

“I am exactly what they say I am
I stand for everything that they can't stand
I can't help it I was born this way
But when I'm gone you'll remember my name”

— Pokethebear Report User
Right upset Sandpiper 5 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Zoltan and Ivan are kind of ugly. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o_l4Ab5FRwM. That’s better music there.
· Edited 6 years ago
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
@ewqua I wasn’t triggered by you. I was just having some fun pushing your buttons. I thought comparing you to 45 would trigger you, looks like it might have.
I do stand by my uniform comment though. While I’m at work certain decorum is expected. If I tell a customer to fuck off i would be reprimanded or terminated. Hell NYS wants to punish you for things you say on social media or your google searches. They’re not even my employer.
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
@guest. Read my example re LEOs and McD’s. That’s the uniform similar to the NFL uniforms. Actions have consequences. This discussion had nothing to do with unlawful orders, you added that, it has to do with activities prohibited by your employer while you are at work.
Right upset Sandpiper 5 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
That’s not “music”
My kind of politics 12 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
It already is a grievous crime in each state. It was (is?) not a federal crime. Not sure it can be (enumerated powers and such), though they regulate many things they shouldn’t. Adding a federal charge is kind of like double secret probation, (Animal House) In NY attempted murder is a felony, attempted murder with a weapon is an additional felony, if your intended victim was an FBI agent there is an additional Federal felony crime committed. At that point what’s the difference, you are looking at three felony charges usually sentenced concurrently. The charges and laws are piled on so legislators and prosecutors can say they are “doing something” or “accomplishing what my opponents couldn’t” or “tough on crime” etc.
Honestly? Who would've known? 2 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Aggressively dried?! I prefer my genitals gently moistened.
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
I like how you resort to mockery to try to dehumanize your political foes. It’s very Trump if you.
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
You cannot don your McDonalds uniform and call the cop on the other side of the counter a “pig” and tell him to fuck off without consequences.
My country of Thailand is doomed everyone 16 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
You should not use FSas a news source. Just like you should not confuse late night comics with journalists. (@matthewg ;)). You should take the story and look it up on the BBC or Reuters or AP for the rest of the info. Memes about current events are not “news” and are almost always made by an activist rather than a journalist, all activists have an agenda. Most US journalists are now activists.
My country of Thailand is doomed everyone 16 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
N95 paper respirators are hardware store items in the US
Now go back in your hole !!! 3 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Salty and bitter
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Other guest was pointing out the exact opposite you dipshit
What an annoying c**t 4 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Ducking attention hounds like this make entire groups of people look like liars and assholes
Survival of the fitness, boys 6 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
He has an uncanny ability to use his mastery of the English language to talk his way out of many unfortunate situations.
Ted Talk - The power of nipples 9 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Was this a late night comic show?
Netflix vs Prime 6 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
They’re both the bargain bin when it comes to movie selection.
title 8 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Shower thoughts 11 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Guest seems to be a bit bigoted
Cameron Diaz, 90s 7 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
She’s pretty and all, but toned legs are my thing. She just looks skinny.
This meme hit a little too close to home 19 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Some people use their home as a base of operations where they spend minimal time while out spending their time and money in the outernet. Don’t judge this guy, he might be out skydiving or marlin fishing right now.
Actually a great idea 9 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Or just so the alien invaders can’t find us at night. I don’t want to be probed
It's Called "Style" 7 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Hope that frog didn’t kiss it’s brother.
Someone had to say it 16 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
The awards go to movies that flop at the box office.
*click* nice 8 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
I was on a killing spree that day.