

— Lucky11 Report User
They got a point. 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Took me a while but I finally found it this was posted 44 weeks ago. 20 minutes is actually incredibly fast given the average speed people read. The math is all in my comment on the first post.
Perfect. 5/7 for sure 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Ahh shit here we go again 7 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
So a police force in that they police the grounds of the church not a Police force in that they enforce the laws of State and Country and have their authority granted to them by said State/country. Specifically they would be able to remove intruders and prevent trespass aka exactly what security guards do. I can see this law getting annulled in the future for violating the Constitution. This is specifically what they were talking about when they mentioned the separation of church and state. The whole point was so that religious institutions wouldn't be able to legally enforce and punish people who may have broken a religious law but not a secular law. Of course the flip side is true too. That the secular government can't punish people of a religion, as long as they don't violate secular law, simply because of their religion.
That's a fantastic movie 15 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Could have sworn this was the 3 Musketeers.
This prosthetic leg made from titanium 6 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Well, it's not titanium yet. This is just the model printed from Polyamide 12 but the plans do call for titanium. Here's the article: It's a pretty involved process but since most of the work is in setting up that process it would mean vastly quicker turn arounds for patients.
It really is 16 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
If I assume this meant going to the movie theatre to watch a movie alone I was 24. If this just means any movie you watch anywhere then 6 or 7.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
This water leaking between the wall and paint 5 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
It looks like modern art.
Boobs, try flashing once 14 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Too, look, spook, took, fool, spool, wool, drool, moot, boot, coot, soon, moon, loon, boon, noon, door, brood, mood, broom, loom, room. That's all I can think of offhand and I'm sure there's more.
51 memes are all there is now 17 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Well there will be questions but it would be nothing like what would happen if it was the police who fired the shot.
51 memes are all there is now 17 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I know that this is for the most part a big joke for people but I really hope no one actually tries to do this. Unlike the police, excessive force is where the military starts not what happens if you keep pushing. If you're stupid enough to try and force your way in you will get shot. Obviously the soldiers would really prefer not to shoot you but punching you in the face or hitting you with the butt of their rifles is a perfectly legitimate response.
View from the surface of a comet 8 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
This video is awesome and also terrifying. As someone who grew up watching scifi shows and reading books about space travel I most often didn't realize just how vast and empty space is. This though is a blatant visual reminder of just how wondrous and deadly space truly is.
3edgy5me 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
.gnorw er'uoy yas d'I
My problem in the 90s 5 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I went through of few of those but I also had a tape player prior to that. Could always tell when the batteries were getting low cause the music start getting deeper and deeper. Finally solved all the problems when I got a mini disc player instead. You had to be able to burn your own music but it played mp3s and you could put 2-3 albums on a mini disc.
Real hero 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
He was in Forest Gump? Didn't know that since I've never watched it. I do recognize him from CSI: New York though.
Had to do it 6 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Had to learn a manual first. Then I was allowed to an automatic.
Hashtag roasted 8 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Hashtag no tv, computer, phone, and a bedtime of 7pm.
Security stops gunman walking into a club 19 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
This is exactly what security is for.
What would you do? 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Well played, Wal-Mart 1 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Took me longer than it should have to get it.
Ehh?!? 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
This is hilarious. As an American if it was reversed I would still find it funny. Just imaging the look on peoples faces.
My favorite things 13 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I think it's treason only until you win. The "attempting" part in the definition would mean it's only during the attempt. After you win you're no longer attempting to overthrow anything because you're now the government or sovereign.
The flag has autism 11 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
But Kickball is generally played like Baseball with plates, strikes, etc...
20ish years later 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I rather enjoyed watch all three of the middle ones.
This is how anti vax stuff started I think 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Of course all this hinges on equipment working correctly and technicians and doctors being informed when things either are wrong, going wrong, or fixed. I once had a technician blast my broken foot and turn the xray sheet completely black. No one told them that they had fixed the machine so you no longer needed to set it so high to get results. This of course meant they had to do another just so I had a usable xray result.
RAW POWER 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Nothing like throwing cake everywhere.