Get mac'ed on 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Should be in the billions for how many lives and families were ruined
Faith in humanity restored 18 comments
Great Way to Wake Up.. 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes thank you! I was trying to recall what that quote was from but couldn't remember. Was hoping someone had made a comment about it :D
I can't stress this enough 12 comments
· 8 years ago
This is all too relatable. And scary as hell.
I've never experienced real anxiety before my early twenties. Has this happened to others?
I've never experienced real anxiety before my early twenties. Has this happened to others?
I've got two final exams in one day, wish me luck guys. Hang in there everyone. 18 comments
· 8 years ago
I have my Gen Chem ll final coming up in a couple hours. We can do this! Stay focused and don't over think
Have you ever thought ? 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I've had dreams come true to the point that I can predict what's going to happen next. It's pretty freaky
Have you ever thought ? 15 comments
I hope you'll read this, Mister Felix! 7 comments
Tattoos for survivors of domestic violence 10 comments
· 9 years ago
So you're putting a tattoo over a bruise that will go away but leaving a tattoo on the spot you were hit to remind yourself where you were hit? This concept doesn't make sense to me.
I understand domestic violence is no joke and a very traumatizing experience that no one should ever have to go through
I understand domestic violence is no joke and a very traumatizing experience that no one should ever have to go through
New Google logo 10 comments