Norway's Prime Minister is doing it right 6 comments
· 8 years ago
. . .and that, kids, is how you get companies to flee your country
The terror of having a freind you care about more than you should. 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Haha I thought Bob Marley said this? A suspicious lack of archaic expressions makes it hard for me to believe it's Shakespeare.
Psychological Weirdness 28 comments
War makes everything worst 11 comments
· 8 years ago
People like him won't have too much convincing to be suicide bombers. . . .and that, America, is how you get terrorists. Leave playgrounds with kids the fuck alone. Let the down votes begin.
How does one fight discrimination? 64 comments
How to handle these kind of situations 17 comments
How to handle these kind of situations 17 comments
How to handle these kind of situations 17 comments
The cause of all chaos 26 comments
Bad luck Buttplugsweat Cumshinybones 18 comments
Picasso on procrastination 7 comments
What I'm asking myself rn, being european 54 comments
What would you add to this list? 34 comments
· 8 years ago
I really liked a picture of Dorian gray and I only truly appreciated Lord of the flies when I read it the second time- it's a really ordinary story about boys and fire and stuff but has a deep meaning. Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen is awesome by the way and a song of fire and ice.
Yeah, your daily source of fun b*tch 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I never blamed anyone. For all I know the guest might be chinese. But don't just tell me colonialism was good. Because colonialism was many things, but good is not one of them.
Yeah, your daily source of fun b*tch 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow a great wall of westerners telling me how colonialism was good. Very nice. Did you hear of the so called legitimate that took the place of slave trade? Do you know of the giant ripoffs that took place? How 100s of raw materials were bought for the price of one to fuel your industries? How they brought condemned goods here to sell at exorbitant prices? Nice.