This is deep... And scary 12 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Ok, I'll probably get a lot of hate for this, but doesn't this remind you of the story of Job?
The book starts off with the devil and god catching up (over tea or something, I forget) but they start talking and god praises Job for his faith. The devil then goats god by saying that Jobe only has faith because god has given him so many blessings. God then goes to prove the devil wrong by taking away each one of Jobe's blessings untill Jobe has watched his whole family die, his business go bankrupt and has become so sick he's on the verge of death.
All the while I can only imagine god and the devil biding their time playing cards, like they do in this picture, and watching the tragedy unfold before them....
The problem with good books 11 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I have a book sitting on my desk with only 10 pages left untill the end for exactly this reason. I just don't want to finish the book because it will really be over then...
Karl king of ducks 15 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Awesome! Can't wait to see it :)
Karl king of ducks 15 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Some one turn this into a comic!
This man gets loose skin after shedding 160 pounds, but he is not afraid to show you 15 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I'm so proud of this guy for having the guts to not only face his insecurities but share them so openly and keep such a positive attitude! Amazing!
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Still have nothing substantial to say about the post, or the examples I gave you?
I can't say I'm surpised. I can only say that I find it distasteful.
I made this post to highlight the strenght some people have. How despite their troubles and even psychological disorders they try hard to create something beautiful. That you would say something so crude as " your baggage is unattractive" about these people truly saddens me.
Not just for the people that could be helped by others looking at them more positively, but also for yourself. I truly believe that if put more value on the cracks in the surface, you will miss the gold that's in between. And that's truly only your loss.
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
If you're not simply "playing it off" and are convinced I misunderstood something, or that I don't know the type of people this post is reffering to, try looking at the name of the person that posted this. Try explaining why my examples don't match the post. Try explaining your standpoint at all.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
You keep playing it off as if you've made some very important point, but there simply isn't one. If there is, I stand corrected, but do enlighten us. What is this grand point we seem to be missing? If you simply refuse to explain yourself again, I can only assume you really have nothing to say and are trying to play yourself off as smarter than you really are.
I have to help you out here, people are a lot smarter than you seem to think they are. No one is fooled into believing you actually made a point and the longer you refuse to adress this, the more obvious your own lack of intelligence becomes.
In response to edit above:
Nothing you said needed "absorbtion"
Perhaps you don't understand how my examples relate to the post? The people I talked about are imperfect and troubled, with serious issues and psychological disorders but they try hard to fill in the cracks with something beautiful. If you can't see that, I'm sorry for you.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I did re-read the post and it seems very clear to me: you wanted real life examples of why it's beautiful when people overcome hardships and turn them into something valuable, I gave them to you.
You say I misunderstood, fine, that can happen, so I gave you the chance to explain what I misunderstood. The fact you refuse to explain yourself when given the chance tells me you have no standpoint to explain and suggests you simply had nothing substantial to say to my previous post and tried to play it of...
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Do explain then.
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
If you've never seen any of these people around, I'm truly sad for you. Open your eyes, you're really doing yourself a disservice here.
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Well, there's no need get snippy, Mgoveia.
But if you want real life examples, how about these:
I know of a psychologist that was sexually abused by her father for years as a young girl, but she took that terrible ordeal and all the psychological problem that accompanied it, and turned it into a way of connecting to those that went through similar things and helping them on their way to living a more fullfilling life.
Or another psychologist I know that had a lot of trouble completing her studies because of dyslexia and now works to help diagnose this in others so they can get help sooner than she did.
Or this girl I know who had 2 alchoholic parents who neglected and abused her her entire childhood, but she went on to see and treat people as lovingly as if they were family. Because she now believes family doesn't lie in blood but in love and she is by far the most loving person I know.
There are TONS of examples where people turn hardships into something beautiful.
If only we could look at ourselves and others in the same way 20 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Overcoming hardship and turning it into something valuable is beautiful!!
First and Foremost 4 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I like her comment so much I'm going to try to covertly insert it in my daily speech.
Something like: "I made my brother some cereal this morning, but first I slapped him with a slice of pizza"
Rejects 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
He looks like Mello
Since it's almost that time of year... 16 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Poor satan, always dealing with haters...
I'm tired of hearing about these "friendzone victims" 18 comments
lihea · 10 years ago
Awww, very sweet of you 15j, but no gratitude necessary. I think most of us know what it's like to be mistreated by someone and I just wanted you to know you're not alone and not to let this experience shy you away from trying again :)
As for the guest reply before yours-
I think they have a very negative and distorted idea of women. If your female friend wants money, compliments, etc. I think it's safe to say she isn't looking for a friendship. That would be true for a same gender "friend" as well. I have always had male friends and don't want any of those things from them. I hang out with them because we share interests and humor. We hang as I would with my female friends. And yes, there is something I get from it, just as with female friends. I get enjoyable companionship. No more. We chill, talk, play games (I love chess, most of my female friends don't, but my male friends do) and joke around. That's what friends do. And I don't see how gender should affect any of this.
· Edited 10 years ago
I'm tired of hearing about these "friendzone victims" 18 comments
lihea · 10 years ago
Anytime some one's love is not reciprocated, whether male or female, previously friends or not, it's a sad thing. And I never meant to throw anything at people who started an honest friendship and then developed more feelings. I can only imagine how painful something like that must be.
That is a terrible story and the girl that did that to you doesn't sound like much of a friend at all.
I can understand that it must be very hard to be inlove with a girl that doesn't feel the same, but still want her in your life enough to settle for being her friend. I wish she would have understood what a tough position you were in and acted accordingly.
I think a good friend would have tried to look at things from your perspective aswell. Even if she wasn't in love, that doesn't mean she can't emphatise with you.
I truly think you're better off without that sort of drama in your life. Thank for posting such a personal story and I wish you a much better 2nd try with a sweeter girl.
I'm tired of hearing about these "friendzone victims" 18 comments
lihea · 10 years ago
Hey, I wasn't trying to start anything controversial here. I have sympathy for any guy or girl who falls inlove (with their friend) without it being reciprocated.
My problem lies with these guys that get a "hot friend" with every intention to turn her into their girlfriend. These are the guys that end up acting as if they've been wronged when you say you never saw them as anything more than a friend. Some of them even go as far as calling you names or generally bad mouthing you, because you "friendzoned" them. Apparently keeping male friends as only friends makes a girl a stuck up bitch.
When you start a friendship with a girl let it simply be about an honest friendship. If by chance more develops, then so be it. But don't expect to turn girls into you GF by starting out with a fake friendship. I think this way of getting girls is deceitful and becoming angry when your tactic fails is simply pathetic.
All that said, I do sympathise with what Mr1 and 15j described.
You don't need to be a Firefly fan to appreciate the greatness of this scene. 3 comments
lihea · 10 years ago
R.I.P Captain Tight Pants. You and your crew are sorely missed.
The Roentgens' Berlin secretary cabinet 6 comments
lihea · 10 years ago
I need a desk with internal mechanisms in my life.
How is it we now have desks that last only a few yrs at best, have 3 drawers if we're lucky, and dare call it progress?
Mass-production be damned, bring back these woodworkers!