Your saviour has arrived, and his name is paint.net
The tomb of the unknown soldier is guarded 24-7-365 no matter the weather, as a matter of 18 comments
· 5 years ago
The US Government spent 4.45 trillion dollars last year. I'm going to go far outisde the realm of possibility and assume that all the 630 past and present tomb guards make 100000 dollars a year. That equates to 0.0000141573% of the 2019 budget alone.
It's almost my favorite time of new year 3 comments
Tinder for fighting your local yute 4 comments
The tomb of the unknown soldier is guarded 24-7-365 no matter the weather, as a matter of 18 comments
The tomb of the unknown soldier is guarded 24-7-365 no matter the weather, as a matter of 18 comments
· 5 years ago
The tomb of the unknown soldier is guarded 24-7-365 no matter the weather, as a matter of fact there has been a guard on duty every minute of every hour of every day since July 2, 1937 (TITLE FROM IMGUHR)
Life to the fullest 10 comments
Sadly the truth 10 comments
· 5 years ago
That last part is true by the way, twice now where I live the sky has gone completely yellow from the smoke drifting from Australia
Lets take a closer look 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Yes, this is Donnie's pinned Tweet. No, I don't have any idea what the fuck is going on
Wouldn’t trade it for the world!! 4 comments
Wouldn’t trade it for the world!! 4 comments
Well, he is 5 comments
You shall pass 10 comments
Boy's day out 7 comments
Loyal to the max 2 comments
· 5 years ago
He's so loyal not even his girlfriend can touch him, he wouldn't want to be unfaithful
Zont's Inferno 7 comments
I drive both, but this is funny 10 comments
It's ok to go at your own pace (: 4 comments