

— InspectorA Report User
Chrome (chrome) 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Easter island 7 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Oh freakin' B'jezus, its wearing a thong... AND has a butterfly tattoo at lower back!
· Edited 5 years ago
A handy "How to..." guide 75 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
If this "protest" was blocking the driveway to a hospital emergency room and the cars were ambulances, would there even be a discussion?
Lazytown memes 2 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Like Kaiju attacking Earth.
the good of 2016 35 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Ok, to get hunting tag granted with restrictions: (only with a wooden bow & arrow, only 1 arrow, you must be naked or camouflaged with locally sourced natural materials, life Insurance pays off zero if you die, and while on the hunt, an undisclosed number of people are allowed to hunt YOU at same time with no restrictions. If you bag a tiger like that, then elligable for running in "Badass of year".
Why california ! 14 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Google Earth this "Savoy-Gant Lake, Texas, USA" just to the East of it you will notice "Whichway, Thatway, Thisway, and Anyway Drives." This is just off Lakeway Drive. ... you thought California was stupid alone?
How big is Texas? 17 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
If Texas was transposed onto Europe, El Paso could sit in London, Texarkana in Poznan, Poland, and Brownsville in Venice, Italy.
Karma is the best way to revenge 5 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Why TF are you telling ME this? Do you ever go after the people who hurt me, or is your job more like "stop hitting yourself...."
I didn't know this about Beastlyduck Combingbirch 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
And now... the equally mysterious connection to the Supernatural fandom..., presented by someone else.
Why didn't this work out 7 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Five Hundred Meters.... so, like 1,640 ft. Not the entire country, not even one kilometer, barely over a quarter mile. That would be something on the order of 20 lamps which would allow you to see animals and pedestrians well in advance of your headlights... replaced with glow stickers which last about a year and then must be replaced.
Shit just got real!!! 16 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Have YOU ever tried to get a back fire going to black out a safe zone in 15% slopes on a mountainside with no time for hand flares and torches?
Look up fighting wild fire with fire.
It's all a cycle 5 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
42 = ASCII value for the asterisk ( * ), the definition of which is "anything you want it to be."
This was the fastest I've ever been able to identify a celebrity from their child 18 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Truly I don't see it, to me that kid on the right more resembles Ewan McGregor... even the hair.
T-1000 4 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I have special eyes 13 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
How DARE YOU!? Men already can't distinguish more than 5 shades of blue and you want her to distinguish colors males can't even SEE?!
· Edited 5 years ago
Woken 20 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I don't like milkshakes... they bring all the boys to the yard.
Duel to the death 9 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
No, in fact the bear and man were old friends who together attacked a much stronger and deadlier foe... Ron Swanson's great grandmother; all 4 ft, 9 inches of her. Poor bastards never had a chance.
· Edited 5 years ago
2139 6 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
"Kids, this is the story of how I met your mother's 'family'. Yes, including uncles Zeb, Tito, Pavel, Kryszhtoff, Micky 'two thumbs', Joe the Giant, 'Jazzman' Jimmy, and Uncle Bouchenz from France."
Woken 20 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
No, see, you still win. I'm not allowed to fight back. Congratulations! Fweee! Party at your house, go buy beer, I'm allergic so I have to be designated driver for all the women who get pissed at their boyfriend for taking your side and want to go home at 9 PM. Woe is the loser.
Woken 20 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I'll just let you win right now, my conditioning says I am supposed to lose all conflicts. Surrender without effort, lose... I'm a loser. But I'm ok with that since society needs losers, else who would we give "participation trophies" to?
Support your local consolation industries; keep making losers. Also I have terminal sarcasm, which I like; makes me sound more like Deadpool.
Woken 20 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Yes, I am now 6 ft, 290 pounds and the number of people trying to beat me up has dropped significantly.
Woken 20 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
From kindergarten to high school I was constantly being bullied because my parents liked a different college football team and all (I mean literally ALL) of my shirts were maroon & white. 7 Christmas in a row I asked for blue shirts.
When I was 8 my mother complained my shirts kept getting ripped. Explained it was kids beating me up. She said "just don't ever get into a fight. Run and they can't get you." Explained how 3 kids played football and can't outrun. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, JUST DON'T EVER GET INTO A FIGHT."
"But what do I do if I think they're going to kill me..." "THEN YOU DIE! Just don't ever get into a fight where I'm going to have to put up with it!"
I was third smallest kid in class counting the girls. This was 32 years ago and I still carry it with me.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
When you show peasant rebels mercy in CK2 8 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
This is history worthy of a Ron Swanson meme.
Hunger games for capitalists 6 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
HEADLINE: Richest person in U.S. now broke, 114,000 workers laid off to cover executive compensation. 12,000 stores closed. DOW drops 2,000 points.
Yeah, that's a great idea; and if you think "we won't allow executive comp... the the richest person in U.S. will be the guy recycling $14,000 a year in beer cans while Mexico and Canada now have 200 billionaires each and U.S. is where the world comes for robotic work force due to infinite college degrees and zero skilled labor.
Also, taxes are supposed to take a fair portion of your income to cover how much of public utilities and services aided in your income. Beyond a point, about 34%, what taxes take is less than what you receive and businesses go where taxes are lower.
· Edited 5 years ago
Like multi-player dreaming 27 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Do you want Sword Art Online? 'Cause that's how you get Sword Art Online....