
B.Tx L.Ca

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I am unique 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Umm where is his silver leg????
I am beyond knowledge 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
(0.o )
( o.0)
*me who is slowly going colorblind due to poor eyesight and dyslexia*
I ummm I always assumed it was Hot pink
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Yet they still won't go down 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Honestly it made her shut the fuck up lol which I was really glad for because it was around 1am when she decided to have this deep discussion about something she know jack shit about. I honestly almost applaud the man.
Best part was the next stop she demanded to get off but it wasn’t that kind of stop. It was just a minute stop where we stay on the bus and the bus driver just signs a paper hands it to someone and than we leave.
But she INSISTED it was her stop SO he said ok LEAVE!! Lol
She got her shit and left. Than he announced to the bus we was at Blank city and she was supposed to go to Blank city lol totally different place that was not even in the right state.
The German economy also always seem to be booming right before a world war 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Some have been found:
in coffee cans buried in yards
In old coats
Old suitcases or trunks
Some in walls
Some in attics or basements
I heard of one case where a woman found a bunch of diamond necklaces and rings in a stuffed bear that she was told her great uncle shot in Russia
Some even find it hidden in books or kids toys that belong to fallen sons
It honestly will surprise you where people find the stuff.
This is quite sad 10 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Every school I went to as a student and as a sub plus when I would sub for kitchen workers how it worked was this:
The kid got their tray walked to the computer/cash register would say either their name or is number or swipe a card or pay cash or even gave their lunch ticket they got from the home room teacher when they paid in advance.
And that is when the money would be extracted if done by card or account.
Never have I ever heard of a kid being forced to pay even if they don’t get food.
I been to multiple schools in multiple states.
So this is new to me to hear you get forced to pay even if you don’t eat.
Did you maybe get milk or only one item and refuse the rest?
I know some places have charged for a whole meal even though the kids just buy milk.
For our daughter they allowed her to pay just for a spare milk because she never could eat the breakfast due to health so she get 2 milks or a spare juice.
· Edited 3 years ago
World War [iced] Tea 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I hate living in California honestly my poor southern heart is being killed slowly due to lack of southern comforts.
I went to a restaurant and asked for a sweet tea.
I said NO I mean like iced tea with sugar.
-.- at that point I said nvm just bring me a coke. Dr Pepper please.
I got this look 0.o lol
Those who don’t know Texans call all soda coke.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Have a post in 3D! 11 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I think of it cheating seeing as my punishment is sometimes my eyes get stuck.
I been told not to do it mainly because one time my eyes were stuck for almost an hour. Buuuuttttt.... I still do it cause it’s fun to freak people out.
Stop global warming people 6 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My brother told my niece that that was a cloud factory they make clouds.
My eyes!! 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
This was me today helping my kid with her algebra 2 homework when due to dyslexia I was only taught algebra 1/4
Cowboy mysticism is thriving 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I need this on a plank of wood surrounded by a pair is spurs and rope. Maybe a bluebonnet printed on the side of the quote.
'Murica ‿ 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Well doubt it cause this was posted 4 hours ago and that would be 4pm here in California so even at the latest this was posted it be 7pm in an American time zone.
So no that was more of according to a foreign country.
Yet they still won't go down 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Best damn response I ever seen to someone who refused to believe that the Holocaust happen:
The person was a black woman we were on a gray hound bus she was the seat in front of me talking to a man next to her. See she kept going on about how it is all bullshit that Jewish people lied to make it all seem worse than it really was and so on.
Finally after hearing her the guy sitting across the row from me tapped her on the shoulder he says “ O YEAH I heard about that. You know I also heard slavery was bullshit as well yeah it was a conspiracy to have modern black people gain money and sympathy when truth was that the slaves wanted to work for their way to America so being poor they sold their self and their own family members to come to America.”
She of course blew up “WTFUCK DID YOU SAY MOTHER FUCKER!!!...”
Before she could say more he said “Yeah how does it feel? My grandmother was in a camp you DAMN BITCH SHE WATCHED HER OWN MOTHER BE KILLED IN FRONT OF HER SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!”
Have a post in 3D! 11 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I cheat these lmfao I just cross my eyes and I can see it.
The German economy also always seem to be booming right before a world war 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
It’s because during wars people HAD MONEY but restrictions and rations forced a lot to only spend so much. So they would horde it even to this day people find ww2 and ww1 hidden treasure of money gold and/or jewelry.
Once all the restrictions and rations was gone they spent that dough like wild fire.
Imagine starving and having thousands of dollars which in that day was like having a million. But can’t buy any more meat or fruit or eggs.
Having a car and the money to fill it but not aloud to buy any more gas.
Or being told even though you saved for months to give your kids a huge Christmas they can’t have toys made of metal which was common. You couldn’t even buy wooden toys.
It sucked there you are fists full of cash with no way to spend it.
Than war ends and the stores let you buy all the meat you want.
The tin toys is back.
They let you buy all the gas you can afford.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
I want to be like this when I get old 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Looked it up it is fake lmfao don’t know what I was expecting lol
They never come back 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I watch anime to find out if my kid can watch it.
She brings it to me and says can I watch it???
I watch it and decide if for her current age if it is safe.
If it isn’t I tell her when she can or that I have to be there with her.
But not going to lie sometimes I say stuff isn’t safe unless I am there just so she watch the show with me.
Lol she is 14 now and doesn’t want to spend time with “mom or dad” *roll eyes* lol
So *evil grin* I SaY she has to watch them with me lol.
Get off ma lawn! 7 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
They laugh at him
Seriously how disrespectful can people be?
I was raised you don’t walk on peoples lawns even if you need to go to their house YOU DONT WALK ON THEIR LAWN!!
If there is no path way from the sidewalk to the door you walk up the drive way till you reach the path that goes to the door.
I used to yell at other kids when I was a kid. I said did you grow up in a barn have respect!!!
Lol it wouldn’t even be my yard or house I was yelling about.
Unless you know the person and they are ok with you on the lawn or it is your house stay off the lawn!!!
2 · Edited 3 years ago
This is quite sad 10 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
If you don’t want to buy your lunch you could always bring your lunch to school.
It isn’t mandatory to pay.
I grew up our lunches was reduced pay or it was free. Of course back then the lunches were actually decent. And full price was like a dollar.
Now it’s shit and like 3 dollars a plate.
For my kid we packed her school lunch. Mainly due to her health problems.
We live in a area highly populated by Hispanic people. So the school food mainly consists of Hispanic food and spicy food.
My daughter has a health issue where she can not eat anything above the spice level of black pepper. It makes her violently ill. So it was just safer to make her lunches.
· Edited 3 years ago
Ultimate uno reversed card 6 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I know a little of each French, German, Spanish, a bit Hindi.
I also know a few of the different words English speaking countries use.
For example USA says eraser England says rubber that sort of thing.
But I also know a handful of words Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, and a handful of other random words.
I am not fluent enough in any language to have a full discussion on a topic but I k ow enough to get around. Like ask for a bathroom, ask for directions, and such in all those languages. But the top 4 I know the most in. Those I could have at least a small chat in. Like hi how are you kind of chat.
But I can’t write or read any of them. My dyslexia makes it to hard to.
But I never traveled to any country where they don’t speak English so I haven’t needed to learn.
But I hope one day to travel all over so maybe than I will learn.
Anne of Cleves got lucky among his other wives 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
It’s like they say 1 crazy ex damn sorry you had to deal with that.
2 crazy ex damn you sure have bad luck.
3 crazy ex damn you need to rethink how you pick your SOs.
4 crazy ex’s damn you ever think maybe it’s you.
5 crazy ex’s yeah they aren’t Crazy it’s you making them crazy.
Anne of Cleves got lucky among his other wives 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Well first wife word was spread that she slept with her first husband the kings older brother when she was married to him.
At that time king henry 8 looked young and sexy he was practically a rock star.
When he beheaded his second it was spread she broke his heart because she was having a sexual relationship with her own brother.
The third wife died sadly giving birth.
By wife number 4 Anne of cleves he was no longer the handsome young man he was before. He was injured severely one day and due to it had trouble working out. It was after that he began to gain weight.
His 5th wife a young beautiful girl was just to much for him. She cheated on him and he beheaded her and her lover.
The last one knew of all the ex wife’s he had and still married him. She stayed with him. Maybe due to his poor health and old age did she survive the marriage.
But you see every wife he had he blamed the problems on them. She cheated she lied she was the blame not me.
Anne of Cleves got lucky among his other wives 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Ok see king Henry the viii was due to meet Anne of cleves as a potential wife number 4.
He had no idea what she looked like so he sent his best artist to paint a portrait of her and bring it to him.
When the artist found out how “ugly” she looked it scared him to paint how she truly looked. The king was known for sending people to get their head chopped off for just being annoying. So the artist painted her to look beautifully.
He showed the king the painting. And BASED ONLY OFF THAT PAINTING (and because her family was rich and shit) he started the steps to marry her.
It wasn’t till their wedding did he get to see her face to face. By than it was to late and he had to marry her.
That is why her art work makes her look pretty. As far as I know there is no true art work of her. So we don’t know what she truly looked like. But she had to be awful for him to demand to get divorced due to her looks.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
Anne of Cleves got lucky among his other wives 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
The painting was a lie she looked worse than the painting.
The artist was afraid the king would cut his head off if he showed what she truly looked like so he made her pretty.
That is why she looks so good.
Those guys are so cool 39 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Honestly that is a dyslexic nightmare
2 · Edited 3 years ago
This has never happened to me brehs but I hope it does 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Sorry I proved you wrong and you got butt hurt who ever down voted me.
But it’s the truth. Laws are made to punish people not stop people.
It’s like Locks are not made to stop criminals it is to stop people from becoming criminals.
A criminal sees a lock and sees a challenge. If they really want what you have they will get it. Or try their best to get it.
A normal person sees a lock and goes OH they don’t want people in there. And stays out.
· Edited 3 years ago