There is only cat. 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Russian blue.
Welcome To Today's World 19 comments
· 10 years ago
As a peewee mom, I would actually think this had more to do with the coach having the team do more practices than allowed, so his team could be the best. We've had problems with this here.
Ew dish water 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I've found a far more creative way of "soaking" dishes without using a sinkful of water. Because that's some nasty stuff.
We all have that one friend 18 comments
· 10 years ago
As someone who was that skinny friend (I'm still thin, but now I have a normal appetite), I ate three large meals a day, plus numerous snacks. It took a lot of food to make me feel full.
The Apple does't fall far from the Tree 1 comments
· 10 years ago
How much money does that kid have? At his age, the most I could afford to buy as a gift was a pack of gum.
Makes sense 19 comments
· 10 years ago
She had a friend stay with her for a few days. And before that she lived with her douchebag boyfriend.
Makes sense 19 comments
· 10 years ago
No, Penny is broke. She has had a money issue in more than one episode. And Sheldon lived in that apartment for years. He hasn't moved because he doesn't like change. Plus, they spend all their money at the comic book store and other geeky stuff.
Intentionally done or not, it's still appreciated 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I worked with a girl who was pretty hot, and she made up a fiancé just to keep the guys away. So, she just might not be that into you.
LIES everywhere! 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Ok, on the juice one...sometimes the first ingredient is water, and the rest is 100% juice. Which, as a mom, I don't mind. I only know this because I also scratched my head on that one before I read the label.
Eminem is immortal 17 comments
This Conspiracy Theory blows my mind 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Damn muggles always trying to come up with ways to rationalize the strange occurrences all around them. If only they knew....
Russell brand vs. The westboro baptist church 20 comments
· 10 years ago
I was once told "true Christians don't question their faith or wonder why they believe what they believe". Ha. The bible should not be taken literally, seeing as much of it is full of stories passed down from ancient civilizations long before the time of Abraham. Either that or massive coincidences and time travel really do exist.
You're too close. Back off 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I wish I lived somewhere where driving on the freeway didn't require constant use of brakes. Must be nice to not always be in traffic.
Someone is finally taking a stand against swag 25 comments
· 10 years ago
As someone who watched every episode, I can say that I think I would remember this. But I'm not saying it didn't happen.
Girls just want to have FUNdamental rights 81 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not sure, to be honest. I have never thought of leggings as a replacement for proper pants.
We're all going to die 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I have met one woman who was. She was terrified of what would happen if they launched a missile at us. I kindly informed her that there would be dozens of bored military personnel who would piss their pants in excitement over the opportunity to finally use their training to shoot the dang thing out of the sky.
Girls just want to have FUNdamental rights 81 comments
· 10 years ago
I can appreciate the sentiment that women shouldn't have to cover up to be out in society. But the fact of the matter is, every culture has their standards of professional/unprofessional attire...for men and women. And while defiant teenage girls and young women have been pushing boundaries from the beginning of time (and with some obvious successes), they should know that micro skirts/shorts and skimpy camisoles just aren't appropriate at work or school. And if these girls want to stand up to The Man, fine. But they should be prepared to accept their forthcoming reprimand.
Minor mistake Marvin 7 comments
So Much Yes (but the same goes the other way too) 22 comments
· 10 years ago
When I was in my bone-thin skinny phase in high school (damn over active metabolism), I had a few guys tell me to my face that they think skinny girls are unattractive, and only date girls with curves. And I wasn't even interested in these guys!
Traffic in LA 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I lived in northern VA for a few years, and this was every day, sometimes all day.
Teachers on the run up to every exam 1 comments
· 10 years ago
I had a physics teacher who once told us that what we learn in class in no way correlates to what is on the tests. We would have to study for them on our own time. I have no clue how I passed that class.
Deadly mom smile 4 comments
· 10 years ago
My kids aren't that lucky. I just give them a hard stare directly in their eyes and gently shake my head. I've mastered "The Look", and I'm pleased with the results.
Our food was probably tampered with :/ 7 comments
· 10 years ago
My mom is the "complicated order" person. She once made a server cry. My mom is super nice and respectful, but she knows what she wants and expects to get what she pays for. I always just want to crawl under the table. I'm sure they spit in our food.
3rd world countries be like 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Or, maybe...just maybe...it has something to do with pharmaceutical companies not wanting to invest where they will most likely not see a monetary gain.