

— Lucky11 Report User
What are your thoughts? 73 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Of course this could explain why there are no time travelers. Traveling through time may have been figured out but the space travel bit may have been lacking. Nothing like getting ambitious and traveling 500 years in the past only to find yourself a lightyear away from earth. Of course this whole concept isn't new. T.A.R.D.I.S. There were a couple of episodes where they ended up in the right time but wrong space.
The future is now 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Sure it sounds cool, but most people couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
When you spend too much time on writing a comment then you realize you don't want 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
When you spend too much time on writing a comment then you realize you don’t want to argue with stupid people so you just delete it. reddit . com/r/FunGags/comments/dfferd/when_you_spend_too_much_time_on_writing_a_comment/
*Intensifies* 8 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I never understood this. Wikipedia requires sources for everything. When a page is finally vetted only sourced material is accepted. Granted anyone can edit a page but the sources down at the bottom? No one is going to edit those and they're so handy. They let you where exactly where to look for more and if you decide to use it the source is all laid out for you. If you're really lazy instead of using the Wikipedia page you can just use the already laid out source at the bottom of the article.
Shoes mark the spot 11 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
This was a horrible thing that happened and I understand the importance of remembering the past but I can't help but wonder how many people have tripped over these and fallen in because they weren't paying attention tor their feet.
Bruh moment 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Why is this news? When I was a kid this kind of thing was normal and I'm not even that old. There was at least one kid in every class that had jumped off the roof with an umbrella or a towel or a sheet to act as a parachute.
...And the *Indians* moved to Oklahoma, where they lived happily ever after 14 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Well they did. They also teach how we cheated the locals out of land because the concept of owning land was foreign to most of them. Also the Trail of Tears and the events that preceded and followed were all covered. There's alot of things wrong with the US education system but this example is not one of them.
Dr. Seuss 10 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Dr. Seuss the man who cheated on his wife while she had cancer and when his wife killed herself after finding out about the affair, married his mistress.
· Edited 5 years ago
Every company 1 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Why is this getting reposted so often?
What the British did to the world in a single cabinet 7 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
So I'm not an expert and I can't tell a whole lot from just these pictures but I have spent quite a bit of time around the buying and selling of vintage and antique furniture. What this person did is a travesty and probably devalued the piece %80-%90. Now it could just be a junk piece and they did pick it up off the curb so it may have been cheap junk to start with so they haven't lost much but I'm glad that's not in my house. It wasn't pretty before but it was interesting now it's just ugly.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
What kind of Panda ? 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I want off this ride 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Trend implies it's popular. This is decidedly not popular. In fact if you offered me a $1000 to find someone who did this on their own accord I would probably fail abysmally.
Funny how that works 5 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Three things. First, the fires in the Amazon while exacerbated by farmers (mostly) are not really that bad this year compared to previous years. Just a little research will tell you this. So where were all your prayers in 2002-2005, and 2007 which all had a greater number of fires. Second, the Amazon is most decidedly not the "lungs" of the planet. Only around %28 percent of our oxygen comes from the rain forests (cumulative). %70 comes from marine vegetation mostly phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton. Third, what exactly do you think those billionaires can do when the governments are refusing their money and tacitly condoning the fire starters.
Do we have any Florida men/women here? 1 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Yeah it's not Floridians that do this. It's people from out of state moving in that decide "hey this is where I should have a house." Besides there are plenty of ways to build a house in a flood area that will keep it from flooding. If you're ever driving down a street and suddenly a house is up on hill then the area probably floods and that is where a Floridian would put their house.
How alcohol affects professionals 2 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Maybe it's just me but the Managers' line is going up slowly but it's not parallel to the Alcohol line.
Thats because he was running away from the cops! 1 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
So not quite. He is the record holder but it's not for under 2hrs. His record is 2:01:39. His recent run in Vienna was under 2hrs at 1:59:40 but it doesn't count as an official record because standard competition rules for pacing and fluids weren’t followed making it ineligible for official records. Still it's a race 26.2 miles long and that's ^ freaking fast I don't care whether it's official or not. What's really interesting is for the Men's World Record holders the top 24 are all from Kenya or Ethiopia. en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Marathon
Work smarter, not harder 1 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
You need to replace that string with a cord of rope. Doesn't have to big and you can buy it real cheap if you only buy 50ft worth. Also a chef's knife would be better it's more pointy shaped. Next time you have steak stab it or rub it a few times with the knife before you cook it. Let it dry and it will look like you've used it for more nefarious purposes.
· Edited 5 years ago
It's over. It's done 10 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
His name 42_words. Guess how long his post is? 42 words. Love these type of things.
Let the gaters gate, IMO 10 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
This is because barring injury or disease they don't stop growing. As long as they have a food source they can keep getting bigger and bigger hunting larger and larger prey. Eventually humans become a target and let's face it many of us are pretty stupid when it comes to nature so we don't look out for things like the giant gator hunting us.
While the EU worries about plastic straws 9 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Nothing like spending two hours outside picking up all the trash around and in front of my store just to have a customer throw their butt down onto the sidewalk 2 feet from the door.
F**k censorship of inventions 3 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
As I understand it this is another case of media sensation. The serum targets a very specific strain of brain cancer and is useless for all the others. It's still an incredible discovery and may lead to more but it's not the panacea the reporter is leading you to believe.
Improvise adapt overcome 6 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Hmm on the surface it's seems pretty straight forward but any thought into this would rip apart the whole idea. This may work if you have plenty of public transport and have generalized areas for both work and housing/recreation. But at least in the US most cities have very little to no public transport. Commutes in our rather large rural areas can exceed an hour each way. No city in their right mind would allow a bus to travel 20 plus miles to pick up or drop off a single person let alone the 60 to 80 some people travel. You'd have to have separate transport just to get to a place where the public transport starts. At that point you might as well just keep using your own car. But hey don't take my word for it. Public schools barely meet their needs for kids who have to take the bus and the school levels start/finish at different times so buses can overlap schools. A single school has barely a fraction of the total population of an area. So sure lets just all dump our cars.
I knew it! 5 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
Only the Sith and the rest of the universe deal in absolutes but apparently some people don't have to and get to do things like ignore gravity.
The Icelandic Postal Service does good work 4 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
I remember years back when this was first posted someone commented that drawing maps is not uncommon because of the terrain and dirt roads makes it difficult to find places. It's considered a genuine method to use for the post office to make sure your mail gets where it needs to go.
The worst Is that you can see its in perfection 12 comments
lucky11 · 5 years ago
If that is exactly 89° then that's pretty sweet. I think it would be way harder to draw that than 90°.