Diy batsignal 2 comments
· 5 years ago
You have to add a tube that funnels the light and then put the bat at the end of the tube. Or just use a different light like a flashlight.
Holup 9 comments
· 5 years ago
So this has been covered many times on here, but we'll go again. Satan has zero control in hell. Satan doesn't torture anyone. Hell was created to punish Satan and his angels. Satan knows he's already lost and until he gets thrown into to hell as punishment for his sin he's going to try and drag as many down with him as he can. I'm not sure when people started believing Satan was torturing people in hell but it's probably a mixture of religions combining things like Hades the god of the Underworld and other pseudo good/bad gods that play a role in various religions afterlives.
The worlds first heartless (literally) human. Craig Lewis has an artificial pump that 5 comments
· 5 years ago
While I can appreciate that not everyone may have heard about this, this is old news. This happened in 2011 and several people now live without a pulse.
Found a fairy ring! 8 comments
· 5 years ago
It's really stacked against you though. Just about everything has magic to some degree. Most of it illusory. That doesn't make it any less dangerous as the illusion can and will kill you just as if it was real. It's only if you can see through it that it becomes benign and that's a big if. Then there's everything else. Imagine being a really really smart 6 year old and having to fight against fully grown adults. That's not really a good example but it's the closest I can think of right now. If they're not stronger than you they have magic and are probably faster. If they are stronger than you they probably have magic and are faster. Alot of them are way smarter than you, stronger, faster, and have magic. Your ability to handle iron is pretty much your only advantage physically.
Found a fairy ring! 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah I got that. I was just asking what you've heard that makes you think others would think it would be nice?
Found a fairy ring! 8 comments
· 5 years ago
And what Fairy propaganda have you been hearing? Every story I've ever read basically boiled down to three scenarios. You become a personal slave/toy for whatever being finds you. You're killed and possibly eaten. You're constantly in mortal peril having to fight your way out of everything and only if you're a genius of heroic proportions do you succeed but with no guarantee that when you return it's even close to the time you left.
Reality has spoken 11 comments
· 5 years ago
6 cars at 16? I don't think so. They want a car they can get a job and work for it. Plenty of used cars out there that work that are within a highschoolers possible budget. College tuition? We'll talk on a case by case basis but it won't be a free ride.
French people be like 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Hmm. Should try Arabic. Not only is there a gender difference the kind of difference depends on the amount as well. Single, dual, plural. First person, second person (rare), third person, tenses, and that's not even counting the verbs. Here's a simple chart made specifically for English speakers learning Arabic. i.pinimg . com/originals/1c/b1/76/1cb1765f925cf11bf0461455b4d4d23b.jpg
He looks smooth af in it 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Was that a thing? I don't remember that. Something that unimportant I don't I would have listened to anyone who tried to tell me. But the sentiment, that I like. Hey we could have that now we just need to fire all elected officials and place strict term limits on everything.
Edited 5 years ago
The many cultures of America 11 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't think I've ever heard it called that. I mean I've only lived in central Florida for 28 years and mostly in Lake County so maybe it's a very local thing.
Those days were the best 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Never had a snow day. I had exactly 2 days off school due to weather in my pre-college years. They also extended the spring semester by 2 days to make up for them. 2 hurricane days out of 12 years of school and they made us make them up the following semester.
That looks hot 3 comments
· 5 years ago
As it was said the last time this was posted. These cars were near a fire and that is why they melted. If it was the sun it would have been the entire car not just restricted to the rear.
People voted for this guy. 6 comments
Poor orange :( 12 comments
Poor orange :( 12 comments
· 5 years ago
I read that as rhythm and not rhyme and was confused for a bit
Edited 5 years ago
Is this the real life? 5 comments
Your current game controller is a boy or a girl? 7 comments
· 5 years ago
This will forever be the controller for me. theoldschoolgamevault . com/images/virtuemart/product/DSCN4831.jpg
On May 30, the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper ran a full-page editorial imploring Japan to 1 comments
· 5 years ago
On May 30, the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper ran a full-page editorial imploring Japan to reduce plastic and Hosaka reproduced it on a beach. -9(gag)
Edited 5 years ago
I find the lack of resemblance disturbing 8 comments
· 5 years ago
And it was kinda funny the first time it was posted here a few years ago. But just like any joke the more you see or hear the less jovial it becomes. Eventually it just becomes tiresome.
They will never forget harambe 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Well that's just silly. For most of the world the probability of getting hit by falling plane parts is way higher. It happens often enough to have its own acronym in the aviation safety community: TFOA, or Things Falling Off Aircraft.
Read more at airspacemag . com/daily-planet/airplane-droppings-180956153/#XPkwruTvUsvCttug.99 I don't see you watching the skies.
Read more at airspacemag . com/daily-planet/airplane-droppings-180956153/#XPkwruTvUsvCttug.99 I don't see you watching the skies.