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The doors of the Pantheon 18 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
- "These are the oldest working doors in the world"
- "That's amazing!"
- "Yes, they've only had 11,137 locks, 16,250 panels, and 98,012 hinges replaced"
- "Truly a wonder of engineering!"
Money Whale Spent 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
It looks impractical, but it has its porpoises.
Oh, Danny boy. Not again. 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Fuck. Not this song. Just fucking no.
Seriously! What's wrong with them? 12 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Nothing, but if you're dressed as a city Gent, and you're a Duck it might be funny to others.
The man with the big snake 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
If you can have a full blown conversation with the snake, you go to Hogwarts, you get an owl, you get a magic wand and do spells and shit.
This is why most of us never got our letters... the kids you never saw again, and don't see on Facebook decades afterwards?
That enigmatic supply teacher that you liked and they never came back?
The reason you never had any friends that you could connect to?
Your letter was held by your parents, and also nobody likes you.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
How flatworms mate 10 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
I've heard of "make him your bitch", but damn...
The band we need 17 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Fun fact: Only one person ever took up the offer.
Also, it wasn't band members, it was a member WITH the band, that was the "prize"; a provocative dancer they had on stage, their version of Prodigy's Leroy or Keith.
The band members could join in, but only at their own choosing. The winner of the golden condom wasn't allowed to request beyond the dancer.
Happy Holidays 5 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
..to those that befriend the Dolphins and have sex with them...
· Edited 2 years ago
The terrifying anatomy of Grimace 15 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Honestly @nelson I'd eat the shit out of that, if it was a menu item.
The terrifying anatomy of Grimace 15 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
A French Barryyyy
You've Heard of Elf on a Shelf Predictive Text Game 29 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
You've heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for work done on Thursday night so if we don't get the time then I can see how the next week is better for you and I can come by tomorrow morning.
I think the elves have been at my stash again...
We're not gonna make it, are we? 10 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Nah, this new fear gripping the world.
They'll keep using it, and varying the degree of fear with each variant.
It was Ebola a few years back it didn't freak enough people out.
Now they have this virus that is actually killin people, they'll bleed it dry, because people are looking to them for information and guidance again.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
The terrifying anatomy of Grimace 15 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
His...his brain is fried...?
Poke poke. Work damn you! 10 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"Lump of fuck" I'm gonna remember that one.
Comment on Lance Armstrong on drugs 2 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Gotta love Tricky. Legend.
Good musician, and he was the henchman that got vaporised using a Fake "Moolteebasss" in the Fifth Element
Milo is my favourite supervillan XD love this guy 18 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
He has now "de-gayed" himself.
Rip arthur morgan 4 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Me with Cyberpunk 2077 rn
B*tterfleas 17 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
"Your Mom was Better"
So dumb -.- 15 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Because then it would be netball and the other players would have to leave the pitch. Gahd.
Cleaning the house has its perks 1 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
How did he manage to sing with the mic on backwards?
This is just too accurate 20 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Southern Comfort.
Shared 6 bottles with 4 friends, and ended up filling a sink, some of the bath and the toilet with puke.
Never again. That stuff is evil.
She was also Ann Marie from All Dogs Go to Heaven, but was never able to see the movie. 23 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
She had such a bright future.
She already acted in some huge, long running series at the time.
Look at her filmography, it's excellent for such a young actor.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
You get an org*sm,you get an org*sm, org*sms for everyone!! 15 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Just change the batteries, you lazy cow.
Embarassing life 11 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Days later, your Dad was arrested.
The truth 9 comments
kingswitcherii · 2 years ago
Nah, they're the many vaginas we can go through when we go through this all again.
The last star we see before we die, is the next vagina we go through.