

— InspectorA Report User
Truth about "*****s" 11 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Fellow incels and lonelyhearts, I propose we gather to create a new society of mutually supportive, caring persons. After the virus and hate riots, we shall quietly and unseen move to take over a series of small towns in proximity to one another. Then larger towns , small cities and so on. For "some reason" ... Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and other specific web sites just "will not work on the wifi here." People must talk. Barnes & Nobles in every town, small non chain coffee shops, PutPut golf, go kart race town, noise ordinances enforces by concrete truck filling your car if too loud. Police your own neighborhood and deal with criminals like ye olden days, with the mob of close friends you can hang out with. City council & mayor elected by ballot, but change every year (person campaigns in August only, any other day of year illegal, if 60+ % vote for them in November, they get their turn as mayor at start of new year) . Make a new society, by broken people, for broken people.
· Edited 4 years ago
Truth about "*****s" 11 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Fellow ingels and lonelyhearts, I propose we gather to create a new society of mutually supportive, caring persons. After the virus and hate riots, we shall quietly and unseen move to take over a series of small towns in proximity to one another. Then larger towns , small cities and so on. For "some reason" ... Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and other specific web sites just "will not work on the wifi here." People must talk. Barnes & Nobles in every town, small non chain coffee shops, PutPut golf, go kart race town, noise ordinances enforces by concrete truck filling your car if too loud. City council & mayor elected by ballot, but change every year (person campaigns in August only, any other day of year illegal, if 60+ % vote for them in November, they get their turn as mayor at start of new year) . Make a new society, by broken people, for broken people.
Thoughts? 35 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I have a 3 inch long scar from a urologist with a scalpel who shot local anesthesia THROUGH the tissue he was supposed to be injecting INTO. 2,165 second procedure ... yes, you count the seconds when you feel scrotal cords being pulled by gloved fingers, and 8 weeks of healing the MRSA infected abcess later, I got an apology letter. NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR ANYONE, FVCK THE ALL AND LEAVE A STICKY MESS.
Preach the hemp life 6 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Wanna guess how many people have skin allergy to hemp?
Where we're going we don't need uh .. murder hornets? 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Oh you're... no sorry, international treaty says we're not allowed to affect fate in Europe. It's called the Prince Charles clause. So sorry. Nobody messes with Queen Lizzy.
· Edited 4 years ago
Short circuit on high voltage lines 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
DANG, full on dielectric breakdown.
Short circuit on high voltage lines 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
DANG, full on dielectric breakdown.
Tell us your *** sex stories I'm sure you guys have! 5 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
You kinda gotta admire the genius here of just asking outright.
Big sad 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Well obviously the horse was... somehow related to ... slavery... racism, police.. no, you know something, that is just pure bulls#it. That is BS so pure, you have to cut it with baking soda before releasing it to the press. May they who did this deed be amongst the placebo group for all of their lives.
Empress Elisabeth of Austria 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Yet another royal Lizzy who was stacked.
Where we're going we don't need uh .. murder hornets? 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
@purplepumpkin mmm rum. Gonna say it was a bad idea to bender with the dominator on voice command. Locked out now until figure password. Not looking forward to July, display just says "invasion of clowns from space". Side note: 7, 10, 39, 60, 69(nice) bonus ball 2. Skadoosh
Stanley Tucci's red carpet look is always "I just got away with something" 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Bluetooth butt plug. There, now you can never unimagine that.
Relatable 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
My mom didn't raise a quitter, she raised me to take everyone else into consideration and seek to reduce their suffering by increasing mine. I "could" win, but if I do someone else will lose and not have as much fun so it's better for me to try but not so much that I actually succeed. I'm not a quitter... I'm a loser.
Dogs > humans, even in robot form 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Good boy skippy, you run, bring yella up to the hill & I'll pick ya up.
Where we're going we don't need uh .. murder hornets? 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
ITS NOT TIME TRAVEL! FVCK YOU! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD THIS IS! WE'VE BURNED DOWN 3 QUANTUM SUPERCOMPUTERS RUNNING SCENARIOS. I am SO tired of trying to stop the horrors as they happen. SAVED Australia from fires with weather dominator, pin action almost erased years of drought and now looking at worse fire season in fall. Rain also helped COVID spread. Cabin fever made people crazy; oil went negative, powder keg blew up, used dominator to quell riots wth severe weather... Joe Biden floods youtube... I am ][ close to losing my s#!t and calling up Grazier to punch a stack of fault lines before the Sept 24 Galveston hurricane, the "Columbus Day G4 geomagnetic storm" and the November blizzard in New England. Just... so tired.
4 · Edited 4 years ago
Slightly used, allegedly racist 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
She was from Calvert, Texas and her grandson says he's offended they're considering removing her from the brand. I say let them & we start a new syrup exactly the same syrup & label and if they sue for trademark we let the jury taste and ask which bottle it came out of.. the one with or without her picture. The sue them for infringement.
Never forget 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
We miss you Dr. Cox.
Stainless Women’s Armor Set 9 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
But SS is so soft, you can tear sheets of it by hand if thin enough. Maybe makes cleaning easier, maybe pretty.. but as for effective, I want test data before opinion.
If you could crossover any franchises, which would you choose? 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Red vs Blue vs The Empire. (Special guests: Project Freelancer)
· Edited 4 years ago
It works! 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Thank you for this ultimate low effort meme. This made me chortle.
Forrest Fenn being reunited with the treasure chest he hid in the Rocky Mountains 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
This HAS to be an old picture, there is a plastic coffee cup with a STRAW in it, so 2010.
Anon asks 9 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
FORTY... ONE YEARS! on plus side, I AM immortal... for how do you kill, that which does not live?
Oh, come on! 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
The mirror dimension only has 10 months.
Green roses , flower leaves are the same green 5 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Now THAT is evolution! Adapting to be less likely to be picked by most prevalent predator.