Eveytime 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Nerd culture is mainstream now. You’re not special and no one is saying this
A morphine bottle from about 1880 8 comments
Damn right we did 7 comments
Title 7 comments
· 6 years ago
I didn’t know what they were because they’re in black and white, not to scale, and because there’s more to tree identification than just leaves (bark, scent, tree size, etc.). Also, if you can’t identify a tree with certainty when you’re teaching a class, you never guess. Don’t throw out a guess because you THINK you’re right. You should KNOW that the info you’re teaching is 100% true. It’s better to say “I don’t know, but I’m going to find it out” than it is to say “I think it’s this but I’m not sure and I just want to sound smart”. that’s just risky bullshitting.
Title 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Bruh I spent 5 years teaching tree identification. I have no clue what any of those leaves are lmao
He saved everyone but couldn't save himself 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah people change, but if they never acknowledge their mistakes or try to cover it up, than there’s no way to tell that they’ve improved. This specific example is dumb as hell, but in general people gotta be held accountable to their past mistakes no matter how long ago it was.
Shrek 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Also Lord Farquaad was apparently a parody of a studio executive that the people working on the movie hated
So in 2018, some snowflakes are trying to ruin this... 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes, but we gotta put old outdated media in the context of “this was ok then, it’s not ok now”. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out that the show has flaws. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying said flawed show. But if you watch it without acknowledging that some parts of it are not ok by modern standards, people are gonna think that that stuff is ok today.
So in 2018, some snowflakes are trying to ruin this... 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh no. How dare they. A modern perspective has has shown that people were shitty 25 years ago? Oh the humanity, how could someone ruin the show that we all hold so dear. That’s it. The internet’s cancelled.
Gray fox 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Here’s that cosplayer’s insta if anyone was curious
Here’s that cosplayer’s insta if anyone was curious
Cookies 8 comments
· 7 years ago
There’s one on my campus. Putting the best damn cookies in the city so close to broke college students should be a crime but oh well
Flame on! 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I know that lighting yourself on fire is probably considered bad for your health, but here it looks fun as hell and I wanna try
Spherical 17 comments
They have gone full retard 15 comments
· 9 years ago
The reasoning behind this is that the standard temperature was set for an average weight man wearing a business suit, sometimes making it too cold for women in an office. It's an outdated standard.
Yes that's a tent 11 comments
· 9 years ago
I was at a scouting jamboree in England and there was a troop from Germany that had one of these. They just bring these big squares of canvas and a bunch of pikes and then are able to design a tent however they want to. They're pretty cool
I have to admit, that made me smile 7 comments