lmao, i can never get it right
maybe one day :D
Write me a short story, be as creative as possible 21 comments
imposter123 · 6 years ago
I know this is late, but I decided to write a story based on this au and another one I found somewhere else.
''Cause I'm a sassy, edgy teen'' 37 comments
imposter123 · 7 years ago
Truly is
Which country has the worst lovers? 5 comments
imposter123 · 7 years ago
I wasn't meaning pants, but whatever totes your goats
Which country has the worst lovers? 5 comments
imposter123 · 7 years ago
Kiwi men are hardly the worst. We can get them off with only our accent ;)
It's exactly what happens! 12 comments
imposter123 · 7 years ago
Sounds like New Zealand :D
(I know it's late)
Such a cutey. 7 comments
imposter123 · 7 years ago
The possum is generally considered a pest down here in New Zealand after they were introduced to control another introduced animal's population, but they're just everyday animals for their home in Australia.
But hey, you learn something new every day! :D