User jd1984 Banned

Boss 2 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
I say move, my cats don't move, my cats get kicked 3 feet forward, rinse, repeat. (pls don't hate, that was an exaggeration. I do care for my cats.) (usually)
Love him or hate him, he's spitting straight facts here 3 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
You will no longer have a "body", so no.
#bruh #lol #kids 3 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Surprise 6 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Going from personal experience, mom taught me early the difference. I suppose it may not work for the masses. On the other hand, anyone can learn anything with enough repetition.
Even if it's just the tip 24 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
It's because they tried to hard to make a strong female lead that they had to bring her in from nowhere and put her at the top. Much like they did with Elizabeth in Pirates of the Caribbean, with no (supervised) training they both managed to sword fight with men who had been training their entire lives.
So it isn't so much that the movies were bad, just had very bad writing that just seems to get worse with retrospect.
Hmmm 8 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
That's the Alabamiest thing that ever Alabama'd.
(something so fucked up I had to turn a noun into a verb. adverb? idfk.)
Different timezones, maybe! 2 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Counter point: it was so funny they had to take a break half way through to collect themselves.
Why I am afraid of using delivery services 3 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Sounds fair
Not gonna lie they had us in the first half 4 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Justice always comes in the end.
Thank you very cool.Exe has stopped working 2 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Code words people.
I dropped shit and walked out without saying a word. He's called 11 times till now 1 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
That sounds like a lawsuit to me.
Surprise 6 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Maybe teach your kids not to draw on paper that already has something on it.
Come on people 57 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
youtube . com/watch?v=HR7fHXn3sd4
https://www.weforum . org/agenda/2018/06/90-of-plastic-polluting-our-oceans-comes-from-just-10-rivers/
· Edited 4 years ago
Who would actually win 6 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Also taking into account that Tony Stark went toe to toe with Thor, I'm pretty sure Batman could come up with a way to do the same, and with being a superior tactician then Tony, would come out on top.
Come on people 57 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
That may be true, but the only thing I heard from her was anger and blame, no figures, no facts, no ideas to make it better. She only said that we should put the world before profits, which is true to an extent. However, if you don't think about profits at all, then billions of people will still die because there will be no money or jobs left to support them. That's why a calm, rational plan needs to be put in place, not knee-jerk reactions to an angry little girl giving a speech.
Come on people 57 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
I only meant we should listen to those who have studied the phenomenon rather than a random "mouth piece" who just spouts keywords from pre-written speeches.
Who wouldn't love to swim in here? 4 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
John Wick
Let the kids choose their gender 10 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
It used to be a requirement that you have a year of psychotherapy before transitioning in order to prevent things like this.
Come on people 57 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
There's also the fact she has no education or training as a climatologist and is simply being used as a mouth piece to propagate the climate debate in order to stop the debate (You're not going to bad mouth a kid, right?). The whole situation screams of brainwashing and abuse and should not be stood for. You want to help the environment, fine, good I'm all for it. But to march this uneducated child up on stage to spout your arguments for you is not the way to do it, that's just going to put people's backs up and not accomplish anything.
The stress is real 4 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
I had dream where I went to school in my underwear until I was 27.
"but the environment!..." 4 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
and would like to keep our teeth.
What trait of your personality do you fake? 11 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
What the f**k 11 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
Most places around me offer hair washing with the cut.
Preach 1 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
You can take multiple trips ONLY if you bought a lot of drinks.
Well that sucks a lot! 11 comments
jd1984 · 4 years ago
that's pretty bad, might need 2.