

— JollySailorBold Report User
Well does she? 10 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
he looks so tall there xD
The real cause of it all 70 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I did not anticipate this on my comment 0.o
Where the Avengers sleep, and how 10 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
Oh clint what will we do with you xD
The real cause of it all 70 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I will not be able to cope with this film ;-;
Bill Burr telling it like it is 42 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
being a president it hundreds of lives counting on you to guide them and create a new world. but I understand what you mean- the pressure must feel the same.
Bill Burr telling it like it is 42 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I find it disrespectful to use other people's suffering as a 'get out of jail free card' just because you have the same colour skin or genetalia or religion. That and the majority can suffer just like a minority.
This elevator is worthy! 7 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
Paul Walker quote (Fast and Furious) 23 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I was referring to benelenium.
Cereal guy 22 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
see now if somebody said they wanted girls to wear tight crop tops and skintight leggings so they coud see their ass/boobs better they would have more downvotes than you could believe, yet this is acceptable.
Yep, That's KickAss 16 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
married the director of 50 Shades of Grey who is 10-20 years older than him...oh Aaron why?
Bill Burr telling it like it is 42 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
but you do get women who complain about how hard their lives are without ever having gone through that. I'm a girl myself- and I believe in equality for both sexes,
but in a lot of cases, people side with women more and more these days.
There is a case of a woman having sex with an underage teen, becoming pregnant, then finding him 5-10 years later after no contact and demanding he pay child support for the child she never told him about. And she won that court case despite the fact that he had been underage when the child was conceived and she had been over 16 and knew exactly what she was doing.
This is just one case. I am fully aware that women have suffered greatly throughout the years- but now it's starting to be taken advantage of because people don't want to be seen as sexist if they side with the man.
Bill Burr telling it like it is 42 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
being a mother may be difficult- but you get something that many would consider to be better than money. Not to mention the fact that of course women bear the 9 months of pregnancy and birth, but the fathers also often take half of the responsibility unless the mother is single- once it's out of the womb it should be both's responsibility. It isn't the only job where every choice affects another human being, it isn't the only job that's 24/7 and it SHOULDN'T be a job you are forced into- you SHOULD be able to choose it- of course sadly this is not what happens 100% of the time, there are exceptions to all these examples- but being a mother is far from the most difficult job in the world- challenging yes, but possibly one of the most rewarding.
Paul Walker quote (Fast and Furious) 23 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
no, i'm sorry but there's funny and there's inappropriate. If you didn't like him, that's fine- but this is a man well loved by his family who left a teenage daughter, siblings and parents and many more friends and family behind. To refer to him as simply 'shit' is disrespectful and demeaning, not to mention a pretty shallow blow at getting some easy attention.
When somebody deletes their comment 10 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
it's sort of being pushed into a corner though. If you leave it there, more people send aggressive responses. If you delete it, people are all like "WHY DID YOU DELETE IT?!" "WHAT WAS THIS COMMENT!?" "THEY WERE SAYING ____" and it all starts again.
funny title 25 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
depends where you draw the line. Here I think their choice of clothing is very inappropriate, especially for an event that we would expect to be formal and classy. I guess it's sort of how you view it. Many, like you said, would see it as "I value my sex appeal." while others would see it as, "I have confidence in my body." BUT I do agree that this is most definitely taking it too far, and I'd certainly be uncomfortable if somebody walked past me in clothes like that, whatever the occasion.
Both Asgard and Disney are disappointed 5 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
great song- awful video.
Cereal guy 22 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
Cereal guy 22 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
well he voice acted Red Hood, auditioned for Superman and wanted to be Batman so heck HE probably wants to do Joker.
Cereal guy 22 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
...........i'm paranoid about how all those 4 year olds I 'went out with' in year 2 turned out...
4 · Edited 9 years ago
Human, I require your assistance right meow 7 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
...I'm not even mad, that was hilarious!
It's really true though 6 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
"It's always like this. Every day."
It's really true though 6 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
I was thinking about this the other day xD but hey he's got a girlfriend so working on it xD
Parent of the year in my opinion 24 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
well of course there's bound to be people in there that have been separated from their kids who they might have loved very much-they wouldn't feel any differently than the father.
Parent of the year in my opinion 24 comments
jollysailorbold · 9 years ago
that's sort of how I feel on the subject. You can't help who you're attracted too- and while I can't lie, I would see someone differently if they were attracted to children, I wouldn't hold it against them so much. If they got advice/ councelling for it, even better. But when someone consciously chooses to target a child for sexual intention- I'll stab a bitch.