

pew pew

— 47ChromeAKs Report User
theyll take us over... eventually... 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
To assert dominance
In Attenborough's voice .. 9 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I’ve been mating you this whole time. Look behind you
In Attenborough's voice .. 9 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
11 males would like to mate with you @karlboll
Also there's pop-up ads 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
git gud scrub. Do you not have the ‘my dad is rich buff’
4 · Edited 2 years ago
Also chiropractics 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
They don’t know that the oils don’t work without lavender extract
:0 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
*whispers in sharks ear*
No one will ever believe you
Quack! 1 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Fill it with rage
Homeless squirrel 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Shouldn’t have put all his acorns in bitcoin
Spending the night in the woods. 8 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
No thanks. I just ate
Day 23 after first dose: margaritas at 9am sounds like a plan 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
You don’t want to know how many answers that question has. Let’s just say that Florida man and the Chinese government are very interested in the dynamics of the the water flowing around here
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Truly 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Always be liftin
Day 23 after first dose: margaritas at 9am sounds like a plan 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
PSA. Do not spray on mosquitoes!
I'm supporting the current thing 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Ease up on the thumb roids
I'm supporting the current thing 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Your thumbs must have chiseled abs after all that text
Zzzz 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I recommend 2 shots of your least favorite drink. You’ll fall asleep still holding the glass
Froggo Fun R #130 - Frog Shop Now Open 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
One rosemary pizza, please. Extra marys
Gulag time 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I’d recommend America Premium. You wouldn’t believe what difference upgrading from the free version makes
Sad lyfe 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I kinda liked Ryan Gosling in the Green Locust movie
Ah, that's how they do it 12 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
They build it at the coast, turn it on and it swims out to sea like a baby turtle
Lights out in my ass 14 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Subtotem in my ass
Happy Mother's Day y'all 8 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I forgot the email password. Try yours
Happy Mother's Day y'all 8 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
“Why is this Pepe frog unhappy?”
What day is it? 1 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
What a Strange Quote 6 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
When Han Solo took the Millennium Falcon to Cloud City, he found that Lando Carlrissian had turned control of the station over to Darth Vader. Lando had forgotten who he was, it was only after Han was encased in Carbonite and taken by Boba Fett to Jabba’s Palace that he was able to see the error of his ways.
Is this a spoiler? Is it random nonsense?
The Greek hero Bionicles 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I’ll take you back