When someone is overly polite and holding a door open for me 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't think it's overly polite to hold a door open, just decent manners. I always check behind me when I leave or enter a room.
Popular opinion Rollins 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't bother looking at Australia...our Uni's charge almost 3 times more for foreign students, and our government has just allowed universities to charge whatever they want for courses...so everything is about to go up. I think a lot of Aussie parents will be thinking the same thing as you!
Everyone talking about Kim's ass and the comet but, not about this. 83 comments
· 10 years ago
Well done sadtruth, you have shown great ability to type words into google. I can also do the same thing. Yay me. I have previously mentioned that I don't know why you are focusing on the pay gap thing, that is not all that matters.
Is that the only thing you could find a supporting argument for? How about 1 in 4 women will be raped in their lifetime, and the stats are way worse for third world countries (in some, they have a 50/50 chance they will be aped, and more than once). But then you have shown you only seem to care about how the US 'has equality' already because the 'pay gap doesn't exist anymore', so that probably won't matter to you either.
Is that the only thing you could find a supporting argument for? How about 1 in 4 women will be raped in their lifetime, and the stats are way worse for third world countries (in some, they have a 50/50 chance they will be aped, and more than once). But then you have shown you only seem to care about how the US 'has equality' already because the 'pay gap doesn't exist anymore', so that probably won't matter to you either.
Everyone talking about Kim's ass and the comet but, not about this. 83 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not feminism though. The shirt is just that, a freaking shirt. Feminists get labelled with this shit all the time, when really it's just a bunch of extreme men haters looking for a reason to bitch. True feminism has fuck all to do with the hate over this guys sexy lady shirt. They may call themselves that, but most of us women think they are being ridiculous.
Everyone talking about Kim's ass and the comet but, not about this. 83 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah, but I worked there for about 8 months already when the guy got (as previously mentioned) the exact same job, he had the same skill set and qualifications as me and he still got $8,000 more a year. It existed 5-10 years ago...and it still does. It doesn't affect you so you obviously don't care.
And that's the only thing you decided to discuss? Cause that's all that feminism is working towards hey? Educate yourself boy!
And that's the only thing you decided to discuss? Cause that's all that feminism is working towards hey? Educate yourself boy!
It's funny cos it's true 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Australia too. Our prime ministers daughter was awarded a $60,000 scholarship by dodgy means (and a couple years later he's in office and is letting Uni's raise fees by whatever they want..) and a girl accessed the information with a supervisors log-in so it could be published and now she is facing jail/massive fine. They (government) just do whatever they want and when us little people fight back they try to make an example of us. Well, I say fuck that! Bastards!
Everyone talking about Kim's ass and the comet but, not about this. 83 comments
· 10 years ago
sadtruth I have noticed you commenting these types of things on a few of these posts, and I really don't know why you believe what you do. Until you have walked in woman's shoes and see what we have to deal with, how dare you say we have it equal and don't need feminism.
Everyone talking about Kim's ass and the comet but, not about this. 83 comments
· 10 years ago
So when I apply for a job and get offered $8,000 less than the guy that applied for the exact same position a couple months later (same skill set, same qualification, same position) that's equality?
I'm not sure what rose coloured glasses you see the world in, and I'm just gonna go right ahead and assume you're a man here, but equality does not exist even in 1st world countries. And even if it did, equality is not real until all women in all countries can walk down a street alone without being raped (and get blamed for walking alone), or suffer domestic violence, or be spoken down to on a daily basis about what they are wearing. Fuck off that feminism is not needed. Maybe research a little. I hope you have daughters (and that you're not a shit father and they actually share their feelings with you) and they can tell you how the boys at school make nasty comments about her body until she cried, how she was followed by a boy and had to run to save herself.
I'm not sure what rose coloured glasses you see the world in, and I'm just gonna go right ahead and assume you're a man here, but equality does not exist even in 1st world countries. And even if it did, equality is not real until all women in all countries can walk down a street alone without being raped (and get blamed for walking alone), or suffer domestic violence, or be spoken down to on a daily basis about what they are wearing. Fuck off that feminism is not needed. Maybe research a little. I hope you have daughters (and that you're not a shit father and they actually share their feelings with you) and they can tell you how the boys at school make nasty comments about her body until she cried, how she was followed by a boy and had to run to save herself.
Nailed it 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Why do guys think that after liking something like that (which is just funny) they have to point out they didn't do it because they're gay. It's the 'no homo' shit all over again. You can be a dude and laugh at a pic without having to justify that you're not gay for doing it. Fucking hell...
In history class 12 comments
Looks about rigth 84 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah the statistics are HIGHER as some women are too afraid to actually report what has happened to them. Because our society has been able to convince women it is their fault, for drinking too much, for wearing 'inappropriate' clothing, for upsetting the man and making him aggresive. Women who ruin men's lives with lies/manipulation/generally being a bitch are repulsive excuses as human beings...but this does not lessen the fact that women are still second class citizens in many parts of the world.
Looks about rigth 84 comments
· 10 years ago
I understand that there are some women who do behave like that, but did you also know that 1 in 4 women will be a victim of sexual assault, or the fact that up to 40% of women will suffer domestic violence. Where's the gender equality there?! You cry poor men, when we live in a world where women still earn less, are still treated with little respect, and have far less rights.
In case you had lost faith in humanity 4 comments
#justaustralianthings 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't think anyone is! I heard this great analogy from a friend 'just because you don't like avocados, it doesn't mean you don't have to eat shit' but unfortunately I think that is basically why I think he got voted in.
#justaustralianthings 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I know that not every religious person believes the same things as he does, each person interprets it differently...but in this situation religion (or at least his understanding of it) is at fault. What he has been raised to believe influences the decisions he makes for the 20+ million people that live in our beautiful country.
#justaustralianthings 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Do you think it is right for the government to cut funding for universities (all the while securing his daughter a $60,000 scholarship - great timing) yet somehow he is able to pull $250 million out of his ass to implement a school chaplains program? I understand that counsellors etc are very useful in schools (especially for kids such as yourself who have spoken about problems with eating disorders openly on this site previously) but the fact that the funding he has found goes to fund something with a religious background? Or perhaps that he won't even comment about gay marriage anymore (have you heard him being grilled by the Newtown High school students..after being asked about gay marriage he says 'let's have a blokes question') all this despite having a lesbian sister!!! He is not doing what is right for the Australian people because of his religious background, therefore his religion has EVERYTHING to do with it.
#justaustralianthings 10 comments
· 10 years ago
This is a bit old, she's not even prime minister anymore. She's been replaced by that religious nutjob.
I'm offensive and I find this fat 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh I enjoyed that, from beginning to end! 'Her calves are crying' haha!
Edited 10 years ago
No one agrees.. Unless you ask any country that's not America 29 comments
· 10 years ago
That is all I would want, nothing more, but we don't get it. And going out is more expensive in WA (cause of the mining apparently we all have bulk money..not true). It is so hard to find good service. Although the guy we had great service from we gave a $50 tip, so I suppose the good make up for the bad!
No one agrees.. Unless you ask any country that's not America 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Agreed. Even if it's fake at least they are acknowledging you, they have to do their job. I know girls who make amazing tips, like double/triple their work mates cause they actually try. Makes all the difference.