

— InspectorA Report User
All together now: "Correlation is not causation" 1 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Well, ... I mean... (spoilers) ... he IS Keyser Soze. These things happen.
Would you watch it 4 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
"Black" Widow.
Uhm.. Yeah.. That would be horrible. 6 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
Maybe it should include a hand signal to indicate that the behavior previously observed is deemed a foul. FWEEET! "Flag on the play, offsides, unwelcome advance, 5 yard penalty. Leave me alone, please."
Looks like a fun conversation starter 2 comments
inspectora · 1 year ago
I would love to be able to wear apparel that is inclusive of my race, gender, orientation and societal placement.
Some thoughts 23 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Friendly reminder that Harley Quinn story is only 30 years old.
Some thoughts 23 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Ariel the mermaid princess is now a 24th century killer robot sent back in time to affect the African slave trade by killing Abraham Lincoln and assuring cotton farming stays prime to support the rise of Hanes underwear which ultimately takes over the world economy and issues in a big brother state by wire tapping all bras and underwear.
J.k. that's actually Dave, the time hopping capybara with debts to the mob.
It be like that 34 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
@guest_ I was expecting the usual science based response on how sea water dissipates light so fast that creatures at depth generally have little to no skin tone. Humans who live near the equator with higher solar impact have darker skin. Intriguingly, those at the same latitude as central Africa, but are ocean fairing peoples have lighter skin; the oceans absorb red wavelengths and infrared as well leading to less need for melanin to counteract the solar radiation. Which explains why ocean going Polynesians are lighter skinned than central Africans.
Mermaids, being sub surfaced species would need even less melanin. So... pale skin.. would be evolutionarly correct. Not so much for red hair. Few if any sea mammals sport long flops of scarlet or any other color hair. It's ... too my Hydraulic drag. When in the swim... bald is not only beautiful, it's efficient too.
You must race across 1800s Brazil while facing other teams 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Wait, North to South, East to West, or West to East?
Blue or red 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Illinois purge 2023 17 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
You ok guest_? Seems like you're trying very hard..
plea 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Only way to stop this is end war. ... made faster if you invite "Cousins Pavel & Voyetk" from "Western Ukraine" to join you in killing Russians. What do you think has more allure, free Ukrainian girls or chance of lifetime to fight Russians bloody? Let my people come... one way or another.
Illinois purge 2023 17 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Wait.. something posted on the internet.. wasn't 100% true?
Illinois purge 2023 17 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
North Korea is sponsoring a real world version of squid games in Chicago.
Illinois purge 2023 17 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Wow, Illinois shooting for Texas / Florida fame.
Mongolia for the win 4 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Friday, I heard The Hu cover Metallica's "Sad But True" ... sounded like heavy metal from Star Wars universe. - Sad But Hu.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
I mean .. yeah. 2 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Side note, an old magician I know gave me 9 gold rings to parse around to my favorite politicians. Guaranteed bling to win elections. Any suggestions who gets?
I mean .. yeah. 2 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Would point out the angry goddesses have been abandoning earth in favor of the Faye realm. Betty White & queen Liz... the ancient practices of the old magic are giving up on us.. and this world.
Mongolia for the win 4 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Son, this world is rough, i knew Life is hard in the steppes. You gotta be tough if ya gonna survive. - A Boy Named Hu.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Anon is lonely 10 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I...I have no memes for this occasion. (oo)
The metric system wasn't all good 3 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
One second is 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom. ... not base 10, but reasonably close to 10 billion. To make metric, one second would only have to be ~8.7% longer. Meaning a metric minute is ~ 54.73 seconds... unless we adjust it too.
Sheer power of will 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
As per your demand, mein der great and all powerful, all knowing, all smelling, supreme high der Got Mother of hatred, suffering... and crap.
I do not wish to be h*rny anymore...I just want to be happy 2 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I'm not allowed to be happy, not even allowed to try. I'm supposed to be busy... and suffering.
Raise a couple of kids with your eldritch necromancy 5 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
Your children are tiktok fodder latent to ye old farmers sheep given unto the dragons in the hopes they get sick from eating too much wool and fly off to poop out one fluffy, brown, bowel cleansing blob. "Are you a dragon? Are you constipated? Eat 60 sheep..." (today... "... eat 25 tiktok dancers (surgeon general's warning: tiktok dancers may contain heavy metals from vaping, be low in nutrition due to depression, and cause bowel obstruction due to poor hydration)" ).
Both are nice though 21 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
It's Canada, United States, and Mexico.. abbreviated C.U.M.
What's occurring 1 comments
inspectora · 2 years ago
I, for one, welcome our galactic overlords and ask to be indoctrinated into their ranks. "Please take me off this planet, this prison sentence is unjust. I will LITERALLY volunteer to fight Ewoks. ... not Jabiim, not again."