She's been posting crap for a while... I lost it 19 comments
· 9 years ago
This actually sounds more like biolar disorder. Schizophrenia is seeing/hearing things, living in your own mental world. Talking to yourself. Difficulty to interpret surroundings, among others things. Bi-polar is more the inability to control emotions that can go from one extreme to another.
Co-workers. Gotta love 'em 10 comments
Cute illustrations remind us why pregnant women deserve our seats more than we do 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Awkward moment when you think the bottom picture is a dildo with a handle.
Struggles of being a student 15 comments
white people diet 19 comments
Or the women who drinks gasoline 26 comments
How many likes for potato 79 comments
Rekt 33 comments
Not a problem for guys looking 44 comments
Starter pack comp 12 comments
Starter pack comp 12 comments
· 10 years ago
$40 a week selling kush AND somehow have enough to buy a Gucci hat? Count me in!
Thought this was worth sharing 15 comments
That's A Nice Gesture 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Repost but I don't even care. Such a good one that shows there are awesome people in the world :)
Educating for the real world 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Absolutely! Resources help all the time and can be a great way to continue learning. It's a two way street, there will be things you need to remember and things that can be better tested with resources on hand. A good professor will know the difference.
Educating for the real world 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Depending on what is being studied, maybe. A surgeon operating on a patient and something suddenly goes wrong? He can't save their life because of that one test where he had open notes, and doesn't have time to look at resources. Also teaches you to be quick on your feet and prepared for more situations.