So, what now? 64 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I like undeaded. I will make it part of myy vocabulary.
Dog fashion 7 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
"It's high fashion, hooman."
Baby stingrays look like raviolis stuffed with tiny damned souls 8 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Just thought you'd might like to know that the legs aren't actually legs at all. They are the males reproductive organs.
Yeah, apparently they need 2. It's a bit greedy if you ask me, but whatever...
And you can't even spell Nobel correctly.. 6 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
You have very high expectations of your parents' gene combination....
I think for most parents it would look more like:
Business school drop-out
Business school graduate
Office worker
And that one bad combo that results in failed Mcdonalds employee.
B-e-a-utiful 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I feel this cat needs it's own animated movie.
Bruh. 8 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
But we take animals out of their natural habitat and stick things up their orifices, sometimes we implant things or tag them and then let them go again.
I think what we're really afraid of is that there's a more intelligent species out there and they'll treat us the same way we treat the les intelligent species here.
Baby stingrays look like raviolis stuffed with tiny damned souls 8 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Look at their little tiny legs and feet!
Wait what? Are these bastards trying to get on land?
A bomb detonating over a truck 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I think it looks beautiful. Am I crazy?
Dolphins fascinated by a friendly cat 5 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I love how the kitty grabs the side of the dolphin's head and pulls it back.
"No! Don't leave, I need to rub my head on you some more."
Honeybee eye 3 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
"Do I have a lash in my eye?"
"Yeah man, it's completely covered in them."
"Oh, good."
p*rn 10 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I was just complaining to my friends about the lack of support for this and one brought up that point; it would be very stressfull for the kitty/puppy.
I wonder how true that is though. Perhaps having them spend the night away from the group would be stressfull, but just playing with them for a short time?
Every puppy and kitten I have ever met loved to play with anyone who'd give them attention...
p*rn 10 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Where is your college? Any where near or in the Netherlands by any chance?
p*rn 10 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
One time after mid-terms I decided I needed to rent a kitten for one day and one night.
I contacted a bunch of people selling kitten on the Dutch version of craigslist and explained my idea and offered both money and a way for them to be re-assured the kitty wouldn't be harmed and returned as promised. None of them wrote back...
I was beyond disappointed. I needed kitty therapy!! Why don't people support this?!
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I do find it absolutely terrible that there is such little awareness about what colonialism really entailed. I find that shocking & sickening.
But I don't hold you accountable for it. So don't feel like this is an attack on you as a person or anyone else.
It's a topic that often isn't elaborated on in schools, I find that appalling.
Most of what I know I found out from reading many books on the subject & watching documentaries.
The story about Indonesia for example came from one of the nuns that survived. The poor thing was nearing 80 when they interviewed her and was a very young girl when it happened but she still cried throughout the entire telling of her story.
I'm truly sickened how much terror and pain is ignored and swept under the rug by refusing to discuss it in clasrooms. No one knows because no one teaches it!
I don't hold you or any or anybody else accountable for this lack of information. Schools simply don't cover it.
· Edited 9 years ago
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Just to clarify, I did not call you or anyone else ignorant.
The comments that were posted showed a complete lack of knowledge about this subject, and the dictionary definition of a lack of knowledge is ignorant.
So to be clear: I was referring to the lack of knowledge shown in the posts.
If you scroll up you can see I say " This ignorance (or lack of knowledge, if you prefer that term) is astounding."
It was not aimed at people directly, nore was it meant in the casual way people throw the word around in an attempt to ridicule or demean someone.
· Edited 9 years ago
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Connor, scroll up and read what happened. You ASKED me specifically to adress your comments on stereotypes and how they linked to colonialism.
You can't ask me to comment on that and then get angry with me after I do.
You can't ask me to comment on something you've said and then tell me I'm pushing my opinion. You asked me to comment, Connor.
And if you don't like my opinion, don't ask for it.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Woah, Connor, woah.
You started us on the topic of stereotypes and colonialism, don't you remember?
Why are you getting upset about it now?
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Even the worst of stereotyping is still not comparable to entire cities being burned down, the women and children raped and the men and boys murdered.
The severity of the crimes are simply not comparable.
Do you understand that even if stereotypes attribute negative charactaristics to different races, they are still considered human beings? Colonialism excluded entire races from being acknowleged as human to begin with.
The people in colonies were treated as less than human. They were cattle; dumb and unworthy of any basic human right, including autonomy.
I'm sorry but stereotyping, however awful that is, is in no way equal to what happened during colonialism.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I'm ignoring you stereotypes comment because it wasn't a good argument, Connor.
You can't compare joking about how Italians eat pasta and Germans drink beer, to joking about some of the most horrendous human rights crimes the world has ever seen. It's not even close.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
If you read my post carefully, you'll see that I said that "If [examples of] how colonialism was realised bothers you, then I suggest you stay off this topic."
I said that because you were so sensitive when I gave you a concrete example of what colonialism is.
You cannot trivialise colonialism by comparing it to dogs getting stuck in fences and people falling out of chairs, and get upset when facts are brought up that showcase how much more serious, gruesome and inhumane colonialism was.
If you're stomach is too weak to deal with that sort of thing, I'd say it's in your best interest to steer clear of it. But again, it was merely a suggestion. Do as you like.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
I'm not forcing my view down peoples throat, Connor. Your reaction to my post simply showed me that my point hadn't come across well, and so I merely attempted to explain it.
After all, when I say "colonialism is vile" and the reply to that is; "if we can laugh about dogs getting stuck in the bushes then we can laugh about colonialism," yeah, I feel like some elaboration is in order.
Speaking my mind is not equal to forcing people to agree with me. Never once have I said that you need to agree or else, never have I insulted and ridiculed anyone for disagreeing with me.
Which, to be fair, Connor, is more than I can say for you. Your reply to my post was definitely ridiculing.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
When The Europeans came they started taking away lands from the locals, tried to force them into submission as they'd already succesfully done in other parts of the world. But the Native Americans were the only ones that would rather die than become a slave to these usurpers and fought back tooth and nail.
I'd say I am proud of their resolve, but then the result is that they were massacred to the point of near extinction....
You think it was just for the Europeans to kill the Native Americans for their lands?
Or do you think the Native Americans weren't "using" their lands? Or that they weren't governing themselves? Or perhaps just not governing themselves properly?
Kibbles, I think you need to pick up a few books and start reading.
· Edited 9 years ago
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
Kibbles, dear, do you really believe that the countries taken over during colonisation were free of people and not used and owned?
You should read up on your history. All the countries that were colonised had governing forms. This mean they were both occupied by people and in use.
Take North America as an example. The governing forces were tribes spread out over the lands and they held fluid to ridig borders in it.
There was no king, president or emperor, but that doesn't take away from the fact that people there were organised and self-governing.
Certain lands belonged to certain tribes. Rules and laws were differennt in each tribe and they had a way to educate themselves in that which was important to their way of living.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
And yes, ofcourse you're well in your right to joke about anything you'd like.
But when you make a joke and boast about your (active) part in things like slavery, treatment of jews/gays in WW2 or colonialism, you can't possibly expect every one to just sit back quietly and let you speak highly of something detestable.
Make your joke. Make them as much as you like. But when you celebrate something as inhumane as colonialism you shoulnd't be surprised when someone points out the facts and says that it's a disgusting thing to support or be proud of.
Every empire counts 41 comments
lihea · 9 years ago
What you're missing is that by celebrating colonialism you're dimissing the gruesome events that made it possible.
You're calling it an invasion now, and in my opinion that's the proper term for it.
It's not something to be proud of, it's a sick part of history that I cannot believe people will actually talk about as if it was the height of their power and cultural succes. Colonialism is vile. Period.
I have in no way made the Netherlands and its people solely to blame. I haven't done that anywhere. All I did do is use their tactics in the invasion (or colonisation) of Indonesia as an example to show how detestable colonisation truly was. If how colonisation was realised bothers you then I suggest you stay off this topic. This is the reality of colonisation and it's neither pretty nore funny. It's absolutely nothing to be proud of or boast about.