

nerdygirlforev Report User
Good Guy PewDiePie 18 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Ok, but, your username is fabulous!!
Seriously, whose idea was it to end this show? 15 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
It didn't, it's just sometimes hard to find when they're on because the show is overlooked compared to others
Seriously, whose idea was it to end this show? 15 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
The new one is still pretty good, it has at least two of these guys as mains and the others sometimes come on as guests
Now thats a Traffic Jam 3 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Your pun... It's crippling
Happened to me some time ago 8 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
I... Would probs watch that...
this made me laugh so hard i can't even 16 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
But imagine them all running at the same time. A fight breaks out between Hilary and Trump. Sanders bypasses and wins.
As a Brit, I can confirm this is how we're spotted 32 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
When I heard Bernie is out and it's either Trump or Hillary 24 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure he's meeting with the pres. today. People are saying he's out, but it's still his decision.
There needs to be a judgemental seal meme 4 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Now we just need a failed face swap...
What do you do for fun? 3 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Just went to the dentist today... Not. Fun. I wish they did this because it would be sooo much better!
Who else is on FS instead of studying? *raised hand* 9 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
*throws arms in the arm* Summer course... Meh... But I just did 6% so bleh!
Accurate 4 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
It's goes from: Why did you even- You idiot! to Ugh, you're using the cliches, stop! to Oh my god! I can't believe you just used the wrong their, they're, there, your, you're, and to, too, ugh! Nooooo!
So, what does THIS mean? 32 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Go home mother nature, you're drunk!
1 · Edited 8 years ago
any P!ATD fans?! 21 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
My parents took me to TATINOF and I'm going to be going to a comicon thing, but it seems like they regret every decision EVER because of the fangirls... Yay... But I want to see them!
goodnight 5 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Hopefully therapy doesn't cost too much... jk, jk
Must go here someday 14 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Watkins Glen. A truly beautiful park! I went last summer, and it was beautiful!! Though, when I went, the waters were at a different level, so the waterfalls were more... Raging? There are tons of steps and different paths, but the waterfall pictured has got to have been my favorite. If you ever decide to go, I must warn you about Jacob's Ladder if you don't like stairs; it's a huge staircase that goes up the hill and it actually has benches at different levels. The amount of tourists is crazy, but if you go ahead or fall behind a group, it'll be kinda serine.
Born and raised in Ohio, can confirm 5 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
I kinda doubt there's anywhere that's considered great because there are always problems, but we just live life, and keep being mentioned in movies...
My experience as an employer 53 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Ok, I just kinda have to thank everyone giving advice, and discussing everything and whatnot. They might not exactly get to see this, but really, thank you! I am currently employed, but it was because of a family member connection, and I'm going to be trying for another job, where the people do know me, and know what I do (they even asked me a few times if I'd like to apply), but I still need to do the whole application process, and I have been freaking out a lot, so if anyone else has anymore advice, that'd be great!
Giant hamster 8 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
*hat fic flashbacks* I hope they don't buy a new hamster every month...
· Edited 8 years ago
Well,finals are coming up. Time for all the students to die. *grabs shovel* 4 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
I feel like i may be the one accomplishing things, but I just wanna write and be a blanket burrito
Has science gone too far? 18 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
I'd say it went too far at the bacon ones and the watermelon ones...
Her face came off 5 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Ok, but, like, how much do you have to wear for something like this to happen?? I've worn STAGE MAKEUP (to which you have to coat it on in layers, practically) and yet this has never happened...
If you ever see a girl who looks like his LEAVE HER ALONE 8 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Same, but, like, I want a massage...
I must say, this penguin looks rather dashing! 12 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Yes, of course the only reason I did was because there was a wild game dinner. There was raccoon, alligator, turtle, elk, squirrel, bear, etc...
I must say, this penguin looks rather dashing! 12 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Ok, like, yeah, raccoons are nice pets and all, but have you ever ate one? Like, BBQ pulled raccoon is almost exactly like BBQ pulled pork!