

— Mrdad01 Report User
What the f**k 11 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
You'd be surprised, some 'parents' are complete shit. Sadly the kiddos suffer for it.
What trait of your personality do you fake? 11 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Being happy, or being outgoing.
Grey boi knows his place 14 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
That is a vera good pun.
Take a ride on my feels bus 21 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Nah, her middle brother took a shot gun to one of his vehicles because it broke down (he was putting oil in the gas to make it smoke like a diesel truck) he unloaded 10 shells by the time town police responded and arrested him for reckless use of a firearm. I could tell stories but I already live with nightmares, don't want to curse anybody else with that except for my poor therapist on Monday, she's new as my old one retired after having a stroke.
Take a ride on my feels bus 21 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Who knows, her whole family should be a case study in a mental health journal or maybe a whole volume.
Take a ride on my feels bus 21 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
They had damage to them that I know wasn't there when I parked it, thankfully her knife must have been pitifully dull as it only cut the outer layer of rubber on the side wall.
I'll show myself the door 3 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Plot twist, the kid fit under it.
What even is that, sleep? 7 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Things didn't go well. Got called into work because one of my infantile coworkers stubbed their toe and can't walk.... I've reported to work after having teeth pulled (due to being assaulted during a robbery) with a back injury on top, broken finger, partially amputated finger reattached same day. And this moron calls off cause of sore toe! One of these days I'm going to just have to walk in slam 10 staples into my hand clock in and show them what work really is! I get it, pain is a relative thing a paper cut for one person can need morphine while apparently I can manage to have several cracked ribs and a messed up vertebrae and be in slight discomfort and laugh about it.
Outstanding move 1 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Cool, I hope they are happy.
What even is that, sleep? 7 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
I had a 'day off' today which means I got off work at 7 am, I have been awake and active since 10pm last night, I drove my father to a doctors appointment today, I've done laundry, dishes cleaned my house went grocery shopping, winterized three farm tractors and picked my kid up from school then cooked dinner for me and him. If all goes well bedtime will be 9pm if not 10 pm. Sleep will be three maybe four hours until I wake up with a headache or other sleep disturbance. On top of that I go back to work tomorrow night! Will I sleep tomorrow before work? Who knows depends on how much of the world wants a piece of my ass via cell phone!
Write a statement in the comments, others will try to change your mind. 3, 2, 1, GO! 34 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Well, mean would qualify as getting cussed at because the customer put the wrong pin code into a gas pump at two am, then accused me of fuckery when I was nowhere near my terminal, not that I have some magic 'reject card' button anyhow. Besides you don't last long in retail with a shit personality, the only reason I'm still working where I do is because I'm the only one that will work nights, the others are 'too scared' or 'can't stay awake' or 'have kids' (like I effing don't have a kid or something!)
What even is that, sleep? 7 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
*night shift worker laughs hysterically*
Write a statement in the comments, others will try to change your mind. 3, 2, 1, GO! 34 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Retail workers should be able to charge rude/mean customers extra!
Take a ride on my feels bus 21 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Considering that the case is because of her refusing to pay child support, it's already in my favor, I think it's more of the fact that I have to be in the same room as her that bothers me. As long as I don't come out to slashed car tires like last time I'm happy.
Take a ride on my feels bus 21 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
We're hanging on still. My issues are catching up with me since I have a court date soon against my ex but its not going to be as bad as my anxiety is making it lol.
From the 2019 Halloween Collection #4 1 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
No you just have a stick up your ass you witch!
Money solves all problems 9 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
What few of my problems money wouldn't solve it could pay for medical treatment to solve them.
Lemme just drive 1000 miles to watch your terrible band play 2 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
That's nothing, I get place suggestions for restaurants in Texas, I live right on the border of Maryland and Pennsylvania.
I am this old! Who can remember? 3 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Google bluemaxima flashpoint
You can still play stuff like that
Banana for scale 6 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Wanna bet? If they are dumb enough to send it through facebook messenger or from a cell phone its not difficult to backtrack and get identifiable info, you'd be surprised how many people put a lot of info out there, my facebook for example has incorrect home town and all listed, no visible cell phone or email info the only correct info is my name which technically is a nickname anyhow. I've seen fools dumb enough to tag home addresses and work addresses for crying out loud. Maybe it's because I have a mentally unstable nut out for my blood but I like to be careful.
Banana for scale 6 comments
mrdad01 · 4 years ago
Or you know, you could just keep it in your pants and not leave potential blackmail material all over hell.
Bad things happening to children fan! 3 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
That gif needs sandpaper.
The russian trap! 6 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Probably a mix of being tired and half crazy.
The russian trap! 6 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
My eyes are wide open and I can see her.
My pp hurts just by looking at this 5 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Why the downvote? Its a relevant comment, she has to pay me child support, not that she does.