

"I wear a bow tie now. Bow ties are cool." - 11th Doctor
matthausgames Report User
There are so many words 3 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
You could always make a bookmarks folder for FS...
Bad luck young Americans 13 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
I'm going to literally turn 18 a month before the election.......
A frequently used phrase on the internet 2 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
"Well I would agree with you, but then we would both be wrong"
Looking after someone else's tortoise 3 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
Either that or parmesan.
What if our money celebrated science instead of Presidents? 16 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
The scientist who first came up with the big bang theory was Catholic.....
Black panthers are my thing 10 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
You know what the best kind of panther is though? Pink.
Would you do it? 28 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
Its a win-win situation.
Starting to feel myself older and older 39 comments
matthausgames · 8 years ago
I used to light them on fire with a magnifying glass.
Would you press it? You can press 1 time 34 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
^ This
Unfortunately surprisingly accurate 80 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
If a negative real number is divided by a positive real number, the quotient is a negative real number whose absolute value is the quotient of the absolute values of the original numbers.
Cat shaming: But some of them look so proud 14 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
While the cat is hilarious he probably won't have much of an impact on the global economy (Or any economy for that matter)
Will West and Will West 8 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
That was the joke, I was just more subtle lol
Will West and Will West 8 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
The one on the left of course.
Leo tonight at the Oscars 11 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
We're exploding right now :D (He just won a few seconds ago!!)
Oblivion and Skyrim 126 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
Ark: Survival Evolved and Fallout 4, not sure exactly how it wold work but it could be amazing.
I just think people should know this man's name 7 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
I've made up a game on FS, I try to guess which asshole guest is which from their comment before clicking to find out, or if they are a "wildcard" (A completely random guest who appears to leave a single hateful/rude/racist comment). And then downvote them to oblivion of course ;)
That's the sort of billionaire I wanna be! 5 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
If I had to guess he was probably paid pretty well though, so there's that at least.
He's getting stronger 17 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
Nope, especially when she is standing next to him
What about us? 9 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
National selection? As in nations need to select vegans or something? If you're going be be an asshole at least check your grammar first....
This was a pretty good short story. Thought I'd share it with all of you. 38 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
This train reminds me of the ones in Metro.
Motivational toast 14 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
The binding of Isaac is based off of the story in the bible, but all of the enemies in the BoI are actually his suicidal thoughts, if you die it is because that specific thought caused Isaac to commit suicide. And there is way more lore if you know where to look. (Google/Reddit if you want to find more)
What a difference 6 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
Emerald was my first pokemon game, I still haven't played the remakes because I'm worried they won't be as great as the original.
Teach your kids to think 39 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
Like I said as Catholics we may accept either worldview, as long as we acknowledge that God created it. Also yes, neither of us can give solid proof of our origins, but in our case we have come to accept that there are many things that we cannot explain, not to promote ignorance but rather, understanding that we couldn't comprehend God fully even if His existence was explained to us in the simplest terms. What we do beleive is that He is indeed infinite, all-knowing, and all-powerful but no, we cannot begin to fully understand it because we are limited and nothing is even comparable for us to understand. To vastly oversimplify it, try to explain to someone a color without referencing any object, and it can't be a color that anyone has ever seen. That is why we must have faith. Once again to each there own, I hope I was able to clarify some of the things we beleive, even if I didn't do it in the best possible way.
Star Wars in 99 Seconds 8 comments
matthausgames · 9 years ago
Guest you know we can just click your name and downvote anything you ever say if you continue to channel your racist hatred onto FS......