Whether you got cut off, dumped, insulted, or betrayed 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Whether you got cut off, dumped, insulted, or betrayed 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Sorry to hear that spiderwoman, the reasons for people not leaving are so hard to understand yet so common in these situations. I have worked with victims of domestic abuse in the community and in refuge and its heart breaking when you put in so much work and they still go back.
Bethorien I don't know if you have gotten that information from lived experience or not, but I have met many vulnerable people (men and woman) who were beaten into subservience, who wouldn't speak out to their partner, who would sometimes not be allowed to speak to them at all without permission. To state that those who acted emotionally find themselves unable to leave is unfair. For many, their whole life has been taken over by another person. Financially
, psychologically, emotionally, physically, socially. They become entrapped and isolated before realising what is happening, then it becomes too late to simply get up and leave. The highest percentage of DV related murders happen when the victim tries to
Bethorien I don't know if you have gotten that information from lived experience or not, but I have met many vulnerable people (men and woman) who were beaten into subservience, who wouldn't speak out to their partner, who would sometimes not be allowed to speak to them at all without permission. To state that those who acted emotionally find themselves unable to leave is unfair. For many, their whole life has been taken over by another person. Financially
, psychologically, emotionally, physically, socially. They become entrapped and isolated before realising what is happening, then it becomes too late to simply get up and leave. The highest percentage of DV related murders happen when the victim tries to
Something nice for a change 14 comments
· 6 years ago
I have paid for more than one thing with a smile.. Patronising af but free is free
Middle Child, the soap edition 5 comments
How I feel 50 comments
For all you out there struggling 6 comments
Things to do after engagement 8 comments
· 6 years ago
It was overwhelming and felt like a giant play house, i ate meatballs, bought a bed and random other things.. It was fun
Things to do after engagement 8 comments
How to get a raise 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Tree nuts.. Are there other kinds of nuts? (.. Wait this question sounds rude..)
A meme for our time 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Please tell this to my university professors who don't give a fuck unless it's referenced
The look on his eyes . 7 comments
Homework be like 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Step one, don't work on the sofa, make your body at least somewhat uncomfortable to motivate you to hurry up
Yes 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Here's the truth, i used to watch this teen titans hentai on a random website (newsground I think?) and now when I see adverts for this I feel weirdly turned on
It will all be okay 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Going to the vet is horrible because you can't explain what's happening :( my dog once let out the loudest squeel/cry which was heard from the waiting room D: it broke my heart.. But she was okay in the end <3