Zodiac: Day 7. For those Greek Mythology fans! 55 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
So much hate for love...
... How? 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
This one still makes me wonder what the hell happened.
Zodiac: Day 7. For those Greek Mythology fans! 55 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Aphrodite wasn't the godess of beauty, eventhough she was incredibly beautiful. She was the Godess of love and fertility.
My advice for you in 2016! 5 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I think it's not meant to be taken that literally. I'm assuming they mean pay attention to those people around you who are not happy for you when something good happens to you.
My advice for you in 2016! 5 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
The best advise I could have given my 16 yr old self.
A young Ian McKellen 13 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
This picture should be filed under "The most British things ever."
A protecting father 16 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I still haven't seen the movie! I just looked at that scene on youtube.
A protecting father 16 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I checked out the scene on youtube, but she's talking bout German, in which father means "Vater". It's a hard T. And it's a little more of a stretch because there are 2 clear differences in pronounciation.
In Dutch it is literally the same word. Not something similar, just exactly the same. And in pronounciation there's only 1 difference.
Sorry. I just had to make the distinction.
A protecting father 16 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I can't believe one of my childhood memories has somehow made it into a joke in a movie! I have to go watch this movie now, if for no other reason than that.
A protecting father 16 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Lol, I've never seen pitch perfect. I never thought that a Dutch/English wordplay would make it into a movie though. They connect it to Star Wars as well?
12 Variety Slices of Cheesecake 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
All for me. Thank you!
A protecting father 16 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
In Dutch 'Vader" means father. Therefor when I was a kid, I didn't understand why it was such a surprise he was Luke's father. The name indicated he was someone's father after all..
Going through this right now. Any ideas on how to get over it? 15 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
That's the only I've found to get over it. But be warned: it's like fragmenting your heart into horcruxes without the lovely bonus of immortality.
That mysterious smile 13 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Wow! Where'd you find childhood pictures of Dexter?!
Hey look, we found Bambi's mother 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
You look very elegant, deer.
Superglue 2 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Illuminati confirmed.
What the hell is she wearing 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
You know who this reminds me off? Classi from the recent South Park episodes....
Female human with heterochromia iridum (or different colored eyes) 30 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
You know, I thought for sure that someone would post a comment about poking it with a stick. I'm impressed. No one took the bait.
What the hell is she wearing 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
I think... I think the yellow must be attached to her boots or something. There's no fabric between the yellow and her hips!
Just.. What?! Is?! That?!
There needs to be a movie about this 10 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
In the old zombie movies there's often a debate on whether or not to kill the zombies. Because in the earlier zombie movies there is discussion on whether zombies can be cured or not. If there is a possibiliy for a cure, then isn't killing them wrong?
Especially in cases where zombies are not lethally injured but simply turn into a zombie by a single bite, this is a question that should be taken into consideration before killing them.
Female human with heterochromia iridum (or different colored eyes) 30 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
When you say "female human" I can only imagine this being part of some weird alien version of The Crocodile Hunter.
"Isn't she a beaut! And so rare!"
54 · Edited 8 years ago
*cough* Loki *cough* 14 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
# 9 is the worst... Although # 1 sux, too. No pun intended and I probably should change it but screw it...
RELIGION FIGHT 12 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
A little flat for my tastes, but his legs are nice. It's a shame it's all negated by the biting. Really? Who over the age of 10 bites in a fight?
Well, apart from Tyson... and what was that soccerplayer's name again?
RELIGION FIGHT 12 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Yep, it's Ganesh. He's associated with succes, knowledge and removing obstacles.
My money is on Ganesh. He has tusks, 4 arms and mice to fight with. Oh, let's not forget he alos ha a trunk which pretty much can serve as a 5th arm.
Harry Potter Comp 2 8 comments
lihea · 8 years ago
Snape's patronus has the shape of a doe. The same as Lily's. The implication here is that Snape's most positive feelings and that which he has the deepest affections for is Lily. The patronus in that sense is like a window into the soul. You cannot exaggerate it or falsify it. This patronus was the most honest and telling answer Snape could have given.
Dumbledore then asks Snape,
" After all this time?"
"Always," said Snape.