

— InspectorA Report User
Couldn't be more gay 2 comments
inspectora · 48 weeks ago
Eats colored glitter in ROYGBIV sequence a few minutes apart so the shit gets REALLY gay.
Be Spoopy 1 comments
inspectora · 48 weeks ago
Bad wiring is not a joke. It is a fire hazard.
Wrong answers only. You called these guys to handle what for you? 3 comments
inspectora · 48 weeks ago
I'm filming and amateur porn video in 1980s style and the plot is a scientist gets down with a spirit.
We are all guilty. Even the ladies 18 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
The dream police would like to know your location.
Need help identifying this type of dinosaur 3 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
The one 8 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Neo's "fantasy life" still had him working in a cubicle.
Affirmative action 2 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Not doing you a favor really. Cleaning up the intruders on his own turf. Helping you keeps inter-area crime reports low to reduce patrols.
aww 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
(oo) tries not to cry (,oo,)..
I don't see any problem with that 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Climate change brining about accelerated evolution to insect women suddenly make me want to own a coal mine.
· Edited 49 weeks ago
Lurkers check 13 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
I allow thy to maketh it sexualth 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Pendehu, oraley, you been seenin' that bruha Rosaline? You know she's my cousin, we tell each other that s#i/. We gonna put a hex on you so bad, you gonna cross the border INTO Venezuela before you get away from it.
Dude *** my city 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
LIES! I saw your fat momma tryin'a run down this street.
Cursed image of the day. 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Your diet confuses and frightens me sir.
The aztecs kinda took it a lil bit too far 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Gold is what the gods used to seal up the gremlins and evil spirits. Put into Earth, buried to protect the worlds for all of time. (Humans) "oooh, pretty". (Elder Gods) "I wanna tell them, but part of me wants to watch and see how it turns out... for lolz."
It do be true 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
This is how the world SHOULD be. Though required. ... (sigh) ... and then thet changed math...
Yes 2 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Dirt bad, we must pave to make coffee houses with vegan soy so can put solar panels on roof and local mini garden.
Igotstandardsbro.Com 2 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Obese for 6 ft tall is a BMI of 31 = 230lbs. I'm now about 265 and skinnier than my coworker who is 235 becausemy muscledensity is higher. BMI is a sociological study from 1842 by Dutch sociologist to determine if height / weight ratio affects what career you had (miner vs lumberjack). Adopted by insurance institutions early 20th century, unchanged, to calculate how much to charge people for coverage.
briish 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
This too is uncorrect.
Creation of the American two-party system 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Guess I'm gonna wait on the steps of Congress on Jan 6th, 2025 and see who else shows up.
Works the same way with abortions 2 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
...later in court, Rickie was informed that the fine was JUST for the legal dues to which he still had to pay for the fuel he stole. Rickie's truck has since been impounded and sold for scrap metal to pay his fines because no one wanted it at auction. I'm reading in the voice-over of Morgan Freeman.
11 · Edited 49 weeks ago
He he he 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Wait! Maybe this is EXACTLY the self driving, alternative fueled car we need.
How the turns have tabled 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
Death is assured, glory is dependent on performance evaluation.
Small price to pay for happiness 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
I shall exercise and get beefy jacked so she has a muscle headed Chad BF to Domme. Paint me green, I'm your BeastBoy Hulk.
Dying is for fools - Charlie Sheen 1 comments
inspectora · 49 weeks ago
"I once got so high, I could understand Ozzie Osborne talking normally. "